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Enduring Temptation
Memory Text: Blessed is
the man that endureth
temptation: for when he is tried,
he shall receive the crown of
life, which the Lord hath
promised to them that love him (J ames 1:12).

The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Superintendent: Cameron Munro
Praise & Worship..........Jessica, Chris, Moses

Hymn of Praise. Safely Through Another Week...#384

Intercessory Prayer ...........................Simone Biggs
Florida Conference, Commitment to reading Scripture;
Families: Lima, Lopez, Maletic, Martin, Mantiri, Mauricio,
McKay & McLaughlin
Next Week:
, Munro, Murphy, Ncube, Ndiweni, Nicotera & Nowak Georgia-
Cumberland Conference, Mothers and daughters, Thanksgiving:
Anniversaries; Families: Mickle, Morris
Childrens Story.........................................................Puppets

Offering..Church Budget.........Pastor Golovenko

Special Music..Womens Group

Scripture. Col 3:21 & Ephesians 6:1-4.Raphael Gyamfi
Pastor Alex Golovenko
Parenting by Design

Hymn of Commitment....O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go.. #76

Benediction.........Elder Gene Bernardo

Sunset Today: 6:39 p.m. Next week: 6:28 p.m.
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to
1. Community Bible Studies will continue
tonight @ 6 pm with elders Q&A forum.
The next study will take place in mid-
November. Please look at the schedule in
the foyer, and make your suggestions.
We welcome your questions and
suggestion of topics for study. For more
details see the schedule in the foyer.

2. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow, Sunday,
October 19 at 10 am.

3. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible
Study and testimonies on Wednesday night
at 7 pm. Come and be blessed.

4. The new church plant is meeting at the
Mount Zion United Church, located at
471 Ridgewood Cres, off Berkshire,
near Springbank & Wonderland
intersection. Today elder Jack
Polihronov is leading the service there.
We request your prayers as the new
group of pioneers organizes a centre of worship in the
West London area.

5. On-line giving option is available!
As you scan the QR code you will
be guided to set up an account,
and once you complete the initial
step you will be able to donate to
our church on-line

6. A request to assist a person from
Uganda in need of a heart surgery at
the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
was received by our Community
Services. It is a legitimate need, brought
to us by an Ethiopian refugee residing in London,
and assisting the family in Uganda. The total amount
needed for the medical procedure is $13,000. We are
hoping to fundraise a portion of this need.
Arrangements are made to forward collected and
contributed funds to Mayo Clinic directly. If you are
moved to assist, please make your contribution in the
tithe envelope and mark Mayo Clinic

7. The Ontario Conference is seeking committed Seventh-
day Adventist church members who are ministry focused
individuals to fill essential positions within our
headquarters. The two positions we looking to fill are:
Secretary for Trust Services and Kingsway Pioneer
Home (permanent)
Secretary for Risk and Property Management, and
Transportation (temporary 1 year contract)
For more information regarding the available positions
please email Julianna Kapusi at Interested candidates
may send their cover letter and resume to the email
address above. Applications will be accepted until
November 3, 2014. Only those individuals who have
been selected for an interview will be contacted.
8. Come and join the Annual Adventurer Family Fair on
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 (10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) to be held
at Kingsway College, 1200 Leland Rd., Oshawa, ON.
Featured activities: Kingsway College Aerials exhibition,
bouncy castles, sports-themed booths, fun games, food
sale, etc. Registration fee is $2.00/person. To register,
contact your local Adventurer club director. For more
details, visit

9. Evangelism outreach week
October 25-November 1
with James Rooney at the
West London church plant.
Plan to invite your friends and
those who have questions
about the hope we have in
Christs coming. Meetings will
take place at 7 pm
October 25, Saturday - Christians are Crazy
October 26, Sunday God is lovereally?
October 28, Tuesday Is That Your Final Answer?
October 30, Thursday Lets Talk About Rest
October 31, Friday A Hell of a Myth
November 1, Saturday Better Than the Movies
10. During the first week of
November, November 1-8 we
will participate with believers
around the world in the annual
Week of Prayer. The
introductory message will be
given during the mid-day
service. Evening meetings will
present an opportunity to host
people in homes and
experience a setting of house
church. Only on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and
closing Sabbath will there be meetings at church. On
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday we invite you to
volunteer your home for hosting a Prayer meeting. A
sign-up sheet is available for you to choose one
evening. A complete schedule will be presented by
October 25.

