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Mohs scale hardness 12

Graphite is found in natural sources and is also produced artificially.

The world's largest producer of graphite is China, followed by India and Brazil.

Graphite meets both metallic and nonmetallic properties.
is a good conductor of electric current, it resists the action of many chemical reagents, and is quite
heat stable. Its properties are used to manufacture electrodes and crucibles. Mixed with clay is the
main constituent of mine pencils.
Some Uses Natural graphite:

power Supplies
Generation of electricity
Sprigs Pencil
Steel production
chemical Industry

Chemical structure: almost enterily made of carbn atoms
Cristal simmetry Hexagonal dihexagonal dipyramidal
Color Iron-black to steel-gray
Tenacity Flexible non-elastic, sectile
Mohs scale hardness 12
Luster metallic, earthy
Streak black
Density 2.092.23 g/cm3
electric conductor
Graphite may be considered the highest grade of coal, although it is not normally used as fuel
because it is difficult to ignite.
Graphite occurs in metamorphic rocks as a result of the reduction of sedimentary carbon
compounds during metamorphism. It also occurs in igneous rocks and in meteorites.

There are three principal types of natural graphite, each occurring in different types of ore
Crystalline flake graphite.
Amorphous graphite.
Lump graphite.
The name "graphite fiber" is also sometimes used to refer to carbon fiber or carbon fiber-
reinforced polymer.

Graphite is an electric conductor, consequently, useful in such applications as arc lamp electrodes.

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