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Unfnished Business

By: Amy Fetzer

Copyright 2002 by Harlequin Books S.A.
Its been two years since ick last saw !egan. He ha" been hire" by !egans billionaire #ather
to protect her$ but when he was %o%entarily "istracte" by the passion he #elt #or her$ he #oun"
hi%sel# shot by an intru"er$ an" out o# a &ob. So whats he "oing in the hot South A%erican
&ungle$ searching #or the one wo%an he ne'er thought he" see again( )i" he take the &ob #or
%oney...or #or lo'e(
!egan *+oole %a"e the %istake o# #alling #or her bo"yguar" two years ago. An" she ne'er
quite #orga'e hi% #or "isappearing #ro% her li#e a#ter taking a bullet #or her one night$ &ust as
they were about to gi'e in to their %utual "esire. ,ow$ !egans been ki"nappe" an" is being
hel" #or ranso% in the %i""le o# the &ungle. -hat she "oesnt know is that her #ather has once
again hire" ick . this ti%e to #in" her an" bring her ho%e sa#ely...
Chapter One
South America
The Southern Hemisphere was the pits.
+he &ungle air reeke" o# rotting 'egetation$ thick enough to see. -et enough to taste. +hat ick
was here$ stea%ing like broccoli$ searching #or a wo%an he ne'er wante" to see again$ sai"
so%ething about his character.
He &ust wasnt sure i# it was heroic or &ust %asochistic.
Crouche" in the sha"ows behin" a "rape o# 'ines$ ick Callahan hel" his breath as a guar"
wearing ban"oleers an" carrying an A/012 %o'e" past an" hea"e" towar" the #ront o# the
buil"ing. )i"nt these guys sleep( He re%in"e" hi%sel# to sit tight$ he was being pai" to rescue
!egan *+oole. 3ai" a lot. It was the only reason he was in this hellhole willing to #ace guerillas
ar%e" better than he was to get her back to her cushy li#estyle.
ick "ucke" out$ hurrying to the e"ge o# the slanting buil"ing. Crouching$ he spotte" her through
the shacks only win"ow an" #eelings he coul"nt na%e shot through his chest like a bla"e. He
wasnt going to pick the% apart. He ha" a &ob to "o. ,ow.
Be#ore they both got wa4e".
-eapon out$ with his back to the wall$ he peere" o'er the sill. !egan *+oole$ "aughter o# a
billionaire$ was in the center o# the roo%$ blin"#ol"e"$ gagge" 5 a s%art %o'e on their part 5
an" tie" to a woo"en chair. Her hea" was slu%pe" #orwar"$ shoul"ers li%p$ an" #or a secon" he
thought she was "ea".
An" insi"e$ he hurt. Sharp$ angry.
+hen she stirre"$ li#ting her hea". He coul" hear her captors in the #ront yar"$ boo6ing it up an"
getting co%#ortable. +hey shoul"7 they" &ust %a"e their last "e%an" on Ca%eron *+oole$
!egans #ather. ick ha" negotiate" it hi%sel#. 3art o# the ser'ice$ he thought$ an" sli" o'er the
sill$ "ropping silently to the #loor. He scanne" the "arkene" roo%$ the only light co%ing #ro% a
kerosene la%p on the "irt #loor. Slu%%ing #or !egan$ he thought. She was use" to lu4ury$
ser'ants. A "oting #ather who protecte" her like a "ragon protecting its young.
)oting enough to "is%iss ick as her bo"yguar" #or #alling un"er her spell. An" getting shot. It
was a hu%iliation he was still trying to li'e "own.
Holstering his weapon$ he %o'e" to her$ closing his han" o'er her gagge" %outh an" pulling her
hea" back against his shoul"er. She #ought hi%$ an" he tightene" his grip to near punishing.
8Be quiet or were both "ea". 9n"erstan"(8
She no""e"$ but the tension "i"nt ease #ro% her bo"y. :etting her go$ he cut her gag an" ropes$
ignoring her raw blee"ing wrists an" pulling her #ro% the chair to the #loor.
!egan rippe" o## the blin"#ol"$ blinking. 8I# this isnt #or real$ Ill %ake you sorry$8 she
whispere" in a gra'elly 'oice an" Callahans brows shot up. +hat "i"nt soun" like the !egan he
8I% as real as it gets. Can you walk(8 he whispere"$ an" she %et his ga6e$ no""ing$ looking
%ore angry than scare". He" gi'e up a lung to know what she was thinking right now.
*n her han"s an" knees$ nearly nose to nose$ !egan searche" beyon" the green an" black
clothing$ the ca%ou#lage #ace paint that woul" gi'e a chil" night%ares$ an" stare" into "ark
un#orgi'ing eyes. ;a%iliar eyes. An" a #loo" o# %e%ories coate" her in slick gree"y wa'es.
+he last ti%e she" been this close to hi% he" been kissing her into %in"less "esire. ;or a
secon"$ she coul" al%ost #eel the hea'y war%th o# his han"s roa%ing beneath her clothes again$
stroking her in places that calle" to only hi%$ hear his so#t erotic wor"s while he was %elting her
bones with hot wet kisses. <et with the stea%y %e%ories ca%e the trouble she" cause" hi%. +he
bullet he" taken to sa'e her. An" while she thought she" actually %eant so%ething to her
#or%er bo"yguar"$ he" "iscar"e" her like "ay0ol" ca'iar an" ne'er looke" back.
8)a""y %ust be paying you a lot o# %oney to "o this.8
8!ore than he #irst o##ere".8
+he insult stung$ bruising her heart %ore than her ego. =ust how %uch ha" it taken #or Callahan
to co%e all this way #or her( An" why ha" her #ather aske" the one %an #orbi""en to her(
8<ou okay(8 he whispere" close to her ear$ his irritation precise$ biting.
8<es$ peachy$ but the ser'ice here is aw#ul$8 she snappe". 8I shant reco%%en" the% again.8 She
coul" ha'e sworn his lips actually cur'e" in a s%ile. ,o. ,ot Callahan. S%iles woul" crack his
chisele" #ace.
Barely able to see hi% in the "ark$ she #ollowe" hi% across the "irt #loor to the win"ow. He
slithere" o'er the e"ge like a long black snake$ pulling her a#ter hi%. +he sill cut into her hip an"
she bit "own on her tongue to keep #ro% groaning. An" alerting her captors. +hey" taken sick
pleasure in s%acking her aroun" when the troglo"yte they calle" a boss wasnt aroun".
*nce outsi"e$ ick grabbe" her han"$ yanking her ruthlessly into the &ungle an" running.
A#ter a #ew yar"s$ her legs screa%e" in protest. 8Callahan> ?oo" grie#$ I'e been sitting in that
chair #or nearly a week>8
-ithout %issing a beat$ Callahan picke" her up an" like a ca'e%an$ tosse" her o'er his shoul"er.
He ran. +he air punche" out o# her lungs so har" she barely notice" his ar% wrappe" aroun" her
thigh$ his han" sho'e" between her legs. She wasnt going to co%plain$ not that she coul" with
her thoughts "raining out o# her hea" with her bloo". He ran #or what #elt like a %ile be#ore she
hear" gun shots.
8<ou &ust had to be a popular hostage(8 he %uttere" accusingly$ running a hun"re" yar"s be#ore
swinging her "own$ an" setting her to her #eet so har" !egans teeth clicke" together.
She sho'e" her hair out o# her #ace. 8,ow what(8 He was barely win"e"$ "a%n hi%.
