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Adeenas Writing skills

Everyday when Adeena arrives at An-Nur we greet each other with salam, when she is
ready to start her day I often ask her, What do you want to do now? Hard work or
easy work? Most of the times she answer Hard work. She likes to do hard work.
The harder work for her, she thinks writing or doing math work, and she loves to do
that. At An-Nur we provide challenging activities considering childrens age and
ability. Today Adeena chose to write English alphabets, this was a work sheet of lower
case English alphabets written on it. Underneath of each letter had a blank space for
the child to write the same letter. There was no dotted line to trace the letters.
Adeena was very happy to work with this work sheet. She is a talented girl and an
excellent learner. She sat there concentrated on writing. Her pencils skills are really
good. When she finished writing all the letters I asked her if she wanted to do some
more . She said, Yes. So I got her writing book, and wrote one sentence, that was,
My name is Adeena. She copied the line lots of time until she filled up the whole
page. Since Adeena came to An-Nur she improved her writing skills a lot. She enjoys
writing and loves all our school readiness activities. Very soon she is going to graduate
from An-Nur and going to a primary school. We are so proud of you Adeena!
Written by Teacher Rosy,
2 October, 2014
In Te Whariki the Early chilhood
Curruculum it mentioned that
development of verbal and non-
verbal communication for a
range of purposes is
fundamental to learning and to
effective participation in
intellectual, emotional, and
social life.
Whats next?
Since Adeena is moving to
school soon, we feel that she is
ready for her next level of
learning at school.

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