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Howard Gardners 8 Multiple

Verbal/ Linguistic
Read fictional stories related
to concepts being learned in
class. Have a small library in
the classroom of related
literature for free reading
(The related story, read aloud,
can be at or below the reading
level for your grade)
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Current Events
Find and present a
new source article
that is related to
topics being discussed
in class.

Create a crossword or word
search using the units
vocabulary and concepts.
This can be used as a
sponge activity as well as
an assignment.
Find words that rhyme
with specific vocabulary
words to help you
remember them. This can
also be an introductory
name game.
Related Literature
Crosswords/word search
Have students scan through a
chapter of a text book and
learn the tricks of the book
(where the vocabulary is,
interesting facts, important
points, organization, glossary,
index etc). Have students
provide evidence that they
have found each of these
tools in the text book.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Give students ____ minutes
to fluid write anything they
can think of related to a
chosen topic. This can be a
review or introductory

Make sure your writing
Is legible
Find and write down
the definition to a
chosen term by using
a dictionary or

Think about a chosen topic or
question and then discuss it with
a partner for ____ minutes. Then
share your mini discussion with
the class.

Make sure
Every member of your pair or
group gets a chance to speak
Think Pair Share Dictionary Hunt
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Working in partners, partner
A will have 1 minute to recall
everything they have learned
about a given topic. Partner 2
will have one minute to do
the same without repeating
anything that A has said. This
can be repeated as many
times as needed.
Working in groups create a
debate about a chosen topic.
This can be simple, for
example; about the pros and
cons of a topic, or a large scale

Make sure you debate
Has all the things you need
Read some books, articles,
magazines, web pages etc
about a chosen
topic:_______________ This
can be alone or with a reading
Research a chosen
topic:_________. Explain,
write, or create a presentation
about your research.

Make sure your presentation
Has all the things you need
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Choral Speaking
Telephone Game
Newspaper Article
Engage in choral speaking
as a class or in groups to
help you remember points
about a chosen

Retell a story or a set of
information about a
topic:____________ and
spot the changes in the
story when it reaches the
end of the line.
Conduct an interview with a
person who knows more about
the chosen topic:___________.

Make sure your interview:
Has all the things you need.
has at least________ questions
to ask during the interview.

Write a newspaper article about a
chosen topic:_____________.

Make sure your article:
Has all the things you need.
Is at least________ in length.

Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Tell a Digital Story
Write the script of a radio or
television program that
demonstrates your knowledge of
the chosen topic:______________

Make sure your script:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ______ minutes long.
Tell a story to describe your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your story:
Has all the things you need.
Is at least________ in length.
Tell a story to describe your
knowledge of the chosen
topic:_____________ using or another online
digital story telling program.

Make sure your story:
Has all the things you need.
Is at least________ in length.

Readers Theatre
Have students read aloud in
groups taking on the characters
of a book or script. They can
dramatize and re enact the story.
This can be a learning activity or

Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Political Issue
To check for understanding
have one student answer a
discussion question
descriptively and see if
another student can
paraphrase what was said,
further refining the
Toss a ball around the
classroom like a talking stick,
start with one word and have
each student add a related
word, synonym, or concept to
the chain. Then they pass the
ball on to the next student
who adds another word.

Write a letter to your local
political or official about an local
environmental issue. Suggest
solutions that you and the
community could do to help with
this issue.

Make sure your letter
Has all the things you need
Follows proper writing
Paraphrase That!
Vocabulary Toss
Finish the story
Show or read the first part of
a story, movie, commercial, or
play and have the students
create an ending for it. This
can be written or verbal.

Make sure your ending
Has all the things you need

Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your

Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Plan an Experiment
Find Analogies
Bill Nye Experiment
Create a flow Chart
Plan and conduct and
experiment to test your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your experiment:
Has all the things you need
Asks at least ____ different
questions about the topic.
Plan and conduct and experiment
to test your knowledge of the
chosen topic:_______. Then film
or present the experiment like Bill
Nye would. Add some creative
Make sure your experiment:
Has all the things you need
Asks at least ____ different
questions about the topic
Find or create an analogy to
explain and demonstrate your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your analogy:
Has all the things you need.
Includes ___ different
comparisons between the
analogy and the topic.
Create a flowchart to classify
your knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your flow chart:
Has all the things you need
Includes ___ different
concepts about the topic.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Human Bar Graph/ Dichotomous
Create a graph (bar, pie, line,
scatter etc.) about a chosen
set of information you have
been learning:___________.