8-e run.8
8-erent we &ust "oing that(8
8,ot #ast enough carrying you.8 He #orce" her roun" an" pushe" her ahea". 8?o$ I "ont get pai"
#or "ea".8
?oo"$ she thought$ that woul" keep her ali'e$ an" she obeye"$ ignoring her burning %uscles an"
pu%ping her legs like %a". ;ear pushe" her$ #ear o# being haule" back again. *# being terrori6e"
without sleep an" #oo" or water. +hey" toye" with her.
+hey woul" torture hi%.
:ea'es the si6e o# s%all ani%als slappe" her #ace$ branches catching her clothing. She trippe"
an" he graspe" her elbow.
8/eep going$ "a%%it$ %o'e>8
8I% "oing %y best>8
8<our best will get us kille".8
+hey" gone another #i#ty yar"s when the e4plosion ca%e.
Chapter Two
+he e4plosion shook the earth$ an" he threw hi%sel# at her back. +ogether$ they hit groun"$ the
air lea'ing her in a har" punch.
She spat "irt an" sai"$ 8<ou set e4plosions(8
8An" warning %e "i"nt occur to you(8
8,ope. ,ot in the escue the 3rincess !anual.8
Callahan #linche" as "ebris hit his back$ then he grabbe" the waistban" o# her pants$ "ragging her
to her #eet as he stoo". 8+herell be %ore$8 he sai" an" pushe" her onwar". +he e4plosions woul"
gi'e the% ti%e$ ick thought. @4actly how %uch was an art #or%.
8I see your ,ean"erthal style hasnt i%pro'e".8
+he re%ark re%in"e" hi% o# what he "i"nt want crow"ing his %in". 8+hat "i"nt stop you #ro%
in"ulging in the see"ier si"e be#ore$ eh$ princess(8
She wishe" he" stop calling her that. 8+hat was then. !y tastes ha'e i%pro'e".8
8I can "ie a happy %an now$8 he %uttere" "ryly. 8Because I "ont nee" another bullet hole$ an"
the sooner we part co%pany the longer Ill li'e.8
Stung$ !egan gathere" her co%posure be#ore #acing hi%. 8,ot i# you want your precious %oney$
Callahan. <oure stuck with %e.8
He loo%e" o'er her like the "e'il co%e to collect her soul. 8I% your only way out o# here$ so
#or the ne4t three "ays$ youre stuck with me.8
She swallowe". 8)ays(8
Her horri#ie" look "i"nt gi'e hi% the satis#action he nee"e". 8-ere #arther #ro% the nearest city
than you think. I# you can keep up$ we %ight not %iss the #irst ren"e6'ous point.8
+hen he s%ile".
It was an e'il grin$ ick knew. He" sa'e" it &ust #or her.
But in the "ark$ !egan saw only the bar o# white teeth. :ike #angs. Hes going to like this$ she
thought. +hat she was at his %ercy. +hat she coul"nt sur'i'e out here without hi%.
83erhaps we shoul" continue then(8 -oo"enly !egan swept her han" #or hi% to lea" the way.
ick trotte" o## an" !egan staye" right behin" hi%. She knew she ha" to$ e'en i# it kille" her.
An" she was &ust about there. She wasnt going to gi'e hi% a reason to regret co%ing #or her. He
%ust ha'e wante" the %oney ba"ly to "o this. He" lost his &ob an" a lot o# bloo" because o# her$
ha"nt he( He" ne'er contacte" her$ an" i# he wante" to$ he coul" ha'e. ules "i"nt apply to
He stoppe" so su""enly she al%ost s%acke" into hi%. 8-ait here.8 He took a #ew steps away.
She grabbe" his ar%. 8*h$ I "ont think so. )o you know the kin" o# ani%als that lurk in this
8<eah$ I "o.8 ick pushe" her han" o##. 8Be still$ "ont screa%.8
-ithout another wor"$ he %o'e" #arther into the #orest. =ust as cries o# %i"night creatures
threatene" her co%posure$ he returne"$ wearing a backpack an" hol"ing a %achete.
8:ets %o'e. -e ha'e to get #ar enough away be#ore sunrise.8
8-oul" you happen to ha'e any #oo" in there(8
He stare" har"$ then no""e"$ re%o'ing the pack an" han"ing her so%e #ree6e0"rie" thing in a
sil'er packet. She tore it open.
ick watche" her sho'e the #oo" into her %outh an" guilt s%acke" hi%. 8?oo" ?o"$ !eg.
-hens the last ti%e you ate(8
Shrugging$ she hel" up a #inger$ chewing the "ry nutrition bar an" #orcing it "own.
He han"e" her a s%all bottle o# water. 8Swish it in your %outh #irst$ spit$ then "rink.8
She #rowne"$ about to "rink$ then "i" as he sai". Spitting was such a 'ulgar thing to "o in #ront
o# a %an$ she thought$ but "i"nt care. She "i"nt care about a lot o# things any%ore. An" that
scare" her.
She han"e" hi% back the bottle.
8)o you nee" to rest(8 he aske"$ an" the wor"s ca%e out harsher than he" inten"e".
She li#te" her chin. 8I can keep up. ?o" #orbi" we %iss that ren"e6'ous.8
ick eye" her$ won"ering what else ha" change" about her. +he !egan *+oole he knew two
years ago was kin"$ consi"erate$ an" #unny$ but lets #ace it$ spoile". He "i"nt bla%e her or her
#ather #or that. I# he" ha" #a%ily$ he" ha'e gi'en the% the worl". But ha" a week in the han"s
o# ki"nappers really change" her that %uch(
8@arth to Callahan( en"e6'ous(8 She wa'e" in his #ace. 8,o %ore !eg( Big payo##(8
He blinke"$ then scowling at her s%ug e4pression$ he turne" an" hacke" at the un"ergrowth$
praying the ki"nappers ha"nt sur'i'e" the e4plosions.
A#ter a couple %ore hours o# chewing bugs an" sweating$ "awn #inally broke abo'e the%$ yet the
sunlight barely %a"e it "own between the trees.
8=ust e4actly where are we going(8
8@4actly( +wel'e "egree southwest.8
!egan s%irke" at his back. /now0it0all. 8-oul"nt we be better o## up there(8 She pointe" to the
%ountains. 8-e coul" see better.8
8+hey grow poppy up there an" unless you want to #ight o## "rug lor"s too...8 He let that hang
#or a secon".
8)o they ha'e a bathroo%( +hat %ight change %y opinion.8
He glance" back$ the %achete raise" to chop. +hen he let out a long0su##ering breath an" hacke"
through another spot an" pointe". 8?o in there.8
She stare" at the cut in the &ungle. 8!y own bou"oir. How lo'ely.8 +hen with a regal tip o# her
hea"$ !eg walke" into the #orest.
ick sippe" water$ waiting. 8+here isnt a %irror an" per#u%e in there$ co%e on$ *+oole.8
She appeare" %inutes later$ her re" hair #inger0co%be" back$ her "irty clothing righte" an"
s%oothe". ;ractures o# %orning light skippe" o'er her #ace. )a%n$ she was still beauti#ul$ he
thought$ his insi"es clawing with a su""en sharp nee" to kiss her. She was un"er his skin an" he
"i"nt want her there. ,ot now$ not when her li#e "epen"e" on hi% being ob&ecti'e. He" pai"
"early #or #alling #or her once. He wasnt stupi" enough to let it happen again. 8<ou rea"y(8 he
sai" i%patiently.
8<es$ but the towel atten"ant nee"s a tip an" I #orgot %y purse.8
He s%irke"$ shaking his hea".
* * *
His energy was unshakable. He %o'e" with quiet power$ his long stri"es eating up the "istance.
