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Chapter 8 Exposition

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Coaches Notes:
Editable PowerPoint
Presentations that
Writing Instruction and
Grammar Instruction
and Practice
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How Can You Explain This?
Chapter 8 Exposition
Introducing Exposition
What do you know about buildings and how they are built? What
ideas and information about buildings could you share with others?

Information can be presented many ways. For example, you can
compare two things, you can discuss causes and effects, or you
can present a problem and a solution.

Look at the photograph on page 144 in your textbook. Imagine
that you wanted to talk about the causes and effects of the leaning
tower shown in the photo. What details might you discuss?

Take notes as you consider these questions. Then participate in
an extended discussion with a partner. Take turns expressing
your ideas and feelings.

What might have caused the building to lean?
What effects do you think the leaning building has on people?
What details would you use to give information about this
Some topics are too broad to cover in a cause-and-effect essay. By narrowing your
topic, you can focus on presenting a manageable number of causes or effects.
Use a graphic organizer like the one shown to narrow your topic to an
appropriate length. Write your general topic in the top box, and keep narrowing as
you move down the chart. Your last box should hold your narrowest topic, which will be
the controlling idea of your cause-and-effect essay.
Choose and Narrow Your Topic
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Effects of the American Revolution
on American literature
Causes and effects of the American Revolution
Effects of the American Revolution
Effects of the American Revolution
on American culture
Chapter 8 Exposition
You will use a graphic organizer to state your thesis and organize your causes
and effects. When it is complete, you will be ready to write your first draft.
Plan Your Essay
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Clear Thesis: As a result of the American Revolution, American
writers tried to create literature that was different from Great
EFFECT: American
writers celebrated
American heroes and
American Revolution
Chapter 8 Exposition
EFFECT: American
writers wrote about
American events and
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Chapter 8 Exposition
The Organization of an Expository Essay
Grab Your Reader
Attention-grabbing opening
Controlling idea or thesis
Develop Your Ideas
Causes and/or effects that support the thesis
Logical organization of facts and details
Wrap It Up
Restatement of controlling idea or thesis
Memorable ending
Now that you have finished your first draft, you are ready to
revise. You can use your Revision RADaR as a guide for
making changes to improve your draft. Rememberyou can
use the steps in Revision RADaR in any order.
Revising: Making It Better
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Replace . . .
Words that
are not
Words that
are overused
that are
Add . . .
and adverbs
Rhetorical or
literary devices
Delete . . .
Unrelated ideas
Sentences that
sound good,
but do not
make sense
Repeated words
or phrases
Reorder . . .
So most
points are last
To make better
sense or to
flow better
So details
support main
Revision RADaR
Chapter 8 Exposition
Fine-Tune Your Draft
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Chapter 8 Exposition
Use these revision suggestions to prepare your final draft
after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and
genre have been addressed.

Use Effective Transitions It is important that the ideas within and
between all the sentences and paragraphs follow a logical flow. To
ensure this internal and external coherence, use transitions between
sentences and paragraphs to clarify relationships between ideas.
Use Consistent Point of View Your personal opinions, observations,
and anecdotes should be in the first person.
As you edit, think about whether or not you have used transitions effectively.
A transition is a word, phrase, clause, or sentence that creates a relationship
between ideas. Look at these sentences:
The stores pay more due to higher shipping costs. Because of
this, they have to charge customers more to make money and
stay in business.
All in all, the rainy summer has meant a big increase in the price of most
fruits and vegetables. My family still eats them because theyre delicious
and important for our health. However, weve had to be a lot more careful
about how much we buy!
Perhaps you said the transition Because of this makes clear the cause-and-
effect relationship between the first two sentences. Or maybe you noticed the
transition All in all, which shows a sequential relationship between the last
paragraph and those that came before it. Finally, the transition However
indicates a contrast between ideas in the last two sentences.

Making It Correct
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Chapter 8 Exposition
Most transitions should be set off from the rest of the sentence by
commas. The comma may be omitted after a short introductory
transition if the sentence is clear without it.
Copy the passage into your journal. Identify the transitions
and indicate if any commas need to be added.
Grammar Mini-Lesson: Commas With Transitions
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The American Revolution also revolutionized American literature. In
the past writers in the Thirteen Colonies had imitated British models.
Now writers turned to American settings and themes.
Chapter 8 Exposition
Give your cause-and-effect essay a chance to inform people. Get
it ready for presentation. Then, choose a way to publish it for the
appropriate audience. Use this chart to identify a way to publish your
essay for the appropriate audience.
Publish Your Piece
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Classmates and others at
your school
The larger community
Submitting it to your school newspaper or web
Organizing a group reading of the classs essay
Posting it online and inviting responses
Entering it in a regional or national essay contest
Chapter 8 Exposition
Your local community
Submitting it to a local newspaper
Reading and discussing your ideas on a local radio

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