Make sure your graph:
Has all the information
Is properly labeled
Have students line up under different
categories about a chosen concept to
create a human sized bar graph. You
can also make a whole class
dichotomies key and continually
divide and physically move students
based on categories. Have students try
and guess what features you are
dividing them based on. This relates
to the grade 6 trees and forests science
Create a Venn Diagram
comparing and contrasting a

Make sure your diagram:
Has all the things you need
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create ___ broad categories
for facts or concepts learned
in a unit. Have students
categorize the facts and
information they have
learned into the different
Visual/Spatial Intelligence
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create a flow Chart
Digital Mind map
Create a Mind Map
Create a flowchart to classify
your knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your flow chart:
Has all the things you need
Includes ___ different
concepts about the topic.
Create a mind map to visually
organize your knowledge of the
chosen topic:______________.
(One alternative is to make it out
pictures instead of words)

Make sure your mind map:
Has all the things you need
Includes ___ different concepts
about the topic.
Create a digital mind map to visually
organize your knowledge of the
chosen topic using Inspiration or
another mind mapping software.
(One alternative is to make it out
pictures instead of words)

Make sure your mind map:
Has all the things you need
Includes ___ different concepts
about the topic.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Demo a concept or experiment to
the class either as a demo alone or
as instructions on how to
complete the task on their own.
(You can have a volunteer student
do the demo for the class as an

Make sure the demo
Clearly explains the concepts
Is visible to all students
Create a comic book strip
about the concepts you are
learning in class:__________.

Make sure your comic strip
Has all the things you need
Is at least _____ frames
Create a picture book about a

Make sure your picture book:
Has all the things you need
Is ____ pictures in length
Create an online educational
program about a chosen
concept:_____________. (One
alternative is to create a virtual
tour about a place being studied)

Make sure your educational
Has all the things you need
Demo a Concept
Create a Comic Strip
Create a Picture Book
Create an Online Education Program
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create a sketch about a particular
topic. (One alternative is to turn
this into a post card where you
write someone about the topic
you sketched. This works great
for novel studies role were
students assume the role of one
character and write to another.)
Make sure your sketch
Has all the things you need
Create a chart or table about a
chosen topic. Use color.

Make sure you chart
Has all the things you need
Create a visual puzzle either with
pictures or words about a given
topic. This can be made like a
flow chart so one piece connects
to the next to tell a story or show
steps or process.

Make sure your puzzle
Has all the things you need
Use personal mini
whiteboards to draw or
describe concepts. This
can be used as formative
assessment to check for
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Create a Chart
Create a Puzzle Mini Whiteboards
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Picture Flash Cards
Graphic Organizer
Design a 3D Model
Build a collage
Create picture flash cards to help
cue your memory about specific
concepts or topics and practice
them with a partner.

Make sure you flash cards:
Have all the things you need
Provide the answers
The visual cues relate to the
Design a 3D model to
illustrate your knowledge of
the chosen topic.

Make sure your model:
Has all the things you need
Includes ___ different types
of materials.
Create a graphic organizer or
concept map of your choice that
identifies all the important
concepts of the chosen topic.

Make sure your graphic
Has all the things you need
Includes at least ___ different
concepts about the topic
Create a collage that
demonstrates your knowledge
of the chosen topic:________

Make sure your collage:
Has all the things you need
Is composed of ___
different items (or sources of
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Design a Poster Design a movie Poster
Photograph It!
Design a poster that identifies
the important concepts about
the chosen topic:_________.

Make sure your poster:
Has all the things you need
Design a movie poster for a
documentary or fictional
story about the chosen
topic:_________. Add some
creative flare to make your
movie relate to the material.

Make sure your poster:
Has all the things you need
Take some photographs in
your school or community
about a chosen topic or use
them to create a collage about
the topic.
Create a graph (bar, pie, line,
scatter etc.) about a chosen
set of information you have
been learning:___________.

Make sure your graph:
Has all the information
Is properly labeled
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Design and create flyers,
posters, brochures, or news
letters to educate the public
about a chosen

Make sure your flyer
Has all the things you need.
Create a flip book to record
information about a chosen
concept. There are a variety of
shapes and designs for flip
books. Try
for black line masters.
Working in groups, draw pictures
about what a story or section of a story
means to you. Express your
interpretations and feelings about the
reading not just pictures of your
favorite character. You can use
symbols and words in addition to

Make sure your picture
Has all the things you need
Create Flyers Flip Books

Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your

Assign individual hands
on roles to each student
during group activities and
It can be as simple as;
recorder, observer, cleaner,
team leader, materials
coordinator etc.
Have students line up under different
categories about a chosen concept to
create a human sized bar graph. You
can also make a whole class
dichotomies key and continually
divide and physically move students
based on categories. Have students try
and guess what features you are
dividing them based on. This relates
to the grade 6 trees and forests science
Ask the class true or false review
questions and have them move
from one side of the room to the
other based on what they think
they answers are. (One side for
true, one for false.) You can make
this an elimination game where
wrong answers sit out until there
is only one student left standing.
Toss a ball around the
classroom like a talking stick,
start with one word and have
each student add a related
word, synonym, or concept to
the chain. Then they pass the
ball on to the next student
who adds another word.