Her legs were no %atch #or his si40#eet0so%ething$ yet she #ollowe"$ trusting hi%. He #it into the
&ungle easily$ his clothes$ his "ark hair %elting into his black ban"ana an" the ca%ou#lage paint
concealing his skin. He" been !arine ;orce econ be#ore he" been her bo"yguar". An" he"
been her #rien" then$ too. +hat he wasnt now le#t her blee"ing insi"e with a cut that woul"nt
heal. Still$ she" %isse" hi%. How she coul" %iss cool black eyes an" a lack o# hu%or she "i"nt
know$ yet there it was.
She "i"nt ki" hersel# in thinking that i# they" %a"e lo'e that last night it woul" ha'e %attere"
to hi%. He was "angerously han"so%e$ an" %ore than one o# her #rien"s ha" trie" to "raw hi%
into her be". +he night she" been in his$ there" been an atte%pt on her li#e. Al%ost nightly$ she
re%e%bere" hi% shiel"ing her$ the bullet that pierce" through hi% an" into her. -oun"e"$ he"
"isar%e" the attackers an" while she was in the hospital$ ichar" ha" "isappeare".
An" she" ne'er #elt so alone in her li#e.
Chapter Three
Su""enly he was hauling her up by her ar%s. 8I calle" you twice. -here the hell were you(8
She blinke"$ hoping he coul"nt see her tears. 8*## shopping at Saks$ where else( Its sale "ay.8
icks e4pression soure". 8Stay %ore alert$ *+oole. <our ki"nappers coul" co%e up on us
8+hen I guess youll &ust ha'e to #ight the% o## i# you want your pay%ent$ huh(8 She shrugge"
o## his touch.
8?o"$ youre %outhy.8
8;orgi'e %e$ %y "ebutante beha'ior got le#t behin" when I was stolen #ro% %y be" at
,ot #or the #irst ti%e$ ick consi"ere" what she" been through in the past week. He "i"nt like
the i%ages snapping through his %in". 8-ell bunk here #or a while.8
8Sleep$ rest$ "rink water.8
?lancing aroun"$ !egan saw only thick 'ines an" tree roots. +hen ichar" pushe" back tall
#erns$ re'ealing a spot where trees ben"ing to reach the chips o# sunlight ha" cuppe" the earth. It
looke" like the it6 to her.
8Its cooler in there an" were hi""en enough i# so%eone co%es along.8
8)o you think they will(8 ;ear clou"e" her 'oice an" she looke" aroun".
8*h yeah$ this is their backyar". An" these guys are out their #i'e %illion5"ollar package.
+heyll want it back.8
It. !egan #elt su""enly 'ery e%pty an" alone. 8?ee$ nice to be so...necessary.8
+he hurt on her #ace "e'astate" his senses. -hen ha" he grown so cruel( 8!egan...8
She cut hi% o## be#ore he coul" say %ore. 8I% a co%%o"ity. :ike pork bellies or cru"e oil.8
8+hats not true. ,ot to your #ather.8
8:ets not "issect this$ please. I% the pawn.8 She rake" her #ingers through her hair an" they
snagge". 8But i# the ki"nappers knew anything about %y #ather$ they" know he woul" string
the% along till he got the upper han".8 She %et his ga6e$ her eyes #lat. 8-hich in this case was
you.8 She "ucke" insi"e the enclosure.
ick re%aine" outsi"e #or a %o%ent$ then #ollowe" her. She was seate" on the groun"$ re%o'ing
her boots.
8I "i"nt %ean it like that.8
8Sure you "i". <ou "ont get pai" #or a "ea" hostage. I% a %eans to the en" #or e'eryone. ;or
your %oney$ their %oney$ %y #athers satis#action that absolutely no one will take anything he
consi"ers his.8
!egan a"ore" her #ather$ but she was twenty0se'en an" chie# e4ecuti'e o# South A%erican
*perations$ yet with regar" to her personal li#e$ )a" o#ten treate" her like a hor%onally
challenge" teenager. )a" thought he knew best. He "i"nt. *r he" ne'er ha'e #ire" ichar".
8<our #ather lo'es you. *r he woul"nt ha'e hire" %e.8
8-hy "i" he ask you$ ichar"(8
Hearing his na%e tugge" so%ewhere "eep insi"e hi%. She was the only one who calle" hi% that.
It le#t an inti%ate calling car"$ a re%in"er o# the last ti%e he" touche" her. An" how %uch he
wante" to "o it again. ,ow. 8I% goo".8
8*b'iously.8 She stare" up at hi% #or a secon"$ thought#ul. 8<oure a %ercenary$ a gun #or hire$
arent you(8
8Soun"s illegal when you put it like that.8
8But its true(8
He lowere" hi%sel# to the groun". 8I% a hostage negotiator an" retrie'al e4pert.8
+hat "i"nt con#ir% her suspicions. 8A%ongst other things$ Ill bet.8
8I# the pay is goo" enough$ I% open.8
!egan #elt struck across the #ace. ,o %atter how %uch she wishe" otherwise$ to ichar"
Callahan$ she was an opportunity. She really shoul" be %ore &u"icious when she #ell in lo'e.
8So what "i" it take #or you to co%e #or %e$ Callahan(8 she sai" quietly$ looking "own at her
han"s$ at the bloo" crusting on her wrists. 8*ne %illion$ two( ;i'e(8
;resh bloo" "rippe" "own her skin like a web an" ick reali6e" when he" pulle" her along$
he" reopene" the woun"s. 8-e nee" to see to those.8 He "ug insi"e his pack #or a %e"ical kit.
8It can wait an" I% tire".8 She curle" "own on her si"e$ using her boots #or a pillow. His price
%ust ha'e been huge$ she thought$ an" "eep in her soul she wishe" he" co%e on his own$ #or a
8!eg. +hose will get in#ecte".8
8+hey can wait$8 she sai" on a yawn.
She was asleep in an instant.
ick sho'e" his #ingers into his hair$ pulling o## the ban"anna an" angrily snapping it asi"e. He
ha" the social graces o# a rhino in heat. Ha" he taken this &ob &ust #or the chance to woun" her(
*r to show her that he wasnt goo" enough #or her then an" wasnt now( He was out o# her
league$ an" that he" crosse" the line with his charge was unacceptable to hi%. Her #ather ha"
truste" hi% with her. !eg ha" truste" hi% an" though she was %ore than willing to play with
hi% two years ago$ he shoul" ne'er ha'e broken the car"inal rule. ,e'er get in'ol'e" with the
targets. It woul" hurt too %uch when you #aile". An" he ha"$ he thought$ rubbing the ol" woun".
He" lost %ore than a &ob an" a little bloo" that night. A part o# his soul went %issing$ too.
Carrying his backpack$ ick le#t the natural hut an" set a couple nasty little surprises #or anyone
who trie" to get past the%. He wante" to get #ar away right now$ but !egan nee"e" rest an"
though he ha" no choice but to push her har"$ it "i"nt %ake hi% #eel any better that she was
hungry$ blee"ing$ an" he still "i"nt know what they" "one to her. +he way he #oun" her sai"
they ha"nt gi'en her a single lu4ury an" though %ost hostages ha" it worse$ her situation ha"
been pretty ba".
+raps set$ he reentere" the enclosure$ placing the %ain sensor be#ore their %akeshi#t entrance.
+he tiny re" light blinke" slowly an" woul" hu% when the sensor was trippe". -hile she slept$
ick cut an escape route in the un"erbrush surroun"ing the%. +his country "i"nt ha'e too %any
#rien"lies7 it pai" to ha'e a couple o# options.
He settle" "own besi"e her$ "rinking so%e water an" watching her. +he blee"ing ha" stoppe"$
an" when she rolle" towar" hi%$ curling into a tight #rightene" ball$ icks reser'e ca'e". He
sli" "own to the groun"$ his back brace" on the pack an" pulle" her into his ar%s.
