Peer Assessment For Magazine Recreation Text

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G321 Media - Print Levels Name: Heather Name:

Level 1 023 marks

The work for the main task is possibly
incomplete. There is minimal evidence in the
work of the creative use of any relevant
technical skills such as:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.
I don"t think anything
about your magazine
front cover belongs in
level one as it is all
above this standard.
I don"t think anything
about your magazine
front cover belongs in
level one as it is all
above this standard.
Level 2 2435 marks
There is evidence of a basic level of ability in
the creative use of some of the following
technical skills:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.
#ou have been very
creative in creating
your own version of
the main image and
it looks very similar
however there are
obvious variations
that could of been
easily solved such as
the simple costume
choice e.g.$ hats and
colour of the men"s
#our image is slightly
o& scale! it needs to
be a little bigger and
'nish higher up the
page so it can be
layered on top of the
text that reads (T)*
+,-. .*#/0. -lso
either the camera
angle of the picture
or the way you are
standing could be
easily altered so you
look more like the
artist on the front
page. -part from
those alterations that
could be made! your
costume and
expression is well
Level 3 34! marks
There is evidence of "r#$cienc% in the
creative use of many of the following
technical skills:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
The sizing of your
image and the layout
of the reconstructed
1band members" has
been done very
e2ciently. -part from
slight di&erences! the
The general layout of
your front cover is
good as you have
considered what text
goes where.

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