1 README Mapscripts

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spawntimer script
Here you can find etpro mapscripts I have collected from various sites. Here's a brief description of
what each of the mapscripts alter in the maps:
adlernest.script by DerSaidin
This mapscript fixes a bug where the wall can be shot (and destroyed) by players before the
tan fires at it. This will cause an error when the tan tries to shoot it.
adlernest!b"c.script by mortis
base#$!b%.script by antman
This mapscript adds a new spawn to the supplies hut once the main gate is blown.
battery.script by mortis
Ouroboro found a clipping error&exploit. It can be fixed by this script for a minimal amount of
loss of shooting angle on the corner.
battery!'in#.(ip by Ragnar_40k
braundorf!b'.script by Syd
This script is to prevent )* second allied+dynamite+plant+but+axis wins bug. This script also
prevents you from dying if you fall into the tunnel from at a certain spot.
,ixed truc is now visible on command map.
bulge!beta#.script by peyote
-dds a forward spawn at .ommand /ost for -xis.
by(antine+final.script by peyote
-lters $ windows at -xis gold0 cannot be destroyed. 1et blown away with the door. -lso fixes
map overtime0 the team with more ob2ectives wins or a draw.
.aen.script by mortis
,ixes 31'$ lean 4 use exploit 4 Ragnar's pillar exploit fixes.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
caen$.script by mortis
,ixes 31'$ lean 4 use exploit 4 Ragnar's pillar exploit fixes.
caen$.(ip by Molotov and peyote
-dds a door at final ob2 until -xis have the tan.
castleattac!b*.script by peyote
-llies do get the forward spawn when the tan exits that building0 instead when its at its final
ctf!well.script by ras!
,ixes some brush issues.
Includes the default mapscripts for the stoc maps.
el!ef!final.script by mortis
This mapscript maes a minor correction in the intial autospawn wait0 so that autospawns are
set before players spawn. This in addition to 3aro's spawn bug fix.
;efault etpro mapscripts.
et!beach.script by mortis
,ixes south beach spawns0 double&triple messages0 adds supply buner spawn for allies when
./ is built0 many other minor fixes. ,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
et!beach.(ip by mortis
,ixes south beach spawns0 many other minor fixes. ,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
et!ice.script by DerSaidin
,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
et!mor$.script by ailmanki
<ome rooftops are bloced0 to fix an unfair advantage.
frostbite.script by mortis
-d2usts wait states and disables speaers when storage wall is destroyed.
fueldump.script by mortis
In addition to the standard etpro features0 the autospawn is set to the command post (if
active) at spline "). -n announcement indicates when this is set. This forces teh noobs to
autospawn forward when the tan exits the tunnels and is heading towards the depot.
.orrects autospawn wait times to be set prior to players spawning. 5educes end of round wait
state0 maing a )# second plant by -llies winnable (previously0 -llies had to plant with )' or
more seconds remaining).
<cript that enables the custom command map icons found here: fueldump!custom!icons.p)
fueldump!v).(ip by mortis
In addition to all etpro features and setting of the allied autospawn to the cp at spline ")0 this
script disables stage $ of the east depot defenses. Thans to $&)<oul for the modified
constructible code. 6oobs can no longer build the east defenses0 stage $ with this script. =nly
stage # can be built. =n the west side0 both stages of depot defenses wor normally. 6o more
games spoiled by hyperactive noobs.
fueldump!v'.(ip by mortis
Includes all the same updates as v) and in addition player clips bloc all tric2umps into
fueldump. $ axis spawns are enabled in the -xis truc garage.
fueldump!v*.(ip by mortis
Includes all the same updates as v' and in addition -xis can spawn at -xis ./ when ./ is built.
-llies can spawn at Health and -mmo hut after advancing the tan to the 31 nest. -llied
spawn at -mmo Hut is disabled after tan blows the main tunnel door. -xis spawn is disabled
by blowing up the -xis ./. >ridge stages reduced to one engy bar each for faster build. -llied
footpath is reduced to ."* bar for fast build time. This script is experimental?
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
goldrush.script by "!ruker
-dds a faebrush roof on -xis spawn to prevent the spawnilling with airstries.
Ho1!b@.script by mortis
This script maes the last #.@ seconds of Ho1!b@ useful? >eta script?
mlb!daybrea.script by peyote
,ixes a bug with the roof teleporter.
mlb!hotchiss.script by peyote
5emoved access to the AsecretA rooms. 5emoved more entities from secret room0 made small
window door in last allied spawn closed.
mml!church!et!v#.script by peyote
,ixes a bug in the map0 where the interior roof can be destroyed + which leads to a hall of
mirrors effect. The roof is on left entrance from axis spawn viewed.
oasis!teamdoor!8!B!spawnroof.(ip by McSteve
5emoves the teamdoor at the old city wall (by n#llSkill$) with an additional faebrush roof
over -xis garrison spawn. Intended to prevent spawn stries&artys on public servers. -lso
creates a faebrush roof over -llies old city spawn when the old city wall is blown.
oasis!teamdoor!B!spawnroof.(ip by McSteve
5emoves the teamdoor at the old city wall (by n#llSkill$) with an additional faebrush roof
over -xis garrison spawn. Intended to prevent spawn stries&artys on public servers.
