10 Engl Lesson 2 Week 3

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Lesson 2, Week 3: Citing Sources

Time Introuction: Te!c"ing #$$ro!c"es
Ro&& c!&&

Introuce t"e &esson: Students will be told a
brief overview of todays lesson-
Class discussion on Why we cite information
that isnt ours
Group work on Why it is important to give
Groups report back to the class about their
discussion on credibility
How to cite sources e!plicit teaching"
#pply your knowledge of what you have
learnt from the $ower$oint information%
&ndependent study to 'nish o( their draft
investigative reports
)he importance of calling
the roll and then telling
the students what will be
covered throughout this
lesson* allows me to build
a classroom routine% & like
to introduce each lesson
with an agenda to inform
students on the purpose of
the lessons content and
how it relates to the big
idea of the unit+ Credible
research assists in
altering an audiences
attitudes and beliefs.
Time '!in Content Te!c"ing #$$ro!c"es
Stuents )i&& *e gi+en ! num*er: Students will
each be given a number ranging from ,-- or ,-. if
some students are absent" and asked to form
groups with others that received the same number
as them all number ,s are in a group* all number
/s are in a group* etc%"%
Students will be handed a 0escribing Wheel one
for each group" and asked to write Giving Credit
under the topic heading on the wheel%
& have chosen to randomly
assign groups to get
students working with
peers that dont normally
talk to% )his will allow
students to interact with
students of all di(erent
ability levels and mi! with
di(erent friends%
,-e. -no)&ege !n Ski&&s stuents s"ou& !c"ie+e in t"e &esson/
Students will identify and e!plore the purposes and e(ects of citing
information that is not their own
Students will use language skills to interact with other people and to solve
Students will apply knowledge of what they have learnt on citing sources by
correctly referencing any primary and secondary sources used in their
Curricu&um #re!: 1nglish Studies
0e!r Le+e&: ,2
To$ic: )he importance of citing information
Lesson 213 ,ou*&e/: )uesday* Week 3
Lesson O*2ecti+e:
Students will understand the importance of citing information that is not their
Students will understand conventions for citing others* and how to reference
these in di(erent ways
C&!ss 5iscussion: & will then lead a class
discussion about why we cite sources% & will ask the
following 4uestions-
Could anything bad happen to you if you
copied someone elses idea or words and
didnt give them credit5 bad grade* kicked
out of college* lose your credibility* pay a
'ne* go to 6ail"
How would you feel if someone stole your
idea and didnt give you credit for it57
What do you think should happen to them if
they did5
Why might it be unfair to use someone
elses work without giving them credit5
How does it help 89: when you cite
sources5 Shows you know what you are
talking about* credible sources give you
How might it help your reader if you cite
sources can learn more from the books you
read* know if they can trust your arguments"
How would you feel if you posted something
really cool on ;acebook and a bunch of
people shared it as if it was their own witty
comment* not giving you credit5
6rou$ )ork: <ased on the class discussion*
instruct students to work in their groups 'lling in
each of the sections of the 0escribing Wheel with
details about Why it is important to give
credit% #ssist students by walking around and
helping those they are stuck for ideas%
6rou$ s"!re: 1ach group will be asked to report
some of the ideas they have written about Why it
is important to give credit. #s stuents re!
some o7 t"e ie!s out, I )i&& )rite t"em on
t"e )"ite*o!r% #fter each group has reported to
the class* mention that from the si=e of the list*
they should note the importance of why we give
credit to others for their information and we
shouldnt claim their ideas to be our own by being
la=y and not referencing% )his is why we cite
information that comes from others% ;rom this*
note that we will now look at how to cite
information correctly in academic writing%
E8$&icit te!c"ing: Students will be asked to take
out their notebooks and a pen to note how to
reference books and internet sources which will be
shown in the $ower$oint"% :sing the $ower$oint
presentation* & will teach students more e!plicitly
how to reference appropriately according to the
Harvard format of referencing%
Students will need to retrieve laptops at this
point in order to retrieve their work and look
at any sources of information they have
C&!ss 5iscussion: )he
purpose of this teacher
directed class discussion is
for students to start
thinking about why we cite
sources of information and
its importance in
academic writing% <y
prompting students with
4uestions about how they
would feel if someone
stole their ideas5 7 )his
allows them to understand
the purpose of credibility
in research on a level that
helps students to
comprehend the topic
6rou$ )ork: Students
will work in groups in
order to help them think
and produce concepts to
how they would normally
if working alone% Group
work will also allow
students to understand
the bene'ts of
collaborative and collegial
learning through trial%
6rou$ s"!re: When
groups share their ideas
with the whole class* it
enables students to think
about other concepts they
may not have thought
about before* especially if
they relate directly to
E8$&icit te!c"ing: )here
is no nice way to cover
citations and referencing*
hence why & have decided
to teach e!plicitly about
how to appropriately
compose citations%
<ecause this is such a
content based topic*
e!plicitly teaching it*
seems the most viable
way to help the students
understand% & do not
e!pect students to
remember how to cite
each type of information>
however* for students to
#$$&. kno)&ege: Students will be asked to
apply their knowledge on what they 6ust learnt
about how to cite sources appropriately by
referencing two sources of information that they
have used for their investigative reports% #sk
students to reference their survey and an internet
source* following the structure we 6ust talked
about% )hey will then be asked to show a partner
and get their partner to check if they have
referenced it appropriately ,I )i&& $ut t"e
9o)er9oint $resent!tion s&ies u$ !*out "o)
to re7erence ! sur+e. !n !n internet source
!t t"is st!ge/:
Ine$enent stu.: Students are to spend this
time composing their draft investigative reports% &
will stroll around and ask students if they re4uire
any assistance with anything% Students will be
asked to print their reports at the end of the lesson*
so that & can mark them more easily and give them
get an idea of the
structure of each citation*
it must be displayed and
taught about e!plicitly%
#fter & have taught about
citations in depth* & ask
the students to apply their
knowledge by getting
them to appropriately
reference two sources
they have used in their
investigative reports% <y
doing this almost straight
after they have received
the information* this will
help them to remember
the structure of a citation%
Ine$enent stu.: ;or
the second half of this
lesson* & have allowed the
students to work
independently on 'nishing
their draft reports* which
are due at the end of the
Time Conc&usion Te!c"ing #$$ro!c"es
Lesson c&osure: Students will be asked to hand
up their draft investigative reports so that & can
mark them and hand them back tomorrow% ?ention
to students if they need more help with citing
information* & will keep a Hint ;older at the front of
the class that contains more in depth information
about the Harvard @eferencing System* and they
are able to access it whenever they need to during
this lesson"%
?ention that if students need an e!tension they
can speak to me personally% Students will be told
about what ne!t lesson will focus on- editing and
proofreading through their work* ready for 'nal
)hey will be asked to pack up their things and tidy
their space before heading o( to recess%
& like to call everyone to
attention and make sure &
know where everyone is
up to at the end of each
lesson to make sure that
each student is on track%
)his also allows me to
create a structured
classroom routine for the
students and myself%
&nclude e4uipment re4uired for class andAor for teacher preparation"

0escribing wheel handout , for each group 7 !B"
<ibliography @ecording Sheet ! /-"
$ower$oint presentation citing sources"
Whiteboard marker
Captops for the students ,*ook t"ese Tues!. morning/
Hint ;older on Harvard @eferencing System and &n te!t referencing kept on
white board"
)here is no summative assessment for this lesson> however* students must
participate in the formative tasks throughout this lesson in order to gain a full
understanding of the big ideas+
Students will understand the importance of citing information that is not their
Students will understand conventions for citing others* and how to reference

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