She whi%pere"$ an" struggle" against hi%$ an" he whispere"$ 8Its all right$ Irish$ youre sa#e.8
She rela4e" a bit$ her #ingers gripping his shirt as i# he were the last threa" in her li#e. ick
rubbe" her back in slow circles$ an" crushe" "own %e%ories o# her willing in his ar%s$
concentrating on getting the% out o# here when he knew in a couple hours the &ungle coul" be
crawling with guerillas. !en who wante" her #or a %oney tra"e.
ick wasnt %uch "i##erent. He %ight be sa'ing her$ but he was e4changing her rescue #or cash
so he coul" stop this li#e.
An" then what( Be alone( a 'oice aske" an" he looke" "own at !egan tucke" in his ar%s.
?ently he pushe" her hair o## her #ace. He coul" keep telling hi%sel# that it was #or the pay$ but
"eep insi"e$ where he kept his secrets o# loneliness an" the nee" to en" it$ he knew he ha"nt
co%e a thousan" %iles into the A%a6on &ungle #or cash.
Chapter Four
A couple hours later$ !egan stirre"$ #eeling the soli" war%th o# a %an against her. A secon"
later$ co%prehension gelle" an" she &erke" away$ scra%bling back on her behin".
8Its okay$ its &ust %e$8 ick sai"$ her wi"e0eye" #ear so#tening to wariness.
8)ont touch %e.8
ick leane" on the pack$ his ar%s #ol"e" across his chest. 8<oure the one crawling onto %y lap$
Her #ace #la%e" an" she rubbe" her #ist un"er her nose. 83eople cant be hel" accountable #or
what they "o in their sleep. Its the subconscious at work.8
8So subconsciously you wante" to be clinging to %e like a 'ine(8
A really luscious 'ine$ but ick knew better. He" hear" the whi%pers$ the pleas #or water an"
rest to her captors. He "i"nt "oubt they" kept her awake #or "ays. It was a tactic to wear her
"own$ though she ha" nothing to "o with her release. It ha" been in her #athers han"s an" he"
trie" to %o'e %ountains.
8,o$ I "i" not. ;or pitys sake$ stop rea"ing into e'ery little thing.8 She starte" putting on her
boots. 8<ou soun" like a &ilte" lo'er.8
8-e ne'er quite got to that stage$ "i" we$ Irish(8
Irish. +he ol" en"ear%ent stung an" hot piercing eyes glare" at hi% through a curtain o# tangle"
re" hair. 8?o to hell$ Callahan.8
8Been there$ got the scars to pro'e it.8
8-ant to co%pare a #ew( <oure the one who "isappeare".8
8I got #ire"$ !eg.8 He stoo"$ gathering his things.
8An" you let that stop you(8
8<our #ather has a way o# %aking a lasting i%pression.8
8-hat "i" he "o(8 ighteous #ury lit her pretty #ace.
8,othing that I coul"nt han"le.8
8I% sure.8 !eg coul" only i%agine what her #ather ha" "one. !oney %eant power an" her
#ather ha" plenty o# both. 8I "i"nt know$ ick.8
He looke" "own at her as she yanke" on her laces. 8So you thought I &ust playe" house with the
bosss "aughter$ let her get shot$ then le#t without another thought(8
8)i"nt you(8 He with"rew his weapon an" peere" between the #erns an" 'ines. 8-ell$ "i"nt
you(8 she persiste" an" when he "i"nt respon"$ she yanke" hi% aroun" to #ace her.
8*# course I thought o# you. <ou were woun"e" because o# %e.8
8I was alive because o# you. <ou took the bullet.8
8An" you woul"nt ha'e been hurt at all i# I" been "oing %y &ob instea" o# getting you nake".8
A s%ile tugge". 8<ou were "oing a #ine &ob o# that$ too$ as I recall.8
ick groun" his teeth$ #ighting the stea%y %e%ory clou"ing his brain. +hey #loo"e" in &ust the
sa%e$ like they "i" e'ery ti%e he thought o# her. 8;orget it. It "oesnt %atter anyway. I broke a
rule$ pai" the price$ en" o# story.8
It wasnt o'er or they woul"nt both be #eeling like this$ she thought$ staring up at hi%. 8-e both
pai"$ an" you werent e4actly alone in that rule breaking.8
ick wince"$ knowing she probably caught holy hell #or being with her bo"yguar". 8!y &ob was
base" on %y reputation an" I lost it$8 he sai"$ then steppe" onto the path$ %otioning her to
re%ain there.
An" because o# that$ she thought$ she lost ick.
As ick retrie'e" his sensors an" traps$ the truth bit hi% again. He ha"nt been worrie" about
hi%sel#. +aking a bullet #or her ha" been his "uty$ his &ob. But getting #ire" #ro% the cushiest gig
on the planet because it happene" while they were in be"$ an" he" been too hot #or her to hear
the intru"ers was "isgrace#ul. +op that with the bullet gra6ing her$ an" he" #aile" e'en %ore. Her
#ather ha" been #urious that his "aughter actually wante" a %an like hi%$ but what happene" to
!eg a#terwar" was a %ystery. He" spent a s%all #ortune hunting her "own$ only to get close$
an" then she" "isappear again. A#ter the thir" try$ he" gi'en up$ #iguring she "i"nt want to be
-hat i# she ha" wante" hi% to #in" her( he won"ere" as he returne".
She was pacing the s%all con#ines.
8:ets go.8
8-e nee" to talk$8 she sai"$ %eeting his ga6e.
8,ot now.8 He ushere" her towar" the secon" e4it he" %a"e.
She coul" #eel ick close behin"$ an" when the thicket was too "ense$ he han"e" her the %achete
an" tol" her to start hacking. She "i"nt know where they were going$ but chopping through huge
lea'es an" brush %a"e her #eel as i# she ha" so%e control in a "ay that was twisting wil"ly in the
win". She was "renche" with sweat in secon"s. Anger at her #ather %ani#este"$ an" at ick #or
ben"ing to the ornery Irish%an$ though in her heart$ she knew i# ick wante"$ he took$ regar"less
o# the consequences. She suppose" she wasnt worth it$ unless$ o# course$ it ca%e with a he#ty
ick glance" behin" hi%sel#$ walking backwar" a pace$ then #ocusing ahea" as !eg slashe"
through the hea'y &ungle. -hen she stu%ble" #or the thir" ti%e$ he knew she" e4pen"e" her
energy. He trie" not to care$ but he "i". She was "oing better than he e'er e4pecte". An" he was
prou" as hell o# her.
8:et %e ha'e that.8 ick reache" #or the %achete. She ga'e it up$ #le4ing her #ingers an" ick
saw the blisters there. He grabbe" her han"$ e4a%ining the woun"s. ?o"$ she was a %ess.
8)a%%it$ why "i"nt you say so%ething(8
8+he %anicurist was o##$ so why bother(8 she sai" "ully an" sho'e" her han"s into her pockets.
8I ha'e glo'es. I shoul" ha'e gi'en the% 5 ?o"$ I wasnt thinking.8
8-as that an actual apology(8
8)o you actually nee" one(8 His lips cur'e" an" #ro% his pack he took out the canteen$ an"
poure" water o'er the blisters. She hisse" an" trie" to pull away$ but he hel" tight$ blowing on
the woun"s. 8Ill take care o# this when were #ar enough away.8
He wrappe" her pal% with a green %ilitary ban"age$ taking great care an" ti%e they "i"nt ha'e.
8-hat "i" they "o to you$ !eg(8 he aske" so#tly$ su""enly.
