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COMM3047 Progress Report Assignment

Due: October 23
at 11:59pm Weight: 10%
The progress report is intended to update project shareholders on the work plan and
achievements of your final report. You will translate your timeline from the Proposal
Assignment into deadlines and sub-deadlines, which will be attached to specific dates and
specific group members. Deadlines should include completion dates for research, composition,
editing, sharing (meetings), and revision. Specific dates and targets for the presentation should
also be included. This assignment is meant to transparently outline your pathway to completion
for the sake of the group, the employer, and prospective clients (this report will serve as the
basis for a blog posting).

Submit one copy of the progress report per group. Submissions must be made both in hard
copy and to the dropbox no later than 3pm on October 23

Your progress report must include the following elements:
1. A cover page with the (a) title of the project, (b) the date, (c) group member names
2. An introduction (150-200 words) outlining how the project is progressing so far and
highlighting what has already been accomplished.
3. A detailed workplan in chart form with columns reflecting the task, estimated date of
completion, status of completion, group members responsible, and Lead responsible for
the work assignment. The workplan should include tasks that already have been
completed as well as those that have not yet been completed.
4. A paragraph outlining any possible delays or challenges to the proposed timeline (100
words, approximately).
5. A closing that looks forward to the project completion in a positive/optimistic way (100
words, approximately)
6. A contract page with a clear statement indicating that all team members understand
and approve of the contents of the proposal and take responsibility for their own
portions of the project. All members should sign and date the hard copy of the progress
report above their typed names. Members who do not sign will not receive a grade until
they do sign; non-compliance of group members will also affect the Project Lead and
Communication Lead on their team roles.
Introduction/Closing /20
Work Plan /50
Delays/Challenges /10
Mechanics /15
Cover/Contract Pages / 5
Total /100

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