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Heversham St Peters CE Primary School

We are a small school with a big heart. We have a strong sense of

community where all pupils know each other. Older children take pride in
participating in our buddying system, where they look after the younger
children. Staff know each pupil as an individual, and so get to know their
needs and capabilities.

We enjoy a beautiful rural location, sitting above the village, with woodland
behind us, and lovely views over the estuary and into the Lake District to
the front. The school has an established forest school site a mere five
minutes walk along a quiet lane from the school that is very popular with
the pupils.

We offer organised after school care every day until 5.20 pm. The provision
is varied, this term for example; clubs include cookery, craft, sport and
street dancing. These clubs are really popular with the children attending
and the cost is very competitive at 5 per session or 2.50 for the first hour

Our Church School

Heversham St Peters Church of England Primary School is a small
Voluntary Aided School, and part of the Diocese of Carlisle. Our foundation
link is with St Peters Church, Heversham.

Our values as a school are rooted in the Christian faith and the traditions of
the Church of England. We seek to be an inclusive school and are proud to
represent our local community, celebrating all our children and their

To help us celebrate diversity in a community that is not particularly diverse
within itself, we stand for helping everyone accept and respect together. We
believe that this is a core element in our educational mission and one we
hold dear.

Vision Statement

Heversham St Peters is a unique community inspired by Christian values,
promoting mutual respect, responsible behaviour, and encouraging
creativity and a joy in learning.

Our Ethos

At Heversham St Peters we strive to provide a learning environment that will
contribute to childrens real lives both as they live them and in preparation
for their futures. It is not good enough to merely deliver a curriculum. We
see our role as supporting the development of learners.

Children are already wonderful learners before they come to school. We
seek to nurture these inherent learning attitudes within a context of basic
skills and knowledge to create young people ready for the learning age.

We cannot know what our children will need to know but we can focus our
professional energies on enabling the individual child to become as powerful
a learner as possible.

This is why it is essential that learning should be enjoyable! The successful
people of the future will be those who are resilient in the face of challenge,
resourceful and full of strategies when uncertain, and who are reflective
learners, well aware of themselves and their own strengths and capabilities.

Conventional testing can provide only a partial measurement; nevertheless
we regard progression as measured by conventional testing, as an important
indicator of out wider purpose as well as of great value in itself. We want
our children to develop the capacity and desire to learn in any context.

Please support us by entering into partnership with us. Celebrate your
childs achievement. It is a family affair and we all play a part in that
learning family.

Admissions to School

Children can be admitted into our Reception year at the beginning of the
Autumn Term following their fourth birthday. When children in the
Reception group start school they have an induction period of around two
weeks. During the first term we keep our admissions arrangements flexible
to suit the needs of individual children.

Your child will be in a mixed year class at Heversham St Peters. The
organisation of the curriculum ensures that children in mixed year classes
receive a high standard of education. Children can be taught more easily
according to their ability, their varying speeds of progress and their differing
interests, rather than simply according to their age.

Children with a Disability

We welcome children with disabilities. If we receive a request to admit a
child with a physical disability we will consult with the local authority to
ensure that our facilities meet the childs health and safety, and
educational, needs. We would then admit, once additional resources had
been agreed with all parties.

School hours

Please can children be in the playground ready for the start of the day and
can come into the classroom from 8.45am. Registration takes place at
8.50am which is the official start of the school day.

School hours are 8.50 am to 12.00 noon and 1.00 pm to 3.15 pm.

Dropping off and collecting from school

We ask that you do not park on the school lane as this can cause congestion
and is not safe. The school has an arrangement with the Athenaeum
committee that parents may use the car park for drop off and pick up.
However, parents are asked not to leave cars in that car park for extended
periods of time.

At the end of the day, children are accompanied into the school playground
by a member of staff, and are only allowed to leave when their parent/carer
arrives to collect them.

Those attending after school clubs should be collected from inside the
school from the member of staff in charge.

Smoking is not permitted on the school grounds.

Please do not bring your dog onto the school site.

School Attendance

We record the attendance of every child and the attendance record will be
part of your childs end of year written report. If your child does not attend
school due to illness, please notify the school by telephone on the first day of
absence. We ask that you also send a note to the teacher when your child
returns to school.

Leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday is not permitted. In very
exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may be authorised. A letter,
detailing the reason for your request, should be sent to the Headteacher.

