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Running header: REALAGE

Hillary M Colbry
Ferris State University
Running header: REALAGE
In this paper the negative and positive health aspects of a 22 year old female are obtained and planned
upon !he information gathered from her RealAge !est by "r #$ are the focus along %ith an assessment
"ecisions are based on her results from &uestions about eating habits' emotional habits' stress'
environment' activity level etc Included is a %ellness diagnosis appropriate for the goals in areas she
%ishes to focus on Along %ith the %ellness diagnosis steps are established for her reach her goals %hich
focus on sleeping habits' food inta(e' and e)ercise After the planning and implementation of the
suggestions her progress is evaluated to see if any changes or improvements need to be made
Running header: REALAGE
Maria is a 22 year old female Her family bac(ground includes strong Italian genes and
culture in her family %hich includes and mother' father' and older brother She sees them often
%hen she is not at school %hen she goes home For the past * months she has been in her first
year of nursing school and has previously had +obs related to her future profession Maria
considers herself a Christian but %as brought up Catholic She considers herself a spiritual
person but she does not go to church regularly She has a boyfriend %ho she has been %ith for ,
years and they plan to stay together for the foreseeable future !hey go out often %ith friends'
and have a very happy relationship She is alert and oriented to person' place' time' and situation
Maria suffered from an early childhood cancer and no% has one (idney because of it Heart
problems could result as secondary affect from the cancer and its treatment She (no%s %hat to
be a%are of related to possible heart complications' via her doctor She has an)iety that she ta(es
medication for' but the an)iety still affects her sleep patterns She gets enough of hours of sleep
but reports that she does not get fulfilling sleep and still feels tired %hen she %a(es up She is
very organi-ed %ith her school and stays on top of associated %or( Her appetite (eeps her eating
three meals a day most of the time She often eats fish' nuts' pasta %ith Alfredo' fruit' and salad
but has a high inta(e of +un( foods She recogni-es that she needs to get the bad food out of her
diet She has a mild to moderate activity level %ee(ly' but %ishes to gain more strength' tone'
and increase her %ee(ly e)ercise Maria goes out to drin( occasionally %ith friends and is
interested in the culture of beer in Michigan %here she lives It is a fun social event for her to do
once in a %hile %ith her free time She is a%are and practices safe limitations %ith alcohol
because of having only one (idney For other social activity she meets %ith classmates outside of
the university or for school related engagements She has close friends and ac&uaintances' and
trusts people appropriately for their status in her life An appropriate %ellness diagnosis for her is
Running header: REALAGE
readiness for enhanced therapeutic regimen management related to her poor sleep' recognition of
%anting to eat healthier' and %ant increase her activity level to maintain a healthier life as she
ages She has e)pressed that these are the areas that she feels are the most important for her
health right no%
!he convenient thing about all of the changes Maria %ants to ma(e is that they are
connected' and once one area gets strong the others %ill come along more easily According to a
