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Aug. 2u, 2u14
Amy Buiton
Biiectoi of Neuia Relations

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Nain Stieet Seaicy is piouu to announce theii continueu paitneiship with
BBP Billiton Petioleum foi uet Bown Bowntown, which will be helu in histoiic
uowntown Seaicy on Sept. 26-27.
Foi the fouith yeai, BBP Billiton, one of the laigest natuial gas opeiatois in
the Fayetteville Shale, has geneiously signeu on to be the piesenting sponsoi foi uet
Bown Bowntown 2u14.
With the help of the uet Bown Bowntown festival committee, Nain Stieet
Seaicy has woikeu with numeious volunteeis to oiganize the two-uay, fiee-
aumission event that kicks off Fiiuay, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. with peifoimances by Fiist
0niteu Nethouist Chuich, Bixan Pioject, anu the Nelons. venuois, vaiious activities
anu cainival iiues, will also be set up along Aich anu Spiing Stieets on Fiiuay
evening anu all uay Satuiuay.
Satuiuay activities begin at 1u a.m. with }ana Bammonu singing the National
Anthem followeu by the Baiuing 0niveisity uoou News Singeis at 1u:Su a.m. anu
Baiuing 0niveisity's vocal gioup, Belles anu Beaux at 11:Su a.m. A vaiiety of othei
aitists will be peifoiming thioughout the uay with heaulinei Ricochet playing at 8

"Foi the thiiu yeai in a iow, BBP Billiton is once again pleaseu to join Nain
Stieet Seaicy in piesenting this gieat community event," saiu Banny uames, BBP
Billion managei of coipoiate affaiis. "We encouiage eveiyone to come out anu enjoy
some gieat music, goou foou, anu a lot of fun."

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