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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr Ayers
"rade #$ Pre%AP &orld Literature
&ee' of:
#$!($ ) #$!(*
+nit ,ame:
-hort Fiction
(1A)*.ssential /uestion0s1:
&hat elements com2rise a 3uality short story4 5o6
does an author 7uild sus2ense 6ithout losing the
(1A/1B) Connections 02rior!future learning1:
-tudents 6ill connect 6ith 2ast e82erience reading9
analy:ing and 6riting short fiction
(1A) Common Core!-tate -tandards:
;L<%#$# ) ;L<%#$<= &<%#$> ) &<%#$?= -L<%#$#
) -L<%#$?
(1E) @ther considerations 0modifications9
accommodations9 acceleration9 .LL9 etc
All accommodations and modifications indicated in
student I.Ps 6ill 7e follo6ed Any needs of .LL
students 0modification of assignment length9
modification of assignment com2le8ity9 modification of
source reading9 etc1 6ill 7e im2lemented
(1D) ;esources!Materials:
-hort story: AThe Fall of the 5ouse of +sherB
(1F) Assessment 05o6 6ill you monitor 2rogress and 'no6 students have successfully met outcomes4 &hat ha22ens
6hen students understand and 6hen they dont understand4
Caily: direct o7servation
This &ee': direct o7servation!reading 3ui:!-ocratic dialogue
(1B) Lesson activities for instructor and students9 (1F)
.m7edded Formative Assessment9
(1C) Learning Target: -tudents 6ill im2rove their
understanding of the elements of 3uality fiction9
including sus2ense They 6ill sho6 their learning 7y
6riting at least t6o 2aragra2hs of a short story
involving the 7uilding of sus2ense
(1C) Co ,o6: &hat elements M+-T 7e 2resent in a
3uality 6or' of fiction4 &hat is sus2ense4 5o6 does an
author use it effectively4
Fiction Assignment: &or'ing today and tomorro6 in
class9 and finishing as home6or'9 students 6ill 2roduce
a 6or' of short fiction that focuses on 7uilding and
maintaining sus2ense effectively &e 6ill 7egin 6ith a
class discussion!mini%lecture on this to2ic9 and move on
to create original 6or'9 6hile reading and analy:ing

(1F).m7edded Formative Assessment: .8it tic'et )
students 6ill 2roduce at least t6o 2aragra2hs of a fiction
6or'9 descri7ed here
(1B)Closing Activity: As a 6hole class9 6e 6ill discuss our
e82erience 6riting fiction today &hat 6or'ed 6ell4
&hat did not4
AThe Fall of the 5ouse of +sherB 7y .dgar Allen Poe
The com2leted 6or' must 7e a minimum of seven
2aragra2hs It should 7e either ty2ed or neatly hand%
6ritten ;egardless9 it should 7e dou7le s2aced9 and
occu2y only one side of each sheet of 2a2er This 6or'
should focus 2rimarily on 2lot9 and es2ecially on
effectively 7uilding and maintaining sus2ense 6ithout
alienating the reader Com2leted first drafts 6ill 7e due
Monday9 #$!(D 0They 6ould 7e due Friday9 7ut 6e have
no classes that day1
(1C) Learning Target: -tudents 6ill im2rove their
understanding of the elements of 3uality fiction9
including sus2ense They 6ill sho6 their learning 7y
6riting at least t6o 2aragra2hs of a short story
involving the 7uilding of sus2ense
(1C) Co ,o6: &hat ma'es reading fiction enEoya7le4
5o6 can you 7ring that same enEoyment to your
(1F).m7edded Formative Assessment: .8it tic'et )
students 6ill 2roduce at least t6o additional 2aragra2hs
of material for their short fiction assignment
(1B)Closing Activity: As a 6hole class9 6e 6ill discuss our
e82erience 6riting fiction today &hat 6or'ed 6ell4
&hat did not4
(1C) Learning Target:
(1C) Co ,o6: &hat did you get out of this reading4 &hat
6here some elements you enEoyed a7out the story4 &hat
did you 2ossi7ly not enEoy a7out the story4
In Class: -tudents 6ill com2lete a short ans6er reading
3ui: covering their reading of AThe Fall of the 5ouse of
(1F).m7edded Formative Assessment: -tudents 6ill 7e
graded on their res2onses to a short ans6er 3ui:
(1B)Closing Activity: As a 6hole class9 6e 6ill discuss
2erceived student achievement on the 3ui:9 and discuss
strategies for im2roving 2erformance on future 3ui::es
(1C) Learning Target: -tudents 6ill im2rove their s'ills in
s2ea'ing and listening9 as 6ell as literary analysis They
6ill sho6 their learning through 2artici2ation in
-ocratic dialogue
(1C) Co ,o6:
Please 2re2are your o2ening 3uestion and 7e ready to
2resent it to the class
In Class: 6e 6ill hold a -ocratic dialogue on AThe Fall of
the 5ouse of +sherB 7y .dgar Allen Poe
A rough draft of a short story including
sus2ense 0descri7ed a7ove1 must 7e turned
com2lete and in hand Monday9 #$!(D If you
do not have this item on Monday9 you 6ill
not 7e a7le to 2artici2ate in our class
(1F).m7edded Formative Assessment: -tudents 6ill 7e
graded on their 2artici2ation in -ocratic dialogue
(1B)Closing Activity: &e 6ill discuss9 as a 6hole class9 our
successes and failures in this dialogue9 and 2ut forth
ideas for im2roving future dialogues
,o Classes: Parent Teacher
(1F).m7edded Formative Assessment:
(1B)Closing Activity:
(1C) Learning Target:
(1C) Co ,o6:
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1ADe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of co"te"t
1)Desi$"i"$ co*ere"t i"structio"
1CSetti"$ I"structio"#' outco!es
1DDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of resources
1EDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of stu(e"ts
1FDesi$"i"$ stu(e"t #ssess!e"t
For!#ti+e Assess!e"t i"c'u(es, but is "ot 'i!ite( to:
E-it tic%ets, &*ite bo#r( res.o"se, co"se"s#$r#!s, re(/$ree" c#r(s, for!#' or
i"for!#' stu(e"t co"fere"ces, stic%0 "ote #ssess!e"t1

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