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The Empty Egg

One afternoon near Easter, in the warm springtime weather
that northern lands enjoy at this time of year, a teacher gave a
large egg to each of her students. She had cracked open and
emptied each one. Then she sent them outside to find signs of
life and put them inside their eggs.
Soon they returned. In one was a
butterfly. In another was an ant.
Others contained flowers, twigs, or
blades of grass. But one egg had
nothing in it.
Everyone knew whose it was—it
belonged to a boy with Down’s syn-
drome. Some of the kids laughed at
him. The teacher asked him why he
had not put any signs of life in his
egg. He said quietly, “Because the
tomb was empty.”
That boy knew a profound
truth.—Easter is more than a cel-
ebration of nature’s springtime life
The women who went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body knew
that He was dead. Some of them had seen Him die. They were
sure His body was in the tomb. But when they looked for it, it
was gone. The tomb was empty!
What had happened? The body had not been stolen. The
Roman guards were not playing tricks on them. The women were
not imagining it. The tomb was empty because Jesus had risen
from the dead.
Yes, Jesus has risen from the dead—a miracle greater than
the return of life in springtime. And most amazing of all, He has
promised resurrection to all who trust in Him!
—David C. Egner

The Promise of
“Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:19).
We need these seven words above J esus Christ burst from the grave
and exploded into my heart.
—Donna Hosford
to help us to endure
The changing world around us
that’s dark and insecure;
To help us view the present
I am far within the mark when
I say that all the armies that
ever marched, and all the navies
as a passing episode,
that ever were built, and all the
A troubled, brief encounter
parliaments that ever sat, all the
on life’s short and troubled road.
kings that ever reigned, put to-
For the fact that life’s eternal
gether have not affected the life
because our Savior died
of man upon this earth as power-
And arose again at Easter
fully as has that one solitary life.
after He was crucified
— James Allan Francis
Makes this uncertain present,
in a world of sin and strife,
Nothing but a steppingstone
to a new and better life!
—Author unknown

R76 GP Easter

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