Eight Key Factors To Ensuring Project Success VPN Audit

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Eight Key Factors to Ensuring Project Success

NWA / Delta Air Lines VPN Audit

I totally agree with this concept.

I personally believe that each key factor plays an import role during the life cycle a project, and with that
being said, we shall not ignore any specific key Factors, due to the project will eventually suffer as I did
experienced in my past VPN audit project.

The initial Business Case was clearly outlined to all involved. The purpose of the initiative was made
clear, due to it being the first part of the VPN audit between the two airlines, and everyone was on board
to make it happen.

The critical success factors was straight forward and it seemed that all stakeholders were aligned to what
the success meant as well as what was in fact critical information for this VPN audit to take place.

During the planning stage, which was thought through both internal and externally from the client side, we
were overly involved at every stage, which the timeline had to be re-negotiated. All changes for this VPN
audit were documented for future reference. With that being said all stakeholders were being made
aware on regular basis.

Team motivation was very strong from the initial, due to constant communication among all team
members. This lead to aggressive progress being made from the start, but because we didn't say no as
often as we wanted, that strong motivation was gradually being damaged as the project progressed.

As the limits were not clearly being set, the client was adding extra additional modifications to the initial
plan of the VPN audit. This soon added up to be additional work, which some adjustments were to be
made along the way from the initial structure and rework of the VPN audit.

However, because the communication of progress and status was done on a regular basis, the team
members worked well together, an obligation towards the team mates was raised not to let them down or
carry the weight on their own. The team was committed towards finalizing the project with success of the
VPN audit, which was accomplished with success on a timely manner and great feedback was received
from the client.

Delta Northwest Airlines VPN Audit

No. Question: Score:
1. A strong business case has been developed and approved 4
2. The project is in line with organisational strategy 2
3. I have the full support of senior management for the project 2
4. The benefits of the project are well understood and documented 4
5. A clear set of deliverables have been identified 2
6. The customer understands and has agreed the scope of the project 2
7. Critical success factors have been identified and agreed with the customer 2
8. Management will support a request for additional resources, if required 0
9. A detailed project plan exists 2
10. Frequent milestones have been built into the project plan 2
11. There are sufficient resources available until the end of the project 0
12. Everyone in the team understands their roll and is committed to the cause 2
13. All materials required for the project are available -2
14. A risk log has been completed and a plan formulated to minimise identified risks 0
15. A communications plan has been developed 2
16. The project time-scale is accurate and achievable 2
17. I am confident that the project has every chance of success 2
18. I have scored the above questions honestly and to the best of my knowledge 2
Score: 30

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