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1. Describe the difference between a procedure, function and anonymous pl"s#l block. $evel! $ow
%&pected answer ! 'andidate should mention use of D%'$()% statement, a function must return a
value while a procedure doesn*t have to. (lso one can use function in +elect +#l statement but not
2. ,hat is a mutating table error and how can you get around it-
$evel! Intermediate
%&pected answer! This happens with triggers. It occurs because the trigger is trying to update a row it is
currently using. The usual fi& involves either use of views or temporary tables so the database is
selecting from one while updating the other.
.. Describe the use of /)0,T1% and /T1% in $"+2$
$evel! $ow
%&pected answer! /)0,T1% allows you to associate a variable with an entire table row. The
/T1% associates a variable with a single column type.
3. ,hat packages 4if any5 has 0racle provided for use by developers-
$evel! Intermediate to high
%&pected answer! 0racle provides the D67+8 series of packages. There are many which developers
should be aware of such as D67+8+2$, D67+8I%, D67+8T)(9+('TI09, D67+8$0':,
D67+8($%)T, D67+80;T;T, D67+8<06, D67+8;TI$IT1, D67+8DD$, ;T$8=I$%. If
they can mention a few of these and describe how they used them, even better. If they include the +2$
routines provided by 0racle, great, but not really what was asked.
>. Describe the use of $"+2$ tables
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$evel! Intermediate
%&pected answer! $"+2$ tables are scalar arrays that can be referenced by a binary integer. They can
be used to hold values for use in later #ueries or calculations. In 0racle they will be able to be of the
/)0,T1% designation, or )%'0)D.
@. ,hen is a declare statement needed -
$evel! $ow
The D%'$()% statement is used in $"+2$ anonymous blocks such as with stand alone, nonAstored
$"+2$ procedures. It must come first in a $"+2$ stand alone file if it is used.
B. In what order should a open"fetch"loop set of commands in a $"+2$ block be implemented if you
use the /90T=0;9D cursor variable in the e&it when statement- ,hy-
$evel! Intermediate
%&pected answer! 0%9 then =%T'C then $00 followed by the e&it when. If not specified in this
order will result in the final return being done twice because of the way the /90T=0;9D is handled
by $"+2$.
D. ,hat are +2$'0D% and +2$%))7 and why are they important for $"+2$ developers-
$evel! Intermediate
%&pected answer! +2$'0D% returns the value of the error number for the last error encountered. The
+2$%))7 returns the actual error message for the last error encountered. They can be used in
e&ception handling to report, or, store in an error log table, the error that occurred in the code. These
are especially useful for the ,C%9 0TC%)+ e&ception.
E. Cow can you find within a $"+2$ block, if a cursor is open-
$evel! $ow
%&pected answer! ;se the /I+0%9 cursor status variable.
1F. Cow can you generate debugging output from $"+2$-
$evel!Intermediate to high
%&pected answer! ;se the D67+80;T;T package. The D67+80;T;T package can be used to
show intermediate results from loops and the status of variables as the procedure is e&ecuted, however
output only occurs after processing is finished, which might not be useful if processing takes a long
time. The package ;T$8=I$% can be used to write to a file, but one must have write access to the
output directory. ( third possibility is to create a log table and have the procedure write to the table.
This will give you debugging information in real time.
11. ,hat are the types of triggers-
$evel!Intermediate to high
%&pected (nswer! There are 12 types of triggers in $"+2$ that consist of combinations of the
6%=0)%, (=T%), )0,, T(6$%, I9+%)T, ;D(T%, D%$%T% and ($$ key words! 6%=0)%
($$ )0, I9+%)T (=T%) ($$ )0, I9+%)T 6%=0)% I9+%)T (=T%) I9+%)T etc.
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