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,1he Leacher models whaL ls
,usually sLep-by-sLep
,SLudenL Cuesuon: Could you
show me how Lo geL Lhe answer?
-" ./*&012* $/*)34(/56'0

,Learnlng alds such as
mlcroscope, ules for counung/
maklng seLs, eLc.
,SLudenL Cuesuon: WhaL do you
see ln Lhe mlcroscope?
7" 8'/()/

,SLudenLs have access Lo Lhe
8LAL Lhlng, such as a cereal box
,SLudenL Cuesuon: WhaL
lnformauon can l geL from a
cereal box label?
9" :%;;'<=)/( %<
>'/=?'<1$/&' @)=A4<'0

,use of plcLures LhaL deplcL any
ob[ecL, process, or Loplc
,SLudenL Cuesuon: LeL's look Lo
see how Lo dlvlde a plzza lnLo 8
B" C0)*+ %6'<?'/& @<%D'=A%<

,1o show clues by wrlung words,
skeLchlng verbal or wrluen Lo
plcLure, musL have boLh
,SLudenL Cuesuon: l dldn'L
undersLand a noun and verb. Can
you please explaln Lhem Lo me?
Comprehenslble lnpuL 1echnlques
E" F';%*0A</5%*0

,rocess of how someLhlng
,SLudenL Cuesuon: Pow do we
wash our hands?
G" $4(5;'&)/

,use of Lape recorder, vldeo,
compuLer, Llmo, eLc.
,SLudenL Cuesuon: WhaL ls
H" >);'()*'0

,vlsually represenLs evenLs ln
sequence/can be added on Lo
,SLudenL Cuesuon: WhaL
happens leadlng up Lo Lhe
dlsmlssal bell?
I" J</3?0

,vlsually represenLs numbers,
,SLudenL Cuesuon: Whlch frulL
do more sLudenLs llke?
!K" $/30

,used ln Sclence, Ceography, or
,SLudenL Cuesuon: My house ls
_____ of Lhe school? (norLh,
SouLh, LasL, or WesL)

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