His tone was so genuinely ten"er$ it %a"e her heart "rop a beat$ an" she trie" to look un"er his
bent hea". -hy was he asking( 8)oes it %atter(8
8It "oes to %e.8
He soun"e" al%ost #rightene" at what she" say. 8+hey blin"#ol"e" an" star'e" %e$ kept %e
awake #or the #irst #i'e or si4 "ays.8 She shrugge". 8I lost count.8
8)i" they "o anything else(8
She knew what he was asking$ an" the tension in hi% ha" a taste all its own.
Chapter Five
icks question hung in the air between the% #or a %o%ent be#ore !eg answere".
8,o$ they "i"nt "o anything but withhol" #oo" an" sleep. I put a curse on the% an" they were
too superstitious to co%e near %e.8
His lips cur'e" an" she thought she saw a"%iration in his s%ile.
8But the threat o# rape was ba" enough. It "oesnt %atter. Been there$ ha'e the scars. ,ow its
"one.8 She took a step in the "irection they" been hea"ing an" he grabbe" her elbow. She
twiste"$ %eeting his ga6e. 8-hat(8
ick searche" her #eatures. 8<ou'e change".8
8I tol" you I 58
8,ot your tastes in %en$8 he sai" sourly. 8Youve change".8
+hats because I'e lost too %uch an" ha" to get o'er it$ she thought$ but "i"nt say it. 8I" ask i#
that was goo" or ba"$ but #rankly I "ont care.8 She "i"nt ha'e the strength to battle with ick
Callahan right now.
8+hats it. <ou use" to care.8
8<eah$ sure$ I care" about appearances$ an" what others thought. I learne" the har" way that only
a couple people in %y li#e really %attere".8 An" ick ha" been one o# the%.
ick pulle" her closer. 8-hos on that list( ,ot %e$ I know.8
She lai" her han"s on his chest an" ick #elt the #a%iliar bolt o# heat shoot "own to his boot
heels. He coul" barely stan" the sweet pulse o# it through his bloo" an" not "o so%ething about
8*nce upon a ti%e you were the only one who %attere".8
8@4cept %aybe )a""y an" his %oney.8 ick knew the instant the wor"s le#t his %outh that he"
screwe" up. Her e4pression sai" so.
8Is that what you belie'e(8 She sho'e" out o# his ar%s.
8Any reason I shoul"nt(8
8,o one pai" %e to crawl into your be"$ Callahan. But then again$ you were being pai" to be %y
8Sha"ow$ yes 5 lo'er$ no>8
8Any reason I shoul" belie'e you(8 She turne" on her heels$ thrashing "eeper into the &ungle.
ick stare" a#ter her$ won"ering how this got turne" on hi%$ when he hear" a soun" that wasnt
part o# the &ungle noises. He race" to catch her$ grabbing her by the waist an" "ropping to the
groun" with her.
8-e really ha'e to work on your social 58
He co'ere" her %outh$ an" with her locke" in his ar%s$ rolle" into the &ungle an" into a gully.
+ucking her to his si"e$ he lay on his sto%ach$ his weapon out an" ai%e" towar" where they"
8I "i"nt hear 58
He glare" an" she shut up. Hi""en below the ri"ge o# "irt$ ick listene"$ his hearing tune" to
beyon" the screech o# bir"s an" creatures.
!eg hear" it an" inhale" sharply. ;ootsteps. +hrashing.
8Stay right here. +ake this.8 He presse" his weapon into her han"s$ #ol"ing her #ingers aroun" it.
8Shoot anything that isnt %e.8
!eg looke" at the weapon$ e4hale"$ then cocke" the A%% like a pro.
ick arche" an eyebrow.
8Ill preten" its a hair "ryer$8 she sai"$ then shi#te" to her elbows an" #ocuse" on the path. He
was still looking at her strangely when she sai"$ 8-hat are you going to use(8
He rolle" to his back. ;ro% his boot$ he pulle" out a wicke"ly long kni#e with a serrate" base. It
ha" 9.S. !arines engra'e" on the black bla"e. !egan swallowe". +hat %eant he ha" to get close
enough to the% to in#lict "a%age$ an" worry skippe" through her.
ick crawle" to the path$ then rose to a crouch$ praying she woul"nt ha'e to shoot. I# she "i"$
then he" alrea"y be "ea".
Bugs bu66e" aroun" her hea" as !egan waite"$ her skin itching with sweat. She "i"nt "are put
the weapon "own an" squinte" "own the sight$ won"ering i# she coul" actually shoot another
hu%an being. She hear" a gun shot an" #linche"$ praying it wasnt at ick$ praying they"
%isse". Her %in" torture" her with i%ages o# hi% blee"ing so%ewhere out there. Blee"ing to
sa'e her. Again.
Secon"s stretche" to %inutes.
She #linche" when she hear" a rustling in the bushes$ but coul"nt see anything. +he noise grew
clearer$ then su""enly slow an" so#t till the soun" 'anishe" beneath the bloo" poun"ing in her
She i%agine" her captorsB s%elly losers with nasty guns 5 an" they like" using the%. She
re%e%bere" the blows$ the kni#e poise" at her eye until she sai" what they wante" into the tape
#or her #ather. +hen she thought o# what they" "o to ick an" she bit her lip to keep #ro% crying
A twig snappe". I# it was ick$ he" say so.
Her heart breaking that he was "ea"$ she raise" the weapon$ shi#ting back on her knees. A #igure
appeare"$ loo%ing o'er her$ an" she pulle" the trigger. ,othing. She leapt to her #eet an" ran.
ick chase" her$ snatching her aroun" the waist an" li#ting her o## her #eet as he yanke" the gun
#ro% her grasp.
She #ought like a wil"cat$ clawing at his ar%$ kicking her #eet against his cal'es.
A string o# curses he ne'er i%agine" she knew spille" #ro% her %outh.
8Stop$ stop$ its %e>8
She stille"$ twisting in his ar%s as he set her to her #eet. He grippe" her ar%s. 8Its %e$ baby.8
She stare" up at hi%$ breathing har"$ tears in her eyes. +hen she batte" his han"s o##. 8I thought
they" kille" you an" they were co%ing #or %e. )ont "o that again$ "a%n you>8 She punche"
his chest. 8I hate you #or that. I was so scare">8 She sho'e" hi% with e'ery wor". 8I thought
they" kille" you>8
+he last ca%e in a long pain#ul wail.
He grabbe" her against hi%. 8Shut up$ !eg.8
She blinke".
+ears traile" "own her cheeks an" he" bet she "i"nt know it. +o see her co%e apart %a"e his
knees weak. He "i"nt get that way o#ten. @4cept with her.
8Shut up( <ou bastar"> I% terri#ie" #or you an" thats 58
?rinning all the way "own$ he slashe" his %outh across hers$ stealing her wor"s$ her te%per. Her
breath. He lo'e" that she was a#rai" #or hi%. :o'e" that he coul"nt think clearly$ an" so%eti%es
with !eg that was a goo" state to be in. She was sharp an" s%art$ an" so %uch better than he
was$ but he was tire" o# lines in the san" an" "enying hi%sel# this wo%an.
?o"$ she taste" like ho%e$ like he" been lost in this &ungle an" #inally #oun" his way to
His tongue sli" o'er her lips$ prying the% apart an" pushing between. An" she cru%ble" in his
Chapter Six
!egan %elte".
ight there in the A%a6on &ungle$ she #ell apart an" ca%e together in one soul ripping kiss. Her
%oans echoe" into the trees$ her han"s crawle" up his chest an" wrappe" aroun" his neck. She
hung on. Because the groun" was "isappearing beneath her #eet. Because when ichar" kisse"$
there wasnt anything le#t to "o but be absorbe" in the thrall o# it.
8*h$ ichar"$ I %isse" you$8 !egan sobbe" against his %outh$ opening hersel# to the slaughter
o# #eelings pulsing through her$ her heart sprea"ing its wings an" ri"ing the current with hi%.
