Pathloss 4 Manual

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2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.

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Home Pathloss 4.0 Pathloss 5.0 Download Telco Tools Refference Movie

1. First Click Module >> Network >> Site Data >> Site List >> Import >> Link text file
2. When you are in the Import Link dialog box, you will see a list of values that can be imported. At the end of
each line put a space and the number of the column (field) in your CSV file as shown below.
3. Setting field delimiter, coordinate format, latitudes, longitudes, unit, grid unit, hemisphere, polarization, file names, etc
like your csv data.
4. A line in your CSV file would look like this:
Site1,Site2,ABC123,DEF345,49.2342,120.2433,49.5636 ,120.4322
Once you have defined the fields you can click Save definition file for reuse later. Make sure you set the other
options in the dialog to match your data source.
ask some thing? email to me...don't used shoot mix...
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Pathloss 4.0 (Equipment Files)
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2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
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Equipment files
[mrs.exe] Pathloss 4.0 radio data files.
[mas.exe] Pathloss 4.0 microwave antenna data files.
[vas.exe] Pathloss 4.0 UHF/VHF antenna data files.
[txl.exe] Pathloss 4.0 transmission line data files.
Technical documents
[may_2002.pdf] Instructions on using the latest features in the May 2002 build.
[planet_utm.pdf] Instructions on how to setup the Planet terrain database in Pathloss 4.0.
[guass_kruger.pdf] Instructions on using Guass Kruger coordinates in Pathloss 4.0.
[nadcon.pdf] Instructions on using the NADCON coordinate transformation feature in Pathloss 4.0.
[may_2001.pdf] Instructions on using the latest features in the May 2001 build.
[addendum.pdf] Latest manual revisions.
[pl4file_association.pdf] Instructions on fixing the .PL4 file associations in windows.
[plw40_description.pdf] Detail description of the Pathloss 4.0 program.
[file_lock.pdf] Information on Pathloss 4.0 file locking and sharing.
[linkxref.pdf] Information on new link import features.
[nsma_wg16_99_050.pdf] NSMA Antenna pattern standard.
[mg_examp.pdf] Documentation for the Map Grid example files.
[rap_depl.pdf] Rapid deployment instruction manual.
[] These fonts may be required to view and print the PDF files properly.
[Adobe Acrobat] All documents are in Adobe PDF format.
Supporting files
[plnadcon.exe] NADCON - NAD27/NAD83 Coordinate transformation data files.
[] ITU frequency plans.
[] Example files for the map grid module.
[] Rapid deployment example files for standard ATPC network.
[] Rapid deployment example files for adaptive ATPC network.
[] SDH radio example files.
[] Antenna orientation example.
Posted by Pathloss 4.0 Labels: Download, Pathloss 4.0
A1nLCSS 4.0
1. Genera|
lnLerference ls :
In The Bit Error Probabilities Of
GMSK In The Reyl...
a Land Mobile Radio
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Pathloss 4.0 (Equipment Files)
Friday, November 20, 2009 at 4:22 PM | 0 comments Links to this post
Pathloss 4.0 (Interference Module)
Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 7:53 PM | 0 comments Links to this post
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2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 3 of 14
a. Any unwanLed slgnal
b. Copy of wanLed slgnal delayed due Lo mulLlpaLh propagaLlon
c. An ad[acenL channel's slgnal Lravellng over Lhe same llnk
d. A slgnal from anoLher radlo llnk or 8l source
1here are two |nterference c|asses:
a. 8eLween Lhe same sysLem ( lnLra SysLem Case): ConLrollable
b. 8eLween dlfferenL sysLems ( lnLer SysLem Case): un conLrollable
1hls Lype of lnLerference ls caused by an undeslred slgnal generaLed wlLhln Lhe sysLem.
1wo posslble cases:
!" $%&''&()* +,-&'.&'&,)&
a. lan for a longer overreach paLh Lo add addlLlonal free-space loss Lo Lhe
undeslred slgnal.
b. Maxlmlze anLenna dlscrlmlnaLlon agalnsL Lhe overreach paLh.
c. use a sulLable rouLe such LhaL Lhe overreach paLh can be blocked by Lhe Lerraln
/" 012' 3' 42,)-+3, +,-&'.&'&,)&"
SoluLlon :
Pathloss 5.0 by Pathloss 4.0 .
