Baked Macaroni Recipe: Ingredients

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Baked Macaroni Recipe

1 lb uncooked elbow macaroni
Meat Sauce:
3 tbsp butter
1 lb ground beef
1 cup diced tomatoes (canned)
1 small onions, diced
1/2 cup green bell pepper, diced
1/2 cup tomato paste
1 tsp paprika
1 piece beef cube
1 cup water
1 tbsp sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
Morna Sauce:
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp all!purpose flour
2 cups fres" milk
1/# tsp salt
1 ounce grated parmesan c"eese
2 ounces grated s"arp c"eddar c"eese
Mo$$arella c"eese
%arsle (garnis")
Cooking Procedure
. %repare t"e elbow macaroni according to instructions in t"e package and
intentionall cut t"e cooking time so t"at t"e macaroni is not well done
(t"e macaroni will be full cooked once baked) t"en drain and set
. %repare t"e meat sauce b "eating a cooking pot and melt!in t"e butter&
. '"en t"e butter is "ot enoug", add t"e ground beef and cook for (
minutes or until t"e color turns medium brown&
. )dd t"e onion, green bell pepper, and diced tomatoes t"en stir and simmer
for 3 minutes or until t"e *egetables are soft&
. )dd t"e tomato paste and paprika t"en stir and cook for a minute
. )dd t"e beef cube and water t"en stir until e*ert"ing is well distributed&
Simmer for 2+ minutes&
. %ut!in t"e sugar, salt, and pepper t"en mi, well& -urn of t"e "eat and set
. %repare t"e Morna sauce b melting t"e butter in a sauce pan o*er
medium "eat&
. )dd t"e flour stir constantl for about a minute (color must be ellowis"
and not brown)&
. Slowl w"isk in t"e milk and continue to w"isk until t"e sauce t"ickens and
comes to a boil&
. )dd salt and pepper t"en simmer for 2 to 3 minutes&
. Stir in t"e c"eeses and w"isk until melted& Set aside
. .ombine t"e cooked macaroni and meat sauce in a baking dis" t"en toss
until t"e meat sauce is well distributed&
. )rrange t"e macaroni and pour t"e Morna sauce o*er it& (Spread t"e
Morna sauce o*er t"e macaroni and meat sauce mi,ture ensuring
t"at e*er space is co*ered)
. %re!"eat o*en to 3(+ degrees /a"ren"eit and bake for about 1( to 2+
. )dd Mo$$arella ."eese ( minutes before it cooks
. 0emo*e from t"e o*en and allow to cool down a bit&
. Ser*e "ot& S"are and 1n2o3
4talian bread or /renc" bread
1 stick salted butter
5 cloves garlic, fnely chopped
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried dill
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
pinch cayenne pepper
microwa*e safe bowl

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