study done by Annesi and .orter in the international +ournal of behavior nutrition and physical
activity' they /suggested a reciprocal effect bet%een changes in e)ercise volume and fruit and
vegetable inta(e After inclusion of psychosocial variables' also found %ere reciprocal effects
bet%een change in fruit and vegetable inta(e and change in mood' self0efficacy for controlled
eating' and self0regulation for eating1 and change in e)ercise volume and change in mood and
e)ercise0related self0regulation2 324567 So' %here does sleep come in for Maria8 In an article in
the 9e% :or( !imes clinical psychologist and sleep researcher ;elly <la-er =aron says for most
people the sleep0e)ercise relationship is simple> %or(out e&uals better sleep 3Reynolds' 24567
She goes on to say that it is different for /people %ith insomnia and other sleep disturbances2 and
that they /tend to be ?neurologically different@2 3Reynolds' 24567 =aron e)plains that sense
people in Maria@s condition tend to have a /hyper0arousal of the stress symptom2' it ta(es longer
to feel the lin( bet%een %or(ing out and getting a better sleep 3Reynolds' 24567 She says that it
ta(es about four months of maintained e)ercise to mute the hyper0arousal stress response
3Reynolds' 24567 Maria %as made a%are of this information and (no%s that if she does not see
immediate results that it is normal !he main idea outside of all of her focused areas is to stay on
trac( %ith the steps she ma(es for herself
Running header: REALAGE
As stated earlier' good sleep is a great base for someone loo(ing to increase their activity
level !o get better sleep Mayo Clinic made the suggestion that individuals should not %atch !A
or play video games %hile in bed 3245B7 !hey also suggest %ays to create a restful sleep
environment are (eeping your bedroom &uiet' not having a !A in the bedroom' as %ell as
moving the cloc( so you cannot see it and do not (eep %atching the time all night 3Mayo Clinic'
245B7 Maria is going to try to (eep the !A and computer a%ay from her bed and designate
screen time for +ust her living room Another issue is her bed time varies depending on the day of
the %ee( /.oorer academic performance among university students %hose %ee(end sleeping
periods %ere significantly delayed compared %ith %ee(night sleeping times2 3!roc(el' 24447 If
Maria is not doing as %ell in school' she is going to have more things to %orry about at night In
order to help Maria get on a more consistent sleep schedule She is going to (eep the time she
goes to bed %ithin an hour before and after 55>44 .M to help get her on a more consistent
sleeping schedule !his should be (ept as consistent as possible during the %ee( and %ee(ends
After si) %ee(s she %ill re0evaluate if her sleep schedule is %or(ing
Maria admits that she does not al%ays eat the healthiest She states that in her
family the Italian culture of pasta is very prevalent and is still a strong influence of %hat she
coo(s at school She is going to start (eeping a food log Maria has an i.hone and a great tool for
counting calories is application It sets a calorie limit based on height' %eight' and
goal %eight It also (eeps trac( of carbohydrates' protein' and fat 3245B7 Maria is C@, and 54C
pounds and is loo(ing to gain about three pounds of muscle for her nursing career She should
be increasing her caloric inta(e but even more important than calories is the nutrients she inta(es
through the foods she eats 3$elman' 245B7 Maria is going to cut out a large chun( of her +un(