Vocabulary Toss Roles
Human Bar Graph/ Dichotomous
Cross the floor Questions
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create a Dance
Create a Tableau
Full Body Symbols
Create a dance or sequence of
movements to explain your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your dance:
Has all the things you need.
Is at least_____ minutes long.

Create full body movements or
symbols to help you remember
specific terms or concepts.

Make sure your symbols:
Are easy enough for everyone
to do.
Are simple and fun.
Working in groups of
______create a Tableau scene or
multiple scenes to help explain a
concept. You may have a narrator
if needed.

Make sure your Tableau:
Includes all the necessary
Includes everyone
Create and dramatize a short play
that demonstrates your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your play:
Has all the things you need.
Is _____ minutes long.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Scavenger hunt
Go on a scavenger hunt
though your classroom,
school, community to find
real life examples of concepts
being discussed in class.
Record your findings.
Create appointments with
___ other students, then
move throughout the room to
meet with them and discuss
the chosen topic:__________

Make sure you discussion or
Cover everything required
Have class outside one
day for a simple
change of scenery.
(Weather dependant)
Whenever possible go
on a field trip related
to course material.
This can be as simple
as a neighborhood
walk around the
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Hands on Experiment
Life Size Board Game
Do ___ hands on experiments
about a chosen topic. Set up
___ stations and move
throughout the classroom to
each station (experiment).

Make sure your experiment:
Has all the things you need
Follows safety procedures
Create a life size board game
in the classroom or school.
You can move to the next
space if you answer review
questions correctly. This can
be done individually, in
partners, or groups.
Design and build a board
game about a chosen
concept:___________. Play
the game with your

Make sure your board game
Has all the things you need.
Design and create puppets
and a puppet show about a

Make sure your puppet show
Has all the things you need
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Minefield Review
Set up __ rows (mine fields) using
tinfoil pie plates (scatter the plates in
the rows). On the bottom of the plates
have review questions. Have students
work with a partner, blindfold 1 and
have the other verbally direct them
through the minefield from start to
finish. If they touch a plate they must
answer it. wrong answers start again.
Race the other rows.
Stick a fact, definition, or
concept to the backs of
every student. Students
will move around the class
asking yes or know
questions to discover what
their sticker says.
Stick it to me!
_____________ _____________
Musical Intelligence
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Nursery Rhymes
Re-Write Song Lyrics
Create a Jingle
Re-write the lyrics to a
famous nursery rhyme about
a chosen topic:____________.

Make sure you nursery
Has all the things you need.
Follows the tune of the
original song.
Create a jingle to help you
remember or describe a
chosen concept:___________.

Make sure your jingle:
Has all the things you need
Has music to accompany it.
Re-write the lyrics to a
famous song/rap about a
chosen topic:____________.

Make sure you song/rap:
Has all the things you need.
Follows the tune of the
original song.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create a Song
Musical Compilation
Create a song (rap, ballade, pop song
etc.) from scratch to demonstrate your
knowledge about the chosen
topic:________. If you can play an
instrument add if to your song.

Make sure your song:
Has all the things you need.
Has at least ____ stanzas and a
Present your song by singing it
Create a power point slide show
to demonstrate your knowledge
of a chosen topic. The slide show
must have background music or
sound effects.

Make sure your slide show:
Has all the things you need
Has appropriate music
Has at least ____ slides
Create a musical compilation
that demonstrates your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your compilation:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ____ minutes
Use musical cues for
classroom management or
background music during
silent/quiet work.
Try classical music and stick
to the same song or style for
the same subjects/topics so
students can relate that
particular sound to specific
content to aid memory.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Create a mnemonic to help
you remember information
about a chosen

Make sure you mnemonic
Has all the things you need
Create a musical skit about a
chosen concept:__________.

Make sure your musical:
Has all the things you need
Includes all group members
Has at least ___ songs or
musical interludes
Find words that rhyme
with specific vocabulary
words to help you
remember them. (One
alternative is to use this as
an introductory name
game activity)
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Create a poem that demonstrates
your knowledge of the chosen
You can alter this by writing song
lyrics or a set style of poetry.