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 4 of 14
a. use anLenna wlLh a very hlgh fronL-Lo-back raLlo.
b. WorsL case: SwlLch Lo 4 lrequency plan
Intersystem Interference
a. Caused by recepLlon of an unwanLed Lransmlsslon from of a dlfferenL sysLem.
b. Can be coordlnaLed by ad[usLlng Lhe anLenna dlscrlmlnaLlon and recelver selecLlvlLy, and
chooslng proper frequency plans.
c. 8est Cpt|on: CoordlnaLlon, conLrol, and someLlmes compromlslng on Lhe radlo channel
Lhrough dlrecL negoLlaLlon wlLh Lhe oLher operaLor on Lhe same lrequency bands.
d. noLe: 5+-* 1'31&' 63%&',7&,- '2, 01&)-'27 7(,(8&7&,- )33'9+,(-+3, :*(;; ,3-
2. Ca|cu|at|ng Interference Us|ng ath|oss 4.0
lnLra sysLem lnLerference can be calculaLed by followlng meLhod. Co Lo neLwork age by
cllcklng cLrl n - uefaulLs menu - Llnk Label. SelecL 1k Irequency & o|ar|zat|on - ress
8esL All as per shown ln llg. Pave a look Lo your neLwork & make sure LhaL all llnks
lrequencles & olarlzaLlons are correcL accordlng Lo your plan. lf Lhere ls any mlsLake ln
any llnk please go Lo lLs work sheeL & make lL correcL.
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 5 of 14
SelecL lotetfeteoce - colcolote lotto and Lhe lotetfeteoce colcolotloo dlalog box wlll be
dlsplayed. LnLer Lhe parameLers for Lhe calculaLlon and press colcolote. 1he calculaLlon
wlll be carrled ouL and saved ln Lhe same dlrecLory as Lhe neLwork dlagram. lf a second
lnLerference calculaLlon ls carrled ouL lL wlll overwrlLe Lhe flrsL when lL ls saved.
Lrror Log
Cnce Lhe calculaLlon ls compleLed a number of reporLs can be vlewed. 1he ttot loq
should be vlewed Lo make sure LhaL Lhere are no mlsslng flles and LhaL Lhe calculaLlon ls
valld. SelecL lotetfeteoce - vlew ttot loq
a. Lvery SlLe musL have Call Slgn
b. AnLenna flles and 8adlo flles used ln Llnk 8udgeLlng musL be ln Lhe selecLed
c. lrequency Asslgn Lo every llnk
d. Lvery Llnk have L4 flle
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 6 of 14
Interference - keports
1o vlew tbe tepotts select lotetfeteoce - kepotts ooJ select tbe tepott to be vleweJ.
1he 5ommoty opLlon provlded a summary on a slLe by slLe basls of any lnLerference cases.
1he ctoss kefeteoce opLlon provldes case by case cross reference of all Lhe lnLerference cases
found ln Lhe neLwork.
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 7 of 14
lmage 9
1he cose uetoll opLlon provldes all Lhe Lechnlcal lnformaLlon on each lnLerference case.
1he nl-lo vlolotloos should be vlewed flrsL Lo make sure LhaL all slLes are elLher LransmlLLlng
hlgh or LransmlLLlng low. 1he only excepLlon Lo Lhls rule ls lf dlfferenL frequency bands are used
aL a slLe
When you are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe resulLs of Lhe lnLerference calculaLlon Lhe L 4 flles assoclaLed
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 8 of 14
When you are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe resulLs of Lhe lnLerference calculaLlon Lhe L 4 flles assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe lnLerference sLudy can be updaLed. SelecL lotetfeteoce - upJote lotbloss llles. 1he
cholce ls elLher Lo updaLe Lhe Lhreshold degradaLlon or Lo remove Lhe Lhreshold degradaLlon.
Posted by Pathloss 4.0 Labels: Pathloss 4.0
A1nLCSS 4.0
Mlctowove tepeotets coo be closslfleJ os.
a asslve 8epeaLers
b. 8l 8epeaLers
wn u5 1nM ?
wbeo o mlctowove bop ls tepolteJ lo o ploce wblcb bos some ooovolJoble pbyslcol
wbete o moootolo peok bos to be sotmoooteJ wblcb moy be so looccesslble tbot powet
coooot be ptovlJeJ fot o osool octlve tepeotet.