food inta(e and increase the amount of healthy fats and proteins Dun( food %ould increase
Running header: REALAGE
Maria@s caloric inta(e for the day but %ill have no benefit beyond that' getting rid of processed
foods %ould be a very good thing According to Flash' , High0Fat Foods that are <ood For :ou'
fats to limit or cut out %ould include cheese' butter' and sausage Healthy fats include avocado'
eggs' olive oil' nuts3especially almonds' %alnuts' and pistachios7' nut butters' and fatty
fish3salmon' tuna7 3.aturel' 24557 Maria %as informed that healthier fats %ill have more
calories' and that is %here %ill come in handy She is also been made a%are that
they also %ill (eep her fuller longer 3.aturel' 24557 According to the application'
for Maria to gain the three pounds of muscle in , %ee(s' she %ill have to aim for 2'4C4 calories
per day !hose calories should be made up of C4E carbohydrates' 24E protein' and 64E fat' 245B7
Fating healthy is a (ey to getting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle Maria %ould li(e to
gain muscle %eight' %hich means certain types of e)ercise should be added into her %ee(ly
routine F)ercises that %or( multiple muscles at once li(e s&uats' %al(ing lunges' and burpees
are good because during recovery periods there is more overall muscle building during bet%een
%or(out sessions 3Shape' 24567 Gith these multiple muscle e)ercises Maria should (no% that to
gain %eight she should be lifting heavier %eights %ith lo%er reps' instead of doing higher reps
%ith lo%er %eights 3Shape' 24567 "uring the si) %ee(s that she is lifting heavier %eights and
%or(ing on her muscle strength Maria should (eep to a lo%0impact' light cardio e)ercise
regimen 3Shape' 24567 If she does intense cardio before or in addition to lifting heavier %eights
it could put her at ris( for in+ury or ma(e her too e)hausted to %eight train' %hich can impede on
her goal 3Shape' 24567 She should try e)ercising three times a %ee( since she is doing more
lifting and less cardio 3Hean Curves' 244*7 If she is successful after si) %ee(s of heavier lifting
Running header: REALAGE
and lo%0impact cardio she can come bac( and figure out %eight and cardio maintenance
e)ercises she %ishes to do
Transtheoretical Model
Maria has passed through the stage of pre0contemplation of ma(ing changes She has also
passed through contemplation' since she has already tried a fe% times to ma(e changes li(e
getting better sleep and %or(ing out She is some%here bet%een preparation and action Maria
needs to be better educated on the specific actions such as> correct eating habits' e)ercise' and
sleep for the goal she has about her muscle gain So far she has been going to the gym' ma(ing
an effort' but she is not getting the results she %ants !his could be because her preparation stage
%as not fulfilled completely' because of her slight lac( of information Gith the correct direction
and a dedication to her sleep' activity level' and dietary changes' Maria could reach her goals and
begin to move into a maintenance stage !a(ing the step into the maintenance stage %ill re&uire a
change in the standards set previously for e)ercise' food' and caloric inta(e Sleep %ill all depend
on %hat %or(s to achieve a successful sleep pattern and once she attains that it %ill stay the
same #nce Maria reaches her goals she can thin( about the specific changes she %ill need to
ma(e for maintenance
Maria has started ma(ing a log using the app %hich is a fantastic %ay for
