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Question words

Complete the questions with the appropriate question word. Answer the
question with your own or with the given words.
_________ is this? (book)
_________ are you from? (Spain)
_________ is this woman? (my mother)
_________ pullover do you like? (blue)
_________ is my key? !annot "nd it. (on the !hair)
_________ old is your wife? (#$)
_________ !hildren have you got? (#)
_________ are you doing? (eat)
_________ !olor is your table? (blue)
_________ is your best friend? (%om)
_________ is &enny !rying? (broke her arm)
_________ is this yellow 'a!ket? (%om(s)
_________ money have you got? (#)) *+,)
_________ are you drinking tea? (ill)
_________ are my keys? !an-t "nd them. (under the !hair)
_________ is the tallest in the family? (father)
_________ is the time? (.#/#$)
_________ are those people in that room? (my relatives from taly)
_________ is you birthday? (.#0.#)
_________ is your favorite book? (1ulliver-s %ravels)
_________ !ar is yours? (the red one)
_________ did you break your arm? (.22$)
_________ languages do you speak? (1erman3 4nglish and talian)
_________ butter have we got in the fridge? (little)
_________ time do we have left? ("ve minutes)
_________ tall are you? (.5$ !m)

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