Spiral Feed Density Sampling

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Sampling of Spiral Feed Streams for Pulp Density

To determine the pulp density of slurry streams feeding each stage of separation
within the concentrator. The information obtained provides indication of changes in
plant operating conditions as well a metallurgical balance information.
Standard personal protective equipment (Safety Glasses, boots and hat)
Safety Step
1 1! litre "ally #uc$et
1 %!&g Salter scale balance
1 'alculator
1 "otepad and pen for recording values
Safety Requirements
(ll sampling should be done from the roof level distributor dec$ e)cluding the cleaner
and recleaner stages which should be sampled from the top spiral level with the use
of a safety step.
*nsure that the Salter scales are tared+, -ang the empty buc$et on the scales, and
ad.usting the pointer with the slide switch on the bac$ of the scales until it reads /
0elease the distributor outlet pipe from spiral start and 1ll the "ally buc$et to !/2
full with the slurry.
3eight the slurry sample and record the weight in &g. This weight is $nown as the
wet weight (33).
4lace the "ally buc$et of the 5at dec$ for appro)imately 1/ seconds to allow the
coarse solids to settle in the buc$et. The slime will not settle in 1/ seconds , however,
this is a minor fraction of the total sample weight, and therefore, can be discarded.
(fter 1/ seconds, decant the supernatant water and slime from the sample buc$et
and record the weight of the solids in the buc$et. This weight is $nown as the dry
weight (63).
"#+ The pulp density calculation assumes that the solids remaining in the buc$et
after decantation, is at 782 w9w solids.
4erform the calculation as demonstrated below+
3et weight (33) : 1/.!&g
6ry weight (63) : ;.7&g
;.7 [] /.78 [] [] 1/.! [][] 1// []
!"is #ill display t"e percent solids of t"e sampled stream $%&'

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