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A magnetic field means is when the magnetic force acts within a region of a
magnetic material or a moving electric charge.
Magnetic field lines shows the way in
which the force travels. It shows where
is the north pole and where the south
pole is.
Bar Magnet:
Straight wire:
You can work out where the direction of magnetic field lines produced by a
current flowing through a straight wire
by grabbing! the wire with you thumb
up and the direction of your other
fingers is the direction of the magnetic
field lines.
You can make a simple electromagnet using magnetic supplies. "he materials
you#ll need are:
Insulated $opper wire
$rocodile clips
%namelled wire &magnet wire'
A battery
An iron nail
Iron filings &optional'
(aper clips &optional'
You coil the wire
Make your magnet stronger by putting a iron coil) add more
windings and increase the current flowing through the wire.
(roduce your own iron filings by filing down a spare iron nail.
An electromagnet relay &switch' works by having a small electric current flow) in
first turn on the current and then an electric shock# goes through the core and it
switches on and the same for turning it off.

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