School Meals

Your child may have a school lunch, bring a packed lunch, or go home for

School meals are prepared by Orian at St Marks School Natland. They are
balanced and nutritious, and there is always a vegetarian option. Menus can
be seen on the school website. If your child would like to have a school
lunch, it is ordered at morning registration for that day. Therefore, it is
possible to specify which days you want your child to have one. We ask that
dinner money is sent in at the beginning of each week, either cash or
cheque, in an envelope marked with your childs name.

From September 2014 Universal Free School meals mean that children in
Class One (Yrs R, 1 and 2) will be entitled to free school meals.
If your child is in Class Two and you think your child may be eligible for free
school meals, please contact us for more details.

Packed lunches should be in a clearly labelled container. Please do not send
your child with fizzy drinks, glass bottles, cans or thermos flasks, as these
items can be dangerous.

As part of the school Well Being programme, we participate in the National
Fruit Scheme. All those under seven receive a piece of fruit daily.

All children may have a carton of milk every day. There is a small charge for
this, currently 20p per day. For pupils in Reception, milk is subsidised by
the EEC. Please note that we cant order milk for your child until we have
received your request slip.

School Uniform

We ask that you send your child to school in school uniform. The uniform
helps to promote a sense of community and involvement in the school,
reduces the scope for discrimination, and contributes to the happy and
orderly atmosphere of our school.

The school uniform consists of:

White polo shirt or blouse
Sweatshirt or cardigan in red with school crest
Black or grey skirt or trousers; shorts optional for the summer
Red striped or checked summer dress
White, grey or black socks, or grey tights
Indoor shoes or pumps, for inclement weather
Black outdoor shoes
PE/Games kit: plain white T shirt and navy shorts
Juniors can have optional dark tracksuit for winter games. Elasticated
pumps are preferable for Infants.
Juniors must have trainers and/or football boots for outdoor games.
When children go swimming they will need a costume and if hair is
long, a swimming hat.
Lunchtime in

PE/games kit should be in school every day. Children should also keep a
change of clothes at school for outdoor learning, and a pair of wellingtons.

Please ensure that all clothing and other possessions that your child brings
to school are clearly marked, preferably with nametapes. We will make every
attempt to find the owners of un-named items, but sometimes this proves
impossible and at the end of each term we dispose of unclaimed items.

A range of uniform embroidered with the school logo can be ordered each
half term through school. Please contact the school office for details.


We request that the children do not wear items of jewellery to school. One
stud earring in each ear is allowed, but in the interest of safety they must be
removed for all PE activities.


At Heversham St Peters we deliver a broad and balanced creative
curriculum with differentiated work programmes to suit childrens needs.
Our aim is to understand each childs potential and to give opportunities
that will develop skills and knowledge at an appropriate rate. Every child is
unique and we encourage each one to do their best, and to understand
where improvements can be made.

Our teaching strategies are a mixture of whole class, group, paired and
individual teaching. We feel this variety of approach is important to prepare
children for a society in which flexible and diverse thinkers must respond to
rapidly changing personal and work situations.

Overall, we create a positive and purposeful atmosphere within the school,
which encourages our children to become confident and independent

Homework and Home/School links

Children are given homework in various forms, to meet the needs of the
pupils involved and compliment the activities occurring in class. This may
sometimes need your support. Listening to your child read at home regularly
is strongly encouraged. Helping your child to learn spellings and times
tables is really useful. We welcome your help in ensuring that your child
makes the most of their time at Heversham.

Our Homework Policy can be viewed on the school website.

Religious Education

Religious Education is approached in a variety of ways in the classroom,
following the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus.

Our school afternoon starts with Worship on Monday to Thursday. This
includes reflection, discussion, songs, music and stories on weekly moral
and religious themes. Children write and use their prayers. On Friday
afternoon we have our Achievement Assembly which celebrates the
successes of pupils both in their school work and in their outside activities.
Members of the Parish Team and other visitors come into school to take
assemblies on a regular basis. The school has good links with St Peters
Church, Heversham, and has services in Church at Harvest, Christmas and
Easter, as well as a Leavers service in the Summer Term. We believe very
strongly in fostering Christian values of tolerance, understanding, friendship
and trust through our assemblies and the life of our school.

As we are a Church school, it is not usual that parents would request that
their children be withdrawn from any aspect of religious education or
collective worship, however, any such requests can be made in writing to the
head teacher.

