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On July 5, 2011, the jury found Casey Anthony guilty of counts one through
three regarding frst-degree murder, aggraated manslaughter of a child, and
aggraated child a!use, "hile fnding her guilty on counts four through seen
for #roiding false information to la" enforcement$
Count %our$ Anthony said she "as em#loyed at &niersal 'tudios during
200(, #ursuant to the inestigation of a missing #ersons re#ort)
Count %ie$ Anthony said she had left Caylee at an a#artment com#le* "ith
a !a!ysitter causing la" enforcement to #ursue the missing !a!ysitter)
Count 'i*$ Anthony said she informed t"o +em#loyees+ of &niersal
'tudios, Je, -o#.ins and Juliet Le"is, at &niersal, of the disa##earance of
Count 'een$ Anthony said she had receied a #hone call and s#o.e to
Caylee on July 15, 200(, causing la" enforcement to e*#end further
On July /, 2011, sentencing arguments "ere heard) 0he defense as.ed for the
sentencing to !e !ased on one count of lying on the grounds that the
o,enses occurred as #art of a single interie" "ith #olice dealing "ith the
same matter, the disa##earance of her daughter, as one continuous lie) 0he
defense also argued for concurrent sentences, that is for all four counts to
!ecome one count and the sentence to run together as one) 1 disagree "ith
defense arguments, fnding that Anthony2s statements consisted of +four
distinct, se#arate lies+ ordered the sentences !e sered consecutiely, noting
that +La" enforcement e*#ended a great deal of time, energy and man#o"er for Caylee 3arie Anthony) 0his search "ent on from July through
4ecem!er, oer seeral months, trying to fnd Caylee 3arie Anthony)1
sentenced Anthony to one year in the county jail and 51,000 in fnes for each
of the four counts of #roiding false information to a la" enforcement o6cer,
the ma*imum #enalty #rescri!ed !y la")

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