her to be able to loo( bac( on %hat she has been eating 9o% she can loo( bac( to see if she has
met her caloric inta(e to gain muscle %eight Most of the time she is eating healthy but there are
a fe% areas %here she could find healthier replacements For e)ample' she consumes a lot of
Alfred sauce %ith bo% tie pasta Rather than Alfred she could choose a marinara sauce and coo(
Running header: REALAGE
a lean protein to go %ith it such as grilled chic(en She has made a good step to%ard eating
healthy fats by eating guacamole and including soy mil( into her diet She is going to start
buying leaner meats to have %ith her meals so that %ith her carb she gets protein as %ell She is
also going to get almonds and cashe%s for small snac(s during the day
March 24, 2014
FOOD !alories !arbs Fat Protein !holest odium ugars Fiber
9ature Aalley 0 .rotein <ranola =ar' 5 bar 3B4g7 5I4 5Bg 52g 54g 4mg 5J4mg ,g Cg
Sil( Almond Mil( 0 Uns%eetened 0 Uns%eetened
Almond Mil(' 5 cup
64 5g 6g 5g 4mg 5,4mg 4g 5g
.asta 0 .enne .asta0plain' 5K2 cup 244 B5g 5g Jg 4mg 4mg 2g 2g
<eneric 0 $uccini' 544 g 5I 2g 4g 5g 4mg 4mg 2g 4g
!omatoes 0 Cherry !omato' 2 tomato * 5g 4g 4g 4mg Cmg Cg 4g
=roccoli 0 Ra%' 4C cup' chopped 5C 6g 4g 5g 4mg 5Cmg 5g 5g
;i((oman 0 !erya(i Sauce' 6 tbsp I4 5*g 4g 6g 4mg 5'6C4mg 5*g 4g
Mushrooms 0 Ra%' 42 cup' pieces or slices 6 4g 4g 4g 4mg 5mg 4g 4g
Spinach 0 =aby Spinach ' 5 Cups 3*C g7 56 5g 4g 2g 4mg 66mg 4g 5g
Cheese 0 Feta Cheese' 544 g 2* 5g 2g 2g Jmg 555mg 5g 4g
<oya 0 Chic( .eas' 5K2 cup 544 24g 2g ,g 4mg 6,4mg 5g Jg
Seeds 0 Sesame seeds' %hole' dried' 4C tbsp 2, 5g 2g 5g 4mg 4mg 4g 5g
=arrilla Farfelle 9,C 0 =o% !ie .asta' 2 o- 244 B2g 5g Jg 4mg 4mg 2g 2g
=ertolli 0 Hite Alfredo Sauce' 5K2 cup 544 Bg *g 2g 64mg ,B4mg 4g 4g
Spinach 0 =aby Spinach ' 5 Cups 3*C g7 56 5g 4g 2g 4mg 66mg 4g 5g
<ordonLs 0 S(illet Crisp !ilapia <arlic M Herb' 5
5*4 5Cg Ig 56g 2Cmg BJ4mg 4g 4g
Fruit 0 Melon Mi) 3Gatermelon' Cantaloupe'
Honeyde%7' 5 cup
B5 5Bg 4g 5g 4mg 25mg 56g 5g
Running header: REALAGE
FOOD !alories !arbs Fat Protein !holest odium ugars Fiber
Margaritaville 0 !ortilla Chips' 2 o- 2*4 6*g 5Bg Bg 4mg 5*4mg 4g Bg
Gholey <uacamole 0 <uacamole' 2 !=S. 364g7 BC 2g 6g 4g 4mg 554mg 5g 5g
TOTA%& 1,'(1 21)g '*g +,g +2mg ,,+')mg '2g 2*g
March 2', 2014
FOOD !alories !arbs Fat Protein !holest odium ugars Fiber
Mei+ers "eli 0 Chic(en Salad' 2KC C 5I2 *g 56g 55g B*mg CB4mg Cg 5g
=ro%nberry 0 =read0 #atnut' 2 slice 2B4 BBg Cg *g 4mg 644mg *g Bg
Sil( Almond Mil( 0 Uns%eetened 0 Uns%eetened Almond
Mil(' 2 cup
,4 5g Cg 2g 4mg 624mg 4g 5g
"igorno 0 .i--eria Style0four Cheese' 5KB pi--a 664 6Ig 56g 5Bg 64mg JB4mg 6g 2g
;raft 0 Homestyle Ranch' B tbsp 2,4 Bg 2,g 4g 54mg C24mg 4g 4g
.lantars 0 9ut0trition Heart Helalthy Mi)' 5 o- 5JC Cg 5Cg ,g 4mg B4mg 5g 6g
S(innypop 0 S(innypop .opcorn' 5 cup 6I 5Cg 54g 2g 4mg 4mg 4g 6g
!alenti 0 Mediterranean Mint <elato' 5K2 cup 3544g7 244 2Cg 54g Bg B4mg CCmg 2Bg 4g
TOTA%& 1,4)+ 141g )*g 4*g 12(mg 2,'1'mg 41g 14g
March 2+, 2014
FOOD !alories !arbs Fat Protein !holest odium ugars Fiber
Nua(er 0 Instant #atmeal 0 =lueberries M CreamO' 5
pac(et 36Cg7
564 2,g 2g 6g 4mg 5J4mg 55g 2g
Seeds 0 Sesame seeds' %hole' dried' 4C tbsp 2, 5g 2g 5g 4mg 4mg 4g 5g
<oya 0 Chic( .eas' 5K2 cup 544 24g 2g ,g 4mg 6,4mg 5g Jg
Cheese 0 Feta Cheese' 544 g 2* 5g 2g 2g Jmg 555mg 5g 4g
Running header: REALAGE
FOOD !alories !arbs Fat Protein !holest odium ugars Fiber
Spinach 0 =aby Spinach ' 5 Cups 3*C g7 56 5g 4g 2g 4mg 66mg 4g 5g
Mushrooms 0 Ra%' 42 cup' pieces or slices 6 4g 4g 4g 4mg 5mg 4g 4g