9uicer!fueldump!pro)$%!b#.(ip by n#llSkill$
-nother reduced&accelerated fueldump version (somewhat ain to the various sw!fueldump
radar.script by DerSaidin
,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
radar$v$.(ip by DerSaidin
$v$ version of 5adar0 no side entrance.
raiders.script by mortis
,ixes oil tan exploits.
railgun.script by mortis
/layers were using an exploit to hide inside of a watertan in the depot yard. The tan on ledge
above the depot yard now has a solid playerclip inside it. The edge may seem a bit 'sticy' if
you encroach on the faebrush. - trigger!hurt lies inside to damage exploiters who exploit
past the clip in etpub.
railgun!fun.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as railgun0 but maes ./ spawnable for -xis and reduces map duration from )C
minutes to $C minutes.
railgun!fun$.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as railgun0 but maes ./ spawnable for -xis or -llies when built. >eta script?
railgun!fun!tower.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as railgun 4 % tower spawns 4 -xis ./ spawn 4 $C min time limit.
railgun!fun!tower$.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as railgun plus Ragnar's tower spawns0 but maes ./ spawnable for -xis or -llies
when built. >eta script?
railgun!tower.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as railgun 4 % tower spawns.
rhineland!bridge!'.script by peyote
3odifed final ob2ective0 instead of the 3ain 1ate0 its the guns outside. There are $ guns lie in
=asis0 first gives spawn0 second wins. >oth have to be destroyed. ,ixed a minor thing0 the
dynamite hint was not shown.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
saberpea!final.script by mortis
,ixes timing bug that caused -llies to lose when 'C seconds remain and dynamite is planted.
-ttempts to fix ship+damaged+while+blowing+boulder bug where the ship gets messed up. 6ot
sure if bug D$ is totally fixed0 it needs some testing on busy servers.
saberpea!final.(ip by mortis
<ame fixes as saberpea script and in addition adds progressive forward spawns as the boat
advances0 first the docs0 then the ammo drop (one...maing that hellish long wal shorter0
and maing it easier for -llies to advance the boat&capture the ./ buner.
sandheliC#b.script by antman
,ixes the announcement when the buner barrier is built.
snatch$.script by mortis
.orrected autospawns0 corrected endgame wait states0 removed bad TE= and spawns at ./0
created correctly woring TE= and spawns at ./0 made a new autospawn system and added
wm!announcements for ./ spawn activity.
snatch$.(ip by mortis
-ll 31 nests removed0 all truc barriers removed (maing it parts+trucwall+escape or wall+
partstruc+escape)0 removed bridge0 more autospawn tweaage (irrelevant to comp)0 -llied +
-xis spawntimes set to $C&)C instead of #*&)C. 3ap time reduced from $Cmins to #* mins
(reduced to accomodate removed barriers).
snatch).script by mortis (edited by antman)
<ame changes as snatch$.(ip has.
sos!secret!weapon.script by %ing&acka'
sot!b$.script by peyote
- fix for a place where a player can see through a wall0 and gain an unfair advantage.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
spawnprotectionroofs.(ip by (irntot
-dds faebrushes on top of the spawns on stoc maps. Intended to prevent spawn
stries&artys on public servers.
spawnprotection!fueldump!FT/5=)$%!v$.(ip by n#llSkill$
,ueldump with A'o))yA teamdoors.
<tar1ate!#@'*.script by mortis
6ot really a bugfix but a minor gameplay change. ,ixed grammar of the wm!announcements
and upped the charge bar re9uirement to build the gate to #.*. This creates more incentive for
-xis to come forth and defuse dynamite0 rather than simply sit bac and rebuilt the gate
instantly when it blows.
supply.script by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and offers new satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate.
supply.(ip by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and removes new satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate. /layers will no longer bounce into invisible walls0 but the satchel
exploit is possible with this script? This version was re9uested by 1- for competition and the
desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
supplydepot.$.#.$CC".(ip by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and offers new satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
supplydepot$.$.#.$CC".(ip by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and offers new satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate.
supplydepot$!ga.(ip by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and removes the satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate. /layers will no longer bounce into invisible walls0 but the satchel
exploit is possible with this script? This version was re9uested by 1- for competition and the
desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
supplydepot!ga.(ip by mortis
,ixes spawn bug0 gold bug0 grenade&mortar over roof into stairwell exploit0 disables
troublesome music speaers and removes the satchel&crane control exploit fix. ,ixes
wm!endround waitstate. /layers will no longer bounce into invisible walls0 but the satchel
exploit is possible with this script? This version was re9uested by 1- for competition and the
desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
supply!hacabs.(ip by antman
<ame fixes as supply.script has and adds health and ammo cabinets when the -llies build the
command post.
sw!fueldump.script by mortis
7pdates many aspects of gameplay: time is reduced to #* mins0 depot defenses can be
noced down with grenades0 bridge is easy to build0 tan is fast and invulnerable0 except at
the end of the map0 after blowing the side wall0 the tan becomes 'normal'0 and now features a
spline "# autospawn at command post (if active). =nly stage # of the east defnses can be built.
sw!goldrush!te.script by DerSaidin
,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
tc!base.script by DerSaidin
,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman
spawntimer script
te!valhalla.script by Reyal*
,ixes the bug that the map was missing an -llied ipi0 which causes a fatal spawnpoint not
found if the allies actually win.
transmitter.script by peyote
- mapscript which opens a normally always closed tunnel.
trmfght!b$.(ip by mortis
,ixes clipping exploit that allowed players to hide in a wall and spam their foes while unseen.
warbell!scriptfix!I.(ip by Mc+ite
5estricts the access to the >elltower roof room0 sets allied spawntime to $* secs0 faster
construction of the bell mechanism0 no wait at mapend if -xis win.
warbell!scriptfix!II.(ip by Mc+ite
5estricts the access to the >elltower roof room0 ammocrate at command post if built by -xis.
wurttemberg!b'.script by DerSaidin
,ixes wm!endround waitstate.
xposed.script by SteelRat
5eleased under the 167 1eneral /ublic 8icense. If you have any 9uestions0 feel free to as me. 3y contact information can
be found on the contacts page of www.antman.info website.
: antman

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