11. Mission trip to Nicaragua is
planned for May 5-19, 2015.
Udo Muller from the
Woodstock SDA Church has
organized mission trips to
Nicaragua in the past, in cooperation with the local
conference there and is planning to lead a new effort. The
cost, including airfare tickets from Detroit to Managua, food
on site, local transportation costs, and donation for
mission, is only $1700 per person. All ages are welcome.
Construction work is planned, medical care and health
education is needed, children programming will be main
focus. Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio is preparing to also
lead an evangelistic effort. If you are interested, please
sign up at the announcement board, or speak with pastor
Alex. More details of the trip will be published as numbers
and logistics emerge.
Birthday Wishes for October
Oct 1 Anniekay Allen
Oct 2 Kirmane Allen
Oct 2 Samuel Golovenko
Oct 2 Maria Stajfer
Oct 2 Lystra Shimla
Oct 3 Beverlyn Sealy
Oct 3 Kyle Mahon
Oct 3 Georgie Perez
Oct 5 Stephen
Oct 6 Sandi Rusek
Oct 7 Sarah Onyango
Oct 7 Natalie Magati
Oct 8 Steve Hurst
Oct 10 Santiago Perez
Oct 11 Natalia Bartosz
Oct 11 Shaquille Sealy
Oct 14 Dennis Plyley

Oct 17 Nichole Anniehs
Oct 18 Kirmane Allen (Jr.)
Oct 18 Max Mantiri
Oct 21 Aloma Martin
Oct 24 Ernie Eccles
Oct 25 Susan Stevens
Oct 27 Jana Topper
Oct 28 Etta Eccles

More Adventist Heritage Stories
This past week the Annual Council of the General Conference
met and discussed many urgent matters. One agenda item was a
revision of the statements of beliefs; the 28 fundamentals received a
slight makeover in wording (more details will be in the November
monthly newsletter). The transparency and openness of our church
enable everyone to read via internet the updates, to see the
documents as they were amended. Some were concerned about
changes made. All are welcome to consider the recommendation
which will be brought to the General Conference in session at San
Antonio in July 2015. Until then these changes are up for discussion.
This reminded me of a story from 1888; by the late 1870s and
1880s Ellen White had become convinced that the low spiritual
condition of her contemporary Adventists was a result of the failure of
their theology! She was concerned that inadequate understanding of
God and His will was resulting in peoples wrong lifestyle of legalism.
The legalistic heritage of the Christian Connection, from which her
husband James came out into Adventism, which suggested that the
right to the tree of life is earned by keeping the commandments, had
to be corrected. When Adventist ministers of the day were
approached with the message that it is through the righteousness of
Christ that we are saved by Grace alone, most objected. The two
young Biblical scholars Jones & Waggoner were teaching justification
by faith, but older generation of leaders and pastors were not hearing
Ellen White announced that her intention of taking the new
message to the grassroots, to the laity if the ministers will not receive
the light, I want to give the people a chance (letter to Willie White,
September 12, 1881). Her concern was that those who had bound
themselves to their legal religion would see the better things
provided for them Christ and His Righteousness. (Review & Herald,
1889, 66:465-66). She wrote that people, masses, would read and
see the light of truth for themselves, often by-passing the chain of
command and not communicating first to pastors, and then to people.
I am encouraged to know that our pioneers took seriously words of
Apostle John that ALL have the SAME anointing from Christ, and there
is no need to depend on others for understanding (1
John 2:27).
I invite you to study the changes proposed to the 28 fundamentals
to learn how definitions of our faith have improved in language to
communicate clearer Biblical Message to the world.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko

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