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Thomas Edison
Besides inventor was also a businessman, highlights the phonograph, the motion
picture camera, and the electric light bulb as his best-known inventions.
2. Alexander Graham Bell
He was an inventor and engineer widely recognized for inventing the telephone
and contribute to aviation.
3. Benjamin Franklin
Particularly renowned as one of the founding fathers of the USA, but also for his
contributions as the stove, odometer, bifocals.
4.-Leonardo da Vinci
He was also a renowned painter, sculptor and musician, he conceptualized the
helicopter lacalculadora and create the Mona Lisa.
5. Archimedes
It was a very famous mathematician and philosopher, renowned for the design of
the screw pump and fire boats using mirrors.
6.-The Wright Brothers
Both were considered inventors and pioneers in aviation by inventing and building
the first airplane in the world.
7. Galileo Galilei
A scientist, astronomer, mathematician and physicist, considered the father of
laastronoma for his contribution to the telescope.
8. Herman Hollerith
He was the creator of the mechanical tab, in addition to being the founder of what
would become over the years at IBM.
9. Marie Curie
He was a specialist in physical science and chemistry, famous for his research on
laradioactividad. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
10. Johannes Gutenberg
In this German blacksmith and inventor, is credited with the invention of movable

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