Make sure your poem:
Has all the things your need.
Is at least_____
stanzas/verses/sentences in
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Create a Poem
Childrens Story
Journal Entry
Write a Fable/Legend/ or Myth
Write a journal entry
explaining how you have
personally grown learning
about the chosen topic.

Make sure your journal entry:
Has all the things you need.
Is _______ in length.
Write and illustrate a
childrens story that
demonstrates your knowledge
of the chosen topic:________

Make sure your story:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ____ pages long.
Write a fable/legend or myth
that demonstrates your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure you have:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ____ pages long.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask
your teacher.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Digital Childrens Story
Write and illustrate a
childrens story, using, that
demonstrates your knowledge
of the chosen topic:________

Make sure your story:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ____ pages long.
3-2-1 Journal Entry
Write a journal entry (exit
slip) explaining 3 things you
have learned, 2 interesting
facts, 1 question you still have
about a given topic:_________

Make sure your journal entry:
Has all the things you need.
Is _______ in length.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
TV Commercial
Create and dramatize a short
play that demonstrates your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your play:
Has all the things you need.
Is _____ minutes long.
With a partner, interview someone
of influence in your school,
classroom, or community about
the chosen topic:_____________.
This may be video taped or audio

Make sure your interview:
Has all the things you need.
Has at least ____ questions to the
With _____ other classmates,
create a television commercial or
news broadcast to demonstrate
your knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your presentation:
Has all the things you need
Is at least ____ minutes long.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Stick it to me!
Stick a fact, definition, or
concept to the backs of
every student. Students
will move around the class
asking yes or know
questions to discover what
their sticker says.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Think Pair Share
Peer Tutoring
Create a survey
Cooperative learning
Think about a chosen topic or
question and then discuss it with
a partner for ____ minutes. Then
share your mini discussion with
the class.

Make sure
Every member of your pair or
group gets a chance to speak
Create a survey or
questionnaire about a chosen
concept:_____________. Have
fellow students, family or
community members fill out
the survey. Later graph the

Make sure your survey:
Has all the things you need
Have students pair up and
work with another student
in their class, another
class, or another grade to
re-teach concepts learned
in class.
Have students work in
groups to accomplish any
learning task.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Mock Trial Review Game
Jigsaw Learning
Think of a specific fact covered in
the unit. Have students ask
questions to discover the fact, no
questions can be repeated and
they must be in the form of yes or
no answers. Give every student
the opportunity to ask a question.
This improves questioning skills
and reviews all concepts
discussed throughout the unit.
Have students read about a
specific portion of a topic,
then teach what they have
learned to other members of
the class. Each member will
add to the discussion until all
the required information is
covered. This can be done in
small groups or as a class.
Assign students court room roles
(judge, jury, defendant etc.). Have
each student create 3 review questions
(1 hard one). The prosecution will ask
the defendant a few of these
questions. If they can answer correctly
and to the satisfaction of the jury then
they are not guilty. If not, then they
are guilty of not being ready for the
test- the sentence is to study more.
Rotate roles.
Naturalist Intelligence
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
3d Representation
Scavenger hunt
Create a 3D representation
using only natural materials
to demonstrate your
knowledge of the chosen

Make sure your project:
Has all the things you need
Create a real or fake geo cache
for a certain area about the
chosen topic:___________

Make sure you geo cache:
Has all the things you need
Has at least ____ clues
Has at least _____ stops
Describe how the chosen
topic either is affected by or
effects the natural

Make sure your project:
Has all the things you need.
Go on a scavenger hunt
though your classroom,
school, community to find
real life examples of concepts
being discussed in class.
Record your findings.
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Classroom Plants
Natural Examples
List Natural Examples
Have live plants in the
classroom and have
students responsible
for maintaining them.
Dissect natural things in
science and discuss their
parts and features.

Make sure your dissection
Follows safety
Use natural or real life
examples to explain or
describe concepts being
learned. Where possible
go outside and observe
these examples first hand.
Last as many natural or real
life examples of a chosen
concept that you can think of
in _____ minutes.
Share the list with a partner
or the class compare results.

Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Do you want to change this
activity or suggest another
idea? Ask your teacher.
Environmental Issues
Write a letter to your local
political or official about an local
environmental issue. Suggest
solutions that you and the
community could do to help with
this issue.

Make sure your letter
Has all the things you need
Follows proper writing
Hold a class outside in the
school yard or a park. The
location does not have to
relate to the material it is
just a change or scenery
and fresh air. (Weather
Do you want to change
this activity or suggest
another idea? Ask your
Hold a Class Outside

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