8I %isse" you$ too$ Irish$ "a%ne" i# I "i"nt.8 ick "e'oure" her$ his han"s #isting in her shirt$
pushing her into hi%$ #illing the length o# his bo"y with her incre"ible so#tness.
Behin" her back he still grippe" the bloo"y kni#e.
8!ore$ %ore$8 she whispere" an" he took her %outh again$ hot an" quick$ not wanting their
surroun"ings to intru"e. He wante" to stay locke" in the &ungle with her.
+he squawk o# bir"s pushe" goo" sense back into his #oggy %in". +hey werent alone in this
He "rew back$ lo'ing that it took her a secon" to open her eyes.
8-hat was behin" that kiss(8
@'erything$ he thought. 8See%e" like a goo" way to cut through the hysterics.8
She was s%art enough not to argue that point. 8Is that the only reason(8
Her 'oice hel" a 'ulnerability he" ne'er hear" be#ore an" he knew what he sai" in the ne4t
%o%ent woul" %ake the "i##erence between ha'ing her in his li#e again an" #eeling the biting
loneliness again.
+he "ecision was so easy. He presse" his #orehea" to hers$ his bo"y hu%%ing to her tune. 8,o$
Irish$ I needed to kiss you$ to #eel you in %y ar%s again.... +wo years is a 'ery long ti%e.8
Her ga6e brushe" o'er his #ace as i# co%%itting it to %e%ory. 8I can accept that.8
He s%ile"$ an honest grin. 8?oo"$ because I "ont usually kiss people who shoot at %e.8 +hank
?o" #or a sa#ety$ he thought.
8It was a hair "ryer. I was trying to blow you away.8
He grinne". 8Co%e on.8 He patte" her behin". 8-e ha'e to keep %o'ing.8
She no""e"$ sli"ing her ar%s #ro% his neck. She staggere" an" he #lashe" her a so#t s%ile$
caught her$ then rolle" his %outh o'er hers in a thick kiss be#ore he bent an" sho'e" his kni#e
into his boot.
!egan saw the bloo". Her ga6e &erke" to his. His e4pression was unrea"able$ %o%ents o#
ten"erness wipe" clean. It %a"e her see that ichar" Callahan was capable o# %ore than she #irst
thought. It "i"nt scare her7 it %a"e her #eel incre"ibly sa#e. Her ga6e %o'e" o'er hi% as i#
checking #or woun"s.
8I% #ine.8
She no""e"$ knowing it was either the ki"nappers or the%. 8Are we sa#e(8
8<eah$ #or now.8
!eg let out a hea'y breath$ an" they pushe" on.
* * *
+he heat o# the "ay bore "own on the% like the press o# iron. !eg stu%ble" an" ick pushe"
#oo" into her han" an" pushe" her onwar".
8ichar"$8 she sai" tire"ly.
8,ot yet$ !eg. I know youre tire". =ust a bit #arther an" well ha'e a place to hi"e #or the night.8
8I hope they ha'e a bath.8
8Ill see i# the %anage%ent will acco%%o"ate.8
She chose not to respon" an" concentrate" on picking up one leg an" setting it "own. It was
a#ternoon when the %ist o# the &ungle grew lighter an" cooler. She stoppe" an" ick passe" her$
chopping through un"ergrowth.
+hen she saw it.
8*h %y ?o".8
ick watche" the s%ile bloo% on her #ace an" cherishe" it.
!egan looke" up an" up to the top o# the cli## an" the glorious water#all spilling a thousan" #eet
into the ri'er below. -ater rushe" o'er rocks with a "ecepti'e power$ then cal%e" to #lat glass
near the e"ge where she stoo". @agerly$ she walke" towar" it$ but ick grabbe" her ar%.
8,o$ not there$ the water is too still.8
Anacon"a$ she reali6e"$ stepping back.
8-e hea" up there.8 He pointe" to a plateau o# rock to the right o# the #all. 8Its going to take us
another hour to get aroun" that.8 He gesture" to the hea'y 'egetation between the% an" the #all.
Cines "ippe" into the water$ strung like lace o'er twisting trees. 8Itll be worth it. :ea" on.8
!egan #ollowe"$ an" &ust the sight o# water %a"e her skin screa% #or %oisture an" a goo"
scrubbing. Her energy returne" an" when they ha" to crawl o'er tree roots the si6e o# a car$ !eg
graspe" a 'ine to swing "own.
8!eg$ no>8
She swung anyway$ an" ick caught her$ the #orce sla%%ing her into hi%. 8+hat was not s%art.8
8I was #eeling 'ery =ane0ish. <ou really nee" to lighten up.8
His ga6e %o'e" o'er the terrain$ alert. 8-hen were out o# here$ Ill wear a loin cloth an" beat
%y chest #or you.8
8!y personal sa'age$ I cant wait.8 She s%ile" up at hi%. 8But then what(8
8Huh(8 He was staring at her %outh$ the rest o# his bo"y gearing up #or action.
8-hen were in ci'ili6ation with running water an" roo% ser'ice$ then what$ ichar"(8
8+hen youre sa#e.8
8An" you get pai".8 She no""e" %ore to hersel#. 8I #orgot$ co%ing here ha" a price.8
8Sure it "i".8 He tippe" her hea" back$ ga6ing into her green eyes. 8It was opening an ol" woun"$
Irish. It was seeing you again a#ter I" trie" %y "a%ne"est to #in" you an" got shot out o# the
water at e'ery turn.8
Her #ather$ she knew without asking. 8I% going to kill )a""y.8
8,o$ you wont. I# %y "aughter ha" been caught in be" with her bo"yguar" an" woun"e" to
boot$ I" ha'e "one %ore than sen" a couple o# thugs a#ter %e.8
8I% sorry$ ichar". ,o won"er you ha" to be pai" to co%e here.8 She pushe" ahea" o# hi%$ her
heart #eeling score" "own the %i""le. )a%n her #ather. 8I# it were %e$ I woul"nt ha'e co%e #or
anything less than #i'e %illion.8
Hurt painte" her 'oice an" ichar" rake" his #ingers through his hair. 8I "ont gi'e a "a%n about
the %oney>8 He #ollowe" her as she thrashe" through the #orest. 8-hat "o you want %e to say$
!eg( +hat I shoul" ha'e trie" har"er to get to you( <eah$ %istake one. +hat I regret you got hurt
when I shoul" ha'e been "oing %y &ob( I "o$ %istake nu%ber two.8
8+hats an e4cellent start. -ant to try #or %istake nu%ber three(8
8Such as(8 -hat was it( *pen season on Callahan(
8How about you belie'ing I was on so%e hero worship trip when I ca%e to your be"(8
8<ou were.8
She roun"e" an" slappe" hi%.
He blinke"$ rubbing his cheek. 8;eel better(8
8,o. Actually I" like to beat the stu##ing out o# you #or being a &erk$ but clearly I% outclasse"
in %y weight "i'ision.8
8I" ne'er hurt you$ !eg.8
8:ike you arent now(8 His e4pression har"ene". 8-hy are you being like this(8 she shoute".
8Because I% not the right %an #or you>8
Her heart cru%ble".
Chapter Seven
8*nly a #ool woul" presu%e he wasnt the right %an #or %e.8
ick sighe" "eeply.
