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! Why should we learn Lhls?
! WhaL wlll we be able Lo do?"
! Pow wlll we show we learned Lhls?
#7. lndependenL racuce

! l wlll release sLudenLs Lo pracuce
on Lhelr own based on #3) lnpuL
and #6)Checklng for
undersLandlng (Clu).
#6. Checklng lor undersLandlng (Clu)

! l wlll use a varleLy of quesuonlng sLraLegles Lo
deLermlne CoL lL yeL?" and Lo pace Lhe lesson - move
forward?/back up?
#3. Culded racuce (follow me)

! l lead Lhe sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe sLeps
necessary Lo perform Lhe sklll uslng Lhe
Lrlmodal approach.
! Pear, see, do
#4. Modellng (show)

! l show ln graphlc form or
demonsLraLe whaL Lhe
nlshed producL looks llke.
#3. lnpuL

! 1he vocabulary, skllls, and
concepLs l wlll lmparL Lo Lhe
! SLu Lhe klds need Lo know.
#2. AnuclpaLory SeL

! ShorL acuvlLy or prompL LhaL
focuses on auenuon before Lhe
acLual lesson beglns.
! Pook
#8. Closure

! 8evlew or wrap-up of Lhe
! 1ell me/show me whaL
you have learned Loday."

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