Foreign Languages

We teach French to children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Sport is an important aspect of school life, providing an important
opportunity for children to learn social and physical skills.

Each child follows a programme that includes specific skills associated with
the National Curriculum for Physical Education.
Key Stage 2 children play football, hockey and netball in the winter and
rounders, athletics and gymnastics in spring and summer. We have well
established sporting links with Dallam School, enabling Key Stage 2
children to also try other sporting activities.

Inter-School matches are played on a friendly basis.
Some of our younger children enjoying a sport session at Dallam School.

Swimming takes place in the autumn and spring terms for Classes Two and
Three, at Kendal Leisure Centre.


Individual Music lessons are available through our links with the County
music service.

Swimming at Kendal Leisure Centre for KS2 children.
A friendly game
of football
against St
Primary School

Forest School and Outdoor Education

We have an excellent Forest School venue located five minutes walk from
school. Forest School sessions are run throughout the year, and are really
popular with the pupils.

We have a beautiful garden in front of the school. This includes a sensory
garden that has been designed and built as a place for lessons outdoors.

Children also have education Outside the Classroom at other locations,
such as Dallam field, Levens Hall, and museums and galleries.

Special Education Needs

At Heversham St Peters School we aim to establish an environment within
which we support children with special educational needs. We aim to
identify any problems at an early age, and to provide a suitable education
that takes into account the individual needs of the child. The Special Needs
Co-ordinator (SENCo) is responsible for the day-to-day running of Special
Needs and for ensuring we gain appropriate outside help if required.

If your child has any special educational needs, we keep you informed of
their progress. We also invite you to join us in developing an individual
programme to help them overcome any barriers they face in their learning.

Gifted and Talented Children

Children visited Plumtree
Hall to play their
recorders and violins for
the residents.
We have a separate policy for our more gifted and talented children. We
work with our colleagues at Dallam School on a special programme of events
to stretch these children, as well as providing workshops in school.

Sex Education

In accordance with section 18(2a) of the 1986 Education Act, the Governors
have decided that formal sex education should be provided to children in
Year 6. The School Nurse and other appropriate professionals help teachers
with these lessons, which are delivered with understanding and sensitivity.

Prior to any lessons commencing, the school will inform parents of the
content, and will offer the choice to withdraw any child from these lessons.

Parents Evenings

The School has an open door policy. We encourage parents to come into
school to discuss matters as soon as they arise. We also hold Parents
Evenings during the Autumn and Spring Terms that offer you a formal
appointment to discuss your childs progress.

Near the end of the Summer Term, we send out your childs written report
and invite you to discuss this. There is also an opportunity for parents of
children coming to the end of their Reception year to discuss the end of year
Profile Report.

We hold a New Parents evening in the Summer Term for those parents
whose children are joining us the following September. We see this as a
Children enjoying a
Gifted and Talented
Maths Lesson
really important meeting that enables parents to become familiar with our
procedures and organisation.

Charging for school visits or materials

During the year we organise visits out of school that we feel enhance the
education and development of our children. Year 5 and 6 children have the
opportunity to go on residential outdoor or cultural trips. We always try to
keep prices to a minimum, but rely on the cooperation of parents when we
ask for a voluntary contribution to the cost of such visits. Small charges
may also be made from time to time with regards curriculum work e.g. to
cover the cost of materials in Design, Technology and Science, or if your
child wants to bring their work home.

Adult Involvement

A number of adults provide help in school on a voluntary basis. Adult
helpers are a welcome and valuable addition to the school. Teachers and
children really appreciate their assistance with things like reading, baking,
swimming, forest school and school visits. If you or a relative would like to
help in any way, please contact the school office or a member of staff.


Our Parent Association positively supports the contact between parents and
school, and we value their support. They hold a number of activities
throughout the year that raise money to provide the school with additional
resources for our pupils. This year events have included a Christmas Fair,
Beetle Drive, School Disco and a Quiz Night.

The HPSA needs as much support as possible. If you would like to become
involved please contact the school office.

The Governing Body

The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school provides a
quality education for our pupils, and is concerned with such areas as the
delivery of the National Curriculum and managing the school budget. The
Head Teacher has responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school. All
Governors, except the Head Teacher, hold office for four years, after which
they can seek re-election. There is provision on our Governing Body for two
Parent Governors who are nominated and elected by the parents. Please
note that parent governors are representative parents, not parent
School Council

Our School Council consists of elected representatives from each of the
classes. They work with our staff to help decide where improvements can be
made, organize events, etc.