8<oure thinking #oolishly$ !eg. I cant gi'e you the li#e you'e le" till now.8
8!istake nu%ber #our. -ho sai" I wante" it(8
8)a%%it$ you know what I %ean.8 He swallowe"$ #eeling like e'erything in his li#e was
su""enly on the line. 8I want %ore an" you &ust cant gi'e it without gi'ing up your #athers
!eg ga'e hi% a "irty look. 8+hanks #or the 'ote on %y character$ Callahan. I ha'ent li'e" o##
%y #athers %oney since I was twenty0one. I "o ha'e a &ob. =ust because its in %y "a"s
co%pany "oesnt %ean I "i"nt earn it. <ou know hi%. -oul" he gi'e %e control i# I "i"nt
"eser'e it(8
His eyes narrowe". She ha" hi% there.
8,ow$ Callahan$8 she a"'ance"$ #ury in her bones. 8<ou a"%it that the only reason you wante" to
be with %e was because I was #orbi""en #ruit.8
8,ow whos insulting who(8 he grouse"$ cli%bing the rocks to the #all. He tosse" "own his pack
an" %achete$ pacing like a cage" ani%al. *'erhea"$ war% sunlight ribbone" "own o'er the trees
an" 'ines growing out o# the rock. Bright colore" bir"s soare" an" "ippe". 8I# it was &ust an o##0
li%its thing$ I woul"nt ha'e searche". *r co%e here. *r be arguing with you now$ woul" I(8
!eg kicke" o## her boots$ toe" o## her socks$ then strippe" out o# her shirt. 8<ou ga'e up on us.8
8An" you trie"( I "ont ha'e to get kicke" in the teeth to know it hurts$ !eg.8
She %et his ga6e. 8I# you" calle" %e a week ago$ ichar"$ I woul" ha'e co%e running.8
She let her pants #all to the rocks an" icks &aw tightene"$ all that lush skin turning hi% insi"e
out. His ga6e locke" on her like a ho%ing "e'ice$ the sun "ancing o'er her roun" behin" in a
ski%py thong. She was sunburne" in spots$ ha" a #ingerprint bruise on her shoul"er$ but the rest
o# her was as per#ect as he re%e%bere".
8I# thats suppose" to %ake %e stupi"$ its working.8
8?oo"$ "ont want to ruin a pattern$ "o we( )o you ha'e any soap in there(8 She pointe" to the
,u%bly$ he "ug an" slappe" the bar into her outstretche" han".
8Stop looking at %e like you'e ne'er seen %e nake"$ Callahan.8
Callahan. She was really %a"$ he thought. 8I ha'ent$ not like that.8
She peele" o## her stretch ca%isole$ #linging it asi"e. +hong panties #ollowe"$ an" his heartbeat
rockete" to so%ewhere near his eyes.
8-ell$ %y ,ubian sla'es "i"nt ha'e ti%e to oil %y skin this trip.8 +he intensity o# his ga6e
rippe" through her. He stoo" still$ his shirt open an" baring car'e" %uscles tanne" "ark #ro% the
8<oure %aking %e cra6y.8
8=oin the club.8 -ith that she "i'e" into the water.
ichar" watche" her swi% un"er the clear water$ popping up where the #all spille" into the pool.
;or a %o%ent she &ust stoo" un"er the har" spray an" with a clarity that grippe" hi% in the gut$
he knew why he" co%e #or her.
He" known it the instant he hear" her #athers 'oice on the other en" o# the satellite co% link
while he was in another &ungle a thousan" %iles away. -hen he" "roppe" e'erything an" race"
to #in" her. He won"ere" i# he ha" the guts to tell her.
He strippe" o## his shirt an" boots$ angry with hi%sel# an" glaring at the source.
Her back to hi%$ she washe" her hair$ his ga6e #ollowing the ripples o# soapy water sli"ing o'er
her cur'es an" #oa%ing aroun" her. She looke" back o'er her shoul"er an" %et his ga6e. She hi"
nothing #ro% hi% an" they both knew it. )a%n her. His groin thickene"$ bloo" throbbing in
e'ery cell o# his bo"y an" ick #ol"e" to the groun". Hunger an" te%ptation burne" insi"e e'ery
#iber o# his being. Squatting at the waters e"ge$ he washe" the ca%o paint o## his #ace$ then
"unke" his hea"$ shaking like a "og. It "i"nt "o a "a%n thing #or the #ire crackling through his
aking his hair back$ he stoo" an" stor%e" to the shore$ yet his ga6e %o'e" back to her. Soap
rinse" o## her in slick wa'es$ an" like a bo%b "etonating$ ick #elt his control snap.
8I &ust know I% going to hell #or this$8 he %uttere"$ stripping "own to his skin an" walking into
the water.
8Stop right there$8 she or"ere".
He "i"nt$ his bo"y re'eale" an" hi""en beneath the crystal "epths. Bloo" boile" un"er !egs
skin$ so#tening her knees$ %aking her insi"es go liqui" an" hot. He a"'ance"$ bron6e an" "ark
an" har". +he water "eepene" aroun" hi%$ his "ark eyes ski%%ing her with the power o# touch.
Alrea"y her bo"y was co%ing apart #or hi%. I# she were s%art she" &ust gi'e up an" throw
hersel# at hi%. But she wante" %ore.
Sunlight glea%e" o## the scarre" bullet hole in his shoul"er an" the last two years rushe" back
like a blast o# col" air. Her ga6e locke" with his.
8)o you want %e in your li#e or not$ ichar"(8
He hesitate". 8!eg.8
8I see.8 She turne" her back on hi%.
It was like a "oor sla%%ing in his #ace. ick reache"$ #orcing her aroun". 8)ont "o this$ !eg.
<ou "ont know what youre asking.8
8I know I want %ore than this "ay. I ha'e #or the past two years.8
?rains o# hope spille" through hi%. 8Be care#ul$8 he warne". 8I# youre with %e$ !egan$ youre
with %e co%pletely$ #ore'er$ got that(8
Her heartbeat skippe". 8-hat "o you %ean(8
8+here is no hal#way between us. +here ne'er was.8
8So its all or nothing(8
He no""e".
8It works both ways$ ichar".8
!egan steppe" closer$ an" ichar" won"ere" i# his worl" was about to ca'e or be resurrecte".
8I% not as stupi" as I look.8
Her s%ile was ten"er. 8I cant be with a %an who "oesnt lo'e %e.8
His eyes #lare"$ "arkene". 8!istake nu%ber #i'e. -hy the hell "o you think I ca%e here(8
!eg reine" in her galloping heart. 8;or %oney an" to e4act a little re'enge.8
8<eah$ e'en I thought that at #irst$ but it was a "a%n goo" e4cuse to get %y han"s on you.8
It was a gauntlet thrown "own. He grippe" her ar%s$ "rawing her closer$ an" !egan #elt her
worl" tilt at the "arkly intense ga6e locke" on her.
8Because I coul"nt take a breath without thinking about you. I coul"nt stan" another "ay o#
won"ering i# we coul" ha'e %a"e it.8 He plowe" his #ingers into her hair$ tipping her hea" back
an" opene" his heart 8I% in lo'e with you$ !egan *+oole. )eeply$ wil"ly$ so0%uch0that0I0act0
stupi" in lo'e with you.8
Her eyes teare".
ick thought he" shatter insi"e waiting. 8Irish(8 He swallowe". 8Silence is not a goo" thing
right now.8
Chapter Eight
!egan s%ile" an" a tear #ell. 8I% absorbing the %o%ent.8
He %a"e a #rustrate" soun"$ his ga6e scoring her beauti#ul #ace.
8I% in lo'e with you$ ichar".8
8*h "ont %ake another %istake an" "oubt %e now.8
He grinne"$ an" his %outh crushe" o'er hers$ the #orce o# his kiss ben"ing her back o'er his ar%.
She grippe" his bare shoul"ers.
8ichar"$8 she whispere" when she ca%e up #or air an" he took her %outh again an" again.
