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Present Simple vs.

A Choose the correct option: Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
1. Mark usually goes / is going home on foot.
2. Listen! Ted plays / is playing the piano.
3. My mother is a good cook. Everything she cooks / is cooking is excellent.
. !o" #tanley answers / is answering the phone.
$. They often watch / are watching T% in the evening.
&. Today 'essica goes / is going to school (y car.
). The dog sleeps / is sleeping under the ta(le right no".
*. +ater boils / is boiling at 1,,- .elsius.
B- Fill in the blanks with either the Present Simple or Present Continuous orm o the
!erbs in brackets.
1. 'ason ///////////////0not 1 listen2 to the radio very often.
2. Turn off the T%. 3ou //////////////0not 1 "atch2 it.
3. +here ////////////// #ally usually //////////////0spend2 her summer holidays4
. Mr. +atson //////////////0take2 very good photos. Look! 5e //////////////0take2 a
photo of you right no".
$. 6t al"ays //////////////0rain2 at the "eekend. 7ut today the sun //////////////0shine2.
&. My friends //////////////0leave2 for 7udapest tomorro".
). .arol ////////////// 0phone2 her grandmother every day. #he //////////////0phone2 her
*. 7o( and Tom8s parents usually //////////////0drive2 them to school9 (ut today they
//////////////0go2 (y (us.
Answer key
". goes
#. is playing
$. cooks
%. is answering
&. watch
'. is going
(. is sleeping
). boils
". *oesn+t listen
#. aren+t watching
$. *oes,spen*
%. takes,is taking
&. rains, is shining
'. are li!ing
(. phones, is phoning
). *ri!e, are going

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