;i((oman 0 !erya(i Sauce' 6 tbsp I4 5*g 4g 6g 4mg 5'6C4mg 5*g 4g
=roccoli 0 Ra%' 4C cup' chopped 5C 6g 4g 5g 4mg 5Cmg 5g 5g
!omatoes 0 Cherry !omato' 2 tomato * 5g 4g 4g 4mg Cmg Cg 4g
<eneric 0 $uccini' 544 g 5I 2g 4g 5g 4mg 4mg 2g 4g
.asta 0 .enne .asta0plain' 5K2 cup 244 B5g 5g Jg 4mg 4mg 2g 2g
SauceK "ressing 0 =alsamic Ainegar' 2 !bsp 35C mH7 24 ,g 4g 4g 4mg 4mg ,g 4g
Coo(ies 0 Chocolate chip' soft0type' 5 o- 564 5Jg Jg 5g 4mg I2mg 4g 5g
Fruit 0 Melon Mi) 3Gatermelon' Cantaloupe' Honeyde%7'
5 cup
B5 5Bg 4g 5g 4mg 25mg 56g 5g
<ordonLs 0 S(illet Crisp !ilapia <arlic M Herb' 5 fillet 5*4 5Cg Ig 56g 2Cmg BJ4mg 4g 4g
=ertolli 0 Hite Alfredo Sauce' 5K2 cup 544 Bg *g 2g 64mg ,B4mg 4g 4g
=arrilla Farfelle 9,C 0 =o% !ie .asta' 2 o- 244 B2g 5g Jg 4mg 4mg 2g 2g
Apple 0 Fugi' <ala' #rganic' 5 medium fruit J2 24g 4g 4g 4mg 2mg 5Cg 6g
Sil( Almond Mil( 0 Uns%eetened 0 Uns%eetened Almond
Mil(' 5 cup
64 5g 6g 5g 4mg 5,4mg 4g 5g
!alenti 0 Mediterranean Mint <elato' 5 cup 3544g7 B44 C4g 24g *g *4mg 554mg B*g 4g
TOTA%& 1,(0' 2(,g '*g ')g 142mg ,,'40mg 12'g 22g
Maria has tried %or(ing out a fe% times a %ee( but has focused more on cardio rather than
%eight training %hich is really %hat %ill get her to gain muscle She also says that she has not been going
as consistently on a %ee(ly base as she %ants to She stated that the times that she did ma(e it to the gym
on a regular basis it did have small positive effects li(e not feeling as tired upon %a(ing up in the
morning Sense going to the gym is producing good results and she %ould li(e to continue it' she %ill
(eep going to the gym and establish a more concrete gym schedule around her college courses to increase
Running header: REALAGE
success She stated that she %ill ma(e sure she goes at least three times a %ee(' along %ith incorporating
some small diet changes Maria has verbali-ed that these changes %ould be good for her' and are very
achievable to ma(e %ithin the ne)t month along %ith her ongoing four month sleep trial
Running header: REALAGE
Annesi' DD' M .orter ;D 324567 Reciprocal effects of treatment induced increases in e)ercise
and improved eating' and their psychosocial correlates' in obese adults see(ing
%eight loss> a field0based trial International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and
Physical Activity. Retrieved from http>KK%%%i+bnpaorgKcontentK54K5K566
;atie 3244*7 54 Muscle building tips for %omen. Lean curves Retrieved from
Mavill D A M Huerta C< 324567 Health promotion in nursing 36
ed.) Delmar Cengage
Learning 3p BC7
Mayo Clinic Staff 3245B7 Sleep tips> J steps to better sleep Mayo clinic Retrieved from
244B*6JI 3245B7 Retrieved from http>KK%%%myfitnesspalcom
#- M' Roi-en M 3245B7 Ghat@s your real age8 The Dr. ! "ho#. Retrieved from
.aturel' A 324557 , High0fat foods that are good for you $lash. Retrieved from
Running header: REALAGE
Reynolds' <retchen 324567 Ho% e)ercise can help us sleep better The Ne# %or& Times.
Retrieved from http>KK%ellblogsnytimescomK2456K4*K25Kho%0e)ercise0can0help0us0
Shape 324567 Hadies' listen upR here@s the best %ay to add lean muscle. Po'"ugar
Retrieved from http>KK%%%fitsugarcomKHo%0=uild0Muscle0:oure0Goman0622,*25,
!roc(el' M !' =arnes' M "' M Fgget' " H 324447 Health0related variables and academic
performance among first0year college students> implications for sleep and other
behaviors Dournal #f American College Health' BI367' 52C0565
$elman' ; 3245B7 Healthy %ays to gain %eight (e)*D. Retrieved from

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