8Its been too long.8 He li#te" her #ro% the water$ an" she wrappe" her legs aroun" his hips$ her
ar%s aroun" his neck. S%iling into each others eyes$ ick kisse" her$ his han"s slicking o'er her
wet bo"y. He cuppe" her roun" breast$ his thu%bs circling her nipples.
8-e ne'er got this #ar be#ore$8 he sai"$ an" anticipation spille" o'er her skin.
89n#oreseen circu%stances.8 She kisse" the bullet scar on his shoul"er. icks tongue slicke"
o'er the gra6e on her ar%.
Su""enly$ he coul"nt taste enough$ get close enough. He touche" her an" #elt clean$ washe" o#
his sins$ his loneliness. His han" sculpte" her bo"y$ "ipping$ stroking an" when she was
breathless an" whi%pering he li#te" her higher an" close" his lips o'er her nipple$ "rawing it into
his %outh. Her cry scattere" a co'ey o# bir"s. Cool water an" the heat o# his %outh sprea" like
an erotic whisper o'er her skin.
+rappe" in her li%bs$ he carrie" her the #ew #eet to the rocks. His har"ness presse" an" !eg
wante" hi% insi"e her$ wante" to erase the past two years o# %issing hi% an" #eel ali'e again.
An" when he li#te" her to the e"ge o# the rocks$ !egan knew he %eant business.
An" %eant to take care o# it now.
His %outh traile" o'er her breasts$ his tongue rasping as he "ippe" an" la'e". He pal%e" her
bo"y as he %o'e" lower$ lo'ing the soun"s she %a"e$ that she coul"nt keep still. He nippe" the
&oin o# her thigh$ her belly$ then he %et her ga6e as he sprea" her wi"er.
His e4pression was pre"atory$ an" he" #oun" his prey. +hen he taste" her.
!eg burne"$ her insi"es #ighting their way out$ to chase the #ire an" slick power. He toye" an"
soothe"$ pulling her to the e"ge o# rapture till she was poun"ing his shoul"ers to take her to the
su%%it. But he woul"nt$ an" she arche" on the barren rock$ pleasures abun"ant as sa'age
lu4ury rippe" an" ro"e through her bo"y in tre%en"ous cli%a4. She screa%e" his na%e an" went
boneless as her worl" so#tene".
It wasnt enough.
She clawe" at hi%$ reaching. 8Co%e to %e now.8
/issing her$ he carrie" her to the bank an" lai" her on the %ossy earth. -ater lappe" at their
bo"ies. She reache"$ pulling hi% between her thighs. His erection presse" to her so#tness$ yet he
"i"nt %o'e$ ga6ing into her eyes.
!eg saw %ore than she e4pecte" in icks ga6e 5 saw e'erything she wante".
!egan knew those eyes were warning her. ,ot that co%ing together woul" be goo"$ that it
woul" be #ore'er. He "i"nt say it$ but at this %o%ent$ she" gi'e hersel# to hi% an" go willingly
into the #ire.
An" he knew it$ tre%ble" with it. He pushe" slightly$ letting her #eel the thickness o# hi%.
Her eyes #lare" wicke"ly. 8<oure torturing %e$8 she sai"$ li#ting her hips.
8<ou'e been "oing that to %e #or two years.8
She stroke" his &aw an" he turne" his #ace into her pal%. 8I lo'e you$ ichar". <ou belong to %e.
Co%e ho%e.8
He pushe" into her$ #illing her in one har" stroke. Her gasp tu%ble" into his %outh an" he "rank
it$ lacing his #ingers with her as he with"rew an" pushe" "eeply. Again an" again. His bloo"
boile"$ pleasure o'er#lowing$ an" ick went with it. +here was no use restraining hi%sel#$
!egan was all o'er hi%$ her %outh$ her han"s. )ri'ing hi% cra6y. +hen she rolle" hi% to his
back$ stra""ling hi%.
She laughe" an" ro"e hi%$ ne'er taking her ga6e #ro% his$ ne'er. +he spray #ro% the #all coate"
her in crystal beauty$ her bo"y un"ulating in the sun$ an" ick was enthralle" &ust watching her
take hi% like an A%a6on princess clai%ing her pri6e. +he pulse o# her cli%a4 clawe" through
hi%$ gripping$ "e%an"ing he &oin her now$ an" ick thrust into her an" let the wet ri"e take hi%
o'er the e"ge.
She leane" back$ #use" to hi% an" in the South A%erican sun$ icks heart shattere" an" he let it
open. An" like a #air win"$ she swept insi"e an" stole his soul.
8I lo'e you$ Irish.8
8An" I lo'e you$ Callahan.8
Callahan. He ga6e" into her ha6el0green eyes. 8A% I in trouble(8
8I# you stop "oing that to %e$ you will be.8
8,e4t si4ty years soun" goo"(8
;or a secon" her breath caught an" he rolle" her to her back$ their bo"ies still locke".
She sta%%ere"$ but no wor"s ca%e out.
He laughe" so#tly$ the corners o# his eyes crinkling. 8I'e le#t you speechless. Its a goo" look #or
-hen she only stare"$ he sai"$ 8)i" you think I was going to let you get away this ti%e(8 He
brought her han" to his %outh$ laying a kiss there. 8!arry %e$ Irish.8
She searche" his eyes$ his #ace.
He tightene" his hol"$ his heart "angling by a string. 8*ne wor"$ !eg$ thats all it takes.8
She blinke" back tears. 8<es>8 she sai" an" he kisse" her. -ith each pass o# his %outh o'er hers$
loneliness #le"$ an" roots took hol" in their lo'e.
* * *
Se'enty0two hours later$ gi'e or take a ti%e 6one$ ick leane" against the win"ow #ra%e$ staring
out at the Bra6ilian skyline. ;ro% the a"&acent o##ice ick hear" 'oices. He an" Ca%eron
*+oole ha" alrea"y cleare" the air$ but apparently !egan wasnt #inishe".
ick turne" as Ca%eron *+oole$ sil'er0haire" with a barrel chest like a pri6e #ighter$ ca%e in$
looking shell0shocke". 8;eeling singe"(8
8By ?o"$ the lass has a te%per like her %other.8
ick grinne". 8?reat$ isnt it(8
Ca%eron laughe". 8<oure twiste"$ la". But i# you lo'e her...8
ichar"s e4pression "arkene" to %enacing. 8Never "oubt that$ *+oole.8
8)a""y>8 !egan sai" #ro% the "oorway$ glaring at her #ather$ then walke" towar" ick. His ring
glittere" on her #inger an" "espite the tailore" blue suit$ all he coul" think o# was how goo" she"
looke" earlier this %orning nake" an" "rape" o'er hi%.
8+hats a "angerous s%ile$ "arlin$8 she sai" so#tly$ %o'ing into his ar%s.
8!ake you want to go nati'e in the &ungle again(8 he sai" be#ore he kisse" her "eeply.
Her #ather cleare" his throat.
!eg looke" at ick. 8+he %oney is yours$ ichar".8
8?ot a "ollar$ Ca%eron(8 ick aske".
;rowning$ her #ather pro"uce" one.
ick crosse" to hi%$ taking it an" sho'ing it into his pocket. He looke" back at !eg. 8I" say
were square.8
!egan s%ile" brightly.
8I pay %y "ebts$ Callahan$8 her #ather sai" gru##ly.
ick crosse" to !eg$ an" #elt a power like he" ne'er known in her ar%s. 8!egan took care o#
She blushe". 8<oure so ba".8
8=ust so%e un#inishe" business we nee"e" to conclu"e.8
8*h$ were not "one$8 she sai"$ pulling hi% towar" the "oor an" the priest waiting to %arry
He grinne". 8*h$ Irish. I hope not.8
The End

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