Jaskirat Ball 7D History: Iphone 6

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IPhone 6

Jaskirat Ball 7D
The iphone 6 's screen and size are both bigger then iphone 5 which was
populer last year.The iphone 6 is also taller then iphone 5s or 5c.Iphone 6 is 4
or 5 inches smaller then Samsung Galay 4.The I!hone 6 and 6 plus were
o"cally un#eiled during a press e#ent at the $lint %entre &or !er&orming 'rt in
%upertino(%ali&ornia on September )(*+,4.-ther then the new I!hone 'pple
has also un#eiled the Smart .atch(which is a watch that has a screen /ust li0e
the I!hone but it's small.
I!hone 6 couldn't be released because the details were not ready.There wre
many romours about the net I!hone be&ore 'pple un#eiled it at $lint %entre
o& !er&orming 'rts.
1oth I!hone 6 and I!ad air come in these colours Gold(Sil#er(and Space
Gray.The I!hone 6 has a thic0ness o& +.6) cm(while the I!hone 6 is +.2, cm in
thic0ness(both are thinner then I!hone 5s(with the I!hone 6 being the
thinnest I!hone till this date.I!hone 6 and 6 plus include an 'pple '3 system4
on4chip(and an 53 motion4prossesser4an update o& the 52 chip &rom I!hone
The IPhone 6 has an IOS 8 Operating System.Apps are ale
to take a!"antagesof the i#rease! s#reen si$e%to !isplay more
information on s#reen si$e.the IPhone 6 has etter f&n#tions
then the IPhone '% an! also a etter #hip.
Apple Inc. announced that within 24 hours of
availability, over 4 million pre-orders of the iPhone 6
and 6 Plus were made, exceedin the supply
available.!2"# $ore than %& million iPhone 6 series
devices were sold in the first three days.!'
(riti#al re#eption
Both IPhone 6 mo!els re#ie"e! positi"e re"iews from

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