Abraham Lincon's Letter

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A Must Read-letter From Abraham Lincoln To His Sons Teacher

My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and ne to him !or a hile and I ish
you ould treat him gently. It is an ad"enture that might ta#e him across continents. All
ad"entures that $robably include ars% tragedy and sorro. To li"e this li!e ill re&uire !aith% lo"e
and courage.
So dear Teacher% ill you $lease ta#e him by his hand and teach him things he ill ha"e to #no%
teaching him - but gently% i! you can. Teach him that !or e"ery enemy% there is a !riend. He ill
ha"e to #no that all men are not 'ust% that all men are not true. (ut teach him also that !or e"ery
scoundrel there is a hero% that !or e"ery croo#ed $olitician% there is a dedicated leader.
Teach him i! you can that )* cents earned is o! !ar more "alue than a dollar !ound. In school%
teacher% it is !ar more honorable to !ail than to cheat. Teach him to learn ho to grace!ully lose%
and en'oy inning hen he does in.
Teach him to be gentle ith $eo$le% tough ith tough $eo$le. Steer him aay !rom en"y i! you
can and teach him the secret o! &uiet laughter. Teach him i! you can - ho to laugh hen he is
sad% teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in !ailure and des$air in
success. Teach him to sco!! at cynics.
Teach him i! you can the onders o! boo#s% but also gi"e time to $onder the e+treme mystery o!
birds in the s#y% bees in the sun and !loers on a green hill. Teach him to ha"e !aith in his on
ideas% e"en i! e"ery one tells him they are rong.
Try to gi"e my son the strength not to !ollo the crod hen e"eryone else is doing it. Teach him
to listen to e"ery one% but teach him also to !ilters all that he hears on a screen o! truth and ta#e
only the good that comes through.
Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but ne"er to $ut a $rice tag on his
heart and soul. Let him ha"e the courage to be im$atient% let him ha"e the $atient to be bra"e.
Teach him to ha"e sublime !aith in himsel!% because then he ill alays ha"e sublime !aith in
man#ind% in ,od.
This is the order% teacher but see hat best you can do. He is such a nice little boy and he is my

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