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Anne Downey Trussell
Phone: 859-806-08! "9#0 $. %rchard& 'nit ()
*log: umwhat+ustha,,ened.word, -hicago& ./ 606"
A creative marketing enthusiast with a passion for writing and the performing arts
Southern Methodist University& Dallas& T0
Temerlin Advertising Institute
1ay !0""
*.A Ad2ertising
3nglish4-inema Tele2ision
Second City Training Center, -hicago& ./
Acting Studio of Chicago& -hicago& ./
Student 04!0") 5
.m,ro2 ,rogram& Acting ,rogram& 6riting Program& *asic 6riting 7or the %nion&
%n--amera ,rogram& Ad2anced -amera& -inema /a8
OMD& $ew 9or:& $9
Strategist/Assistant Strategist ""4!0"" -
Account: ;rito-/ay <-heetos4Doritos=
*uilt and maintained annual media >owcharts across all mediums& trac:ed
8udget shi7ts ? actuali@ations in real-time& coordinated with in2estment teams
in the de2elo,ment and eAecution o7 media ,lans& colla8orated with creati2e
and 8rand teams on o2erall cam,aign strategies
AA# Nationa$ Student Advertising Co%&etition& Dallas& T0
Account Planner 084!0"0 -
B 6or:ed with an eAclusi2e team o7 " students to construct and ,resent a detailed
,lans 8oo: to the !0"" $CA- client& D-Penney
B Ean research grou,& conducted eAit-inter2iews at D-Penney stores& analy@ed data
,ertaining to target demogra,hics and ,ast mar:et share to eA,lore new 8rand strategies
AgencySac's, $ew 9or:& $9
Account Intern 0#4!0"0 -
B Designed ;ace8oo: ? Twitter accounts 7or new clients& ,resented strategy to client
7or 8uilding and maintaining social media ,resence& edited co,y 7or ,romotional stills&
researched and collected stats on target demogra,hics and com,etitors 7or s,eciFc 8rands

We$$s "$astic Surgery ( S'incare& /eAington& G9
Assistant Website Designer/Receptionist 054!008 -
B Designed starter-tem,lates 7or com,anyHs new we8site& designed a wee:ly I*eauty *u@@
*lastJ 7or com,any e-mail list& Fled and organi@ed ,atientsH medical histories
The Dai$y U&date, Dallas& T0
Writer !amera "perator Sound #oard "perator !$ Animation Teleprompter Anchor 094!008 -
B Couthern 1ethodist 'ni2ersityHs student-,roduced daily news show that 8roadcasted
to a local tele2ision networ:& res,onsi8ilities 2aried daily to enca,sulate 7ull newsroom
Te%&ur "edic, Inc), /eAington& G9
%arketing Intern 064!00# -
B -onFrmed national mattress shi,ments& ,hotogra,hed ,roducts 7or ,romotional stills&
organi@ed mailing lists& ,roo7read ,romotional tem,lates
Ctrong grou, colla8oration s:ills& eKcient under ,ressure& strong written and 2er8al communication s:ills& 3Kcient in:
Ado8e Photosho,& 3Acel& ;inal -ut Pro& $ielsen 1edia Co7tware <*rand ;0& 1edia1iA& 1ar:et1ate& AdLiews=&

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