Buddying is an important feature of the school where older children look
after younger ones. Every year, Year 5 children are trained and then have
the choice of becoming a Buddy when they move into Year 6. This is a
responsible and valued role in school. Having a buddy gives the younger
children confidence, and helps to ensure that adults are made aware of any
problems the younger child may be having.

Transfer to Secondary School

The arrangements for the transfer of pupils to Secondary Schools take place
in Year 6. Details of local schools and forms for parents to express their
preferences are distributed during the Autumn Term of their final year in

Towards the end of Year 6 children spend time on transfer activities and
they also visit their new school. Where appropriate we give additional
transition support to those children with Special Needs.

Behaviour and Rewards in School

Everyone in school is encouraged to treat each other with consideration and
respect, so our school is a happy place to learn and work in. We aim to
promote kindness in action.
We have a Behaviour Policy which is available on our website and which
seeks to reward good behaviour and hard work as well as teach children
that unacceptable behaviour results in consequences.

Pastoral Care

The class teacher is responsible for the daily care of your child and reports
concerns directly to the Head Teacher. If there is anxiety about a childs
welfare the parent or daytime contact will be informed immediately. The
school has links with other agencies concerned with the welfare of pupils.


Heversham St Peters School follows the Anti Bullying Charter. This can be
seen on our website.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Because of ongoing day-to-day contact with children, schools are
particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in
behaviour or failure to develop. Parents should be aware that if a member of
staff feels that a child is being abused or neglected we are required as part
of the County Child Protection procedures to report the concern to the
Social Services Department. Normally we would speak to the parent first,
but in the case of direct allegations of physical or sexual abuse where the
child is in danger, we are legally required to take immediate action.
While we may not request a DBS every 3 years for people working within the
school, we do reserve the right to request an updated one whenever we need

Health and Safety Policy

Governors endorse and comply with the Countys Health and Safety Policy,
and employ a company who works with the school to ensure all policies and
procedures are kept up to date.

Medicines in School

We have a safety-focussed policy regarding medicines in school. Please
contact the school office with any queries.


In extreme circumstances the Head Teacher has the right to exclude a pupil,
and the Governing Body can exclude children permanently. However, we
would try to work with a child and their parents to avoid this situation
happening. It is our view that children have a right to attend school and that
most difficulties can be dealt with in school.

Complaints Procedure

The Education Reform Act 1988 requires arrangements for the consideration
of parental complaints relating to the provision of the National Curriculum.
If a parent wishes to register a complaint regarding the failure of the school
to provide a curriculum in line with the Act, then the Head Teacher should
be approached in the first instance. The Schools Governing Body and the
Local Education Authority might also be involved. The Complaints Policy
and Procedures are available on the school website.

Data Protection

As part of the Data Protection Legislation every pupil in school throughout
the country receives a fair processing notice from school. This notice gives
details of which bodies the school will share information with to ensure that
all statutory functions can be undertaken.

The Data Protection Act protects any information being held on an
individual being released to anyone else other than the data subject or their
legal guardian without their consent.

Freedom of Information Legislation allows the general public to have access
to information about public bodies such as schools and the Education
Authority. This legislation does not relate to personal information about
individuals, which is protected by the Data Protection Act.

Staff at Heversham St Peters C of E Primary School

Mrs C Cunningham Headteacher
Mrs P Pearson Teacher
Mrs B Darlington Teacher
Mrs S King Teacher
Mrs K Little HLTA
Mrs B McFadden TA
Mrs A M Whitfield TA
Mrs D Mills School Administrator
Mrs S Evans School Janitor/Cleaner/MDS
Ms V Finch MDS
Mr R Whitaker Clerk to Governors

Governors at Heversham St Peters C of E Primary School

Mrs J Clarke Foundation Governor
Mr S Budd Foundation Governor
Mrs A Munford Foundation Governor (Parent)
Mrs A M Whitfield Staff Governor
Vacancy Parent Governor
Mr A Bland Parent Governor
Mrs S Dickinson LA Governor
Rev S Wilson Ex Officio
Mrs M Hart Foundation Governor
Mrs J Fell Foundation Governor

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