<*&'& ('& -=3 7(+, ->1&: 3. ?(::+%& @&1&(-&':A
1 ass|ve or p|ane ref|ectors
2 8ack-to-back antenna pass|ves
?(::+%& '&1&(-&': *(%& -*& .3;;3=+,8 (9%(,-(8&: 3%&' ()-+%& :+-&:A
B3 13=&' +: '&C2+'&9D
B3 '&82;(' '3(9 ())&:: +: '&C2+'&9D
B3 &C2+17&,- *32:+,8 +: ,&&9&9D
<*&> ('& &,%+'3,7&,-(;;> .'+&,9;>D
E+--;& 3' ,3 7(+,-&,(,)& +: '&C2+'&9"
at 4:45 PM | 0 comments Links to this post
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 9 of 14
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 10 of 14
use of back-Lo-back anLennas are pracLlcal when Lhe reflecLlon angle ls
large. 1he galn of a repeaLer wlLh back-Lo-back anLennas ls glven by:
1he Aloum Lo Lolodorf C81v llnk has been used as an example ln Lhls documenL
Step 1:
1he flrsL sLep ls Lo generaLe and save Lwo paLh proflles and llnk budgeLs:
roflle 1 - SlLe 1(Aloum) Lo asslve (Lolodorf asslve)
roflle 2 - asslve (Lolodorf asslve) Lo SlLe 2 (Lolodorf C81v)
<*& 1(::+%& '&1&(-&' :+-& *(: -3 *(%& -*& :(7& )3F3'9+,(-&: (,9 &;&%(-+3, +, G3-*
When enLerlng Lhe frequency for Lhe second paLh proflle use Lhe same frequency and
Pl/Lo conflguraLlon as Lhe flrsL proflle buL change Lhe polarlsaLlon.
lL ls noL necessary Lo enLer Lhe mlcrowave Lermlnal equlpmenL for Lhe passlve repeaLer
slLe as Lhey are noL used ln Lhe flnal llnk budgeL. lL ls advlsable Lo enLer Lhe anLenna
lnformaLlon for Lhe passlve repeaLer slLe as Lhls wlll provlde a llnk budgeL sLarLlng polnL
when opLlmlslng Lhe llnk performance.
Step 2:
Cpen roflle 1 (Aloum-Lolodorf asslve) ln Lhe wotksbeet secLlon of L4.
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 11 of 14
Step 3:
1. Cllck on Lhe CperaLlons Lab and selecL cteote losslve kepeotet.
2. nexL selecL Lhe Lype of passlve repeaLer Lo be creaLed /()HF-3F/()H !,-&,,(:
3. SelecL roflle 2 (Lolodorf asslve-Lolodorf C81v.pl4) from Lhe llsL of proflles
4. 1he second proflle wlll be [olned Lo Lhe flrsL and Lhe passlve repeaLer slLe lndlcaLed.
Save Lhe new proflle under a name lndlcLlng LhaL lL ls a passlve repeaLer proflle (Aloum-
Lolodorf asslve-Lolodorf C81v.pl4).
Step 4:
1he connecLlon beLween Lhe Lwo passlve anLennas has Lo be made. Cllck on Lhe l symbol
Lo open Lhe asslve 8epeaLer lnformaLlon and enLer Lhe cable lnformaLlon
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 12 of 14
Step S:
Ad[usL Lhe anLenna slzes, 1x power ouLpuLs eLc. Lo ensure LhaL Lhe llnk budgeL meeLs Lhe
performance requlremenLs for Lhe llnk.
Cnce saLlsfled wlLh Lhe resulLs save Lhe proflle.
1wo reporLs need Lo be generaLed for Lhe passlve repeaLer llnk:
1. 1he lull 8eporL - Lhls provldes Lhe conflguraLlon and performance lnformaLlon of Lhe
compleLe llnk, buL excludes Lhe passlve repeaLer slLe.
2. 1he passlve repeaLer reporL - Lhls provldes conflguraLlon lnformaLlon on Lhe passlve
repeaLer slLe.
Iu|| report:
SelecL kepotts - loll kepott from Lhe menu aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page
1he full llnk reporL wlll be generaLed:
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 13 of 14
ass|ve repeater report:
SelecL @&13'-: I ?(::+%& from Lhe menu aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page
Posted by Pathloss 4.0 Labels: Pathloss 4.0
My Inspiration
2/23/10 12:44 AM Pathloss: Pathloss 4.0
Page 14 of 14

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