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Jack of all trades, master of none, oft times better than a master of one

After having worked under great mentors in one of the biggest global investment banks
and strategic thinkers in an Indian research organization, I feel that leadership is all
about having a vision and le
tting it percolate through the organic expanse of the organization/ society.

As a B-school student we get into the depth of various functions but in the real world
one needs to know it all. With a few months to graduate and having understood how the
business world functions, I believe ICON 6.0 is the perfect platform to assess myself as a
leader and do all it takes to emerge as a winner. I have always believed in innovation
and deferred gratification. Innovation keeps me motivated while deferred gratification
gives me the courage to dream big. These two pillars will help as I work my way across
various levels of the event. Life teaches me new things every day. I believe that these
simple lessons can be used to solve bigger corporate problems. I would be more than
happy to represent IIM Shillong in ICON 6.0 and bring laurels to the institute.

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