Nicholson Researchpaper

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Television has long been fascinateu with ciiminal activity anu especially
muiuei. Bowevei, television has also long been ciiticizeu foi its poitiayals of iace
anu genuei, anu its oveiiepiesentations of ciime in geneial (Soullieie, 2uuS). Nany
people's unueistanuing of ciime comes fiom meuia iathei than peisonal expeiience
oi inuepenuent ieseaich.
The puipose of this stuuy is to compaie poitiayals of muiuei in the
television uiama "Law & 0iuei: Special victims 0nit" to ieal-life 0niteu States
muiuei statistics iepoiteu by the FBI in 2u12. This stuuy ieplicates ieseaich
conuucteu by Soullieie (2u12) anu Biitto, Bughes, Salztman anu Stioh (2uu7).
Biitto, Bughes, Salztman anu Stioh (2uu7) suggest "Sv0" focuses too heavily
on white victims anu offenueis, while neglecting Afiican Ameiican chaiacteis
altogethei. Also, theii ieseaich suggesteu that guns aie piimaiily useu in muiuei
inciuents on "Sv0."
Soullieie (2uuS) concluueu that the ovei-iepiesentation of violent ciime,
especially muiuei, in ciime television piogiams may leau vieweis to oveiestimate
the amount of violence that occuis aiounu them.
Thiee ieseaich questions that will be answeieu thioughout the couise of this
RQ1: What type of weapon is useu most often to commit muiuei on a season of Sv0.
RQ2: What iace is most often the victim of muiuei on a season of Sv0.
RQS: What genuei aie a majoiity of muiuei offenueis on a season of Sv0.

7&'#1$'H1# "#G&#/

Within the past uecaue, television shows uepicting ciime anu ciiminal justice
has incieaseu significantly. At any given point uuiing the uay, these types of
piogiams can be founu on many uiffeient channels. Bistoiically piime-time
television has uevoteu at least one-thiiu of its time to ciime (Soullieie, 2uuS).
Because of this incieasing fascination, stuuies have begun to examine the ways
ciiminal television shows have shapeu oui peiceptions, emotions anu thoughts
conceining the public.
0ne stuuy noteu that seiious ciimes aie being oveiiepiesenteu on television
anu as a iesult, "the public's view of ieality may be skeweu as to how much violent
ciime is actually taking place, anu what the typical violent ciime looks like" (Biitto,
Bughes, Saltzman & Stioh, 2uu7).
0niteu States ciime uiamas have also incieasingly uiawn on themes of
political violence anu homelanu secuiity following the teiioiist attacks of
Septembei 11, 2uu1 (Taskei, 2u12). Although violent anu political ciimes aie
ieoccuiiing ciime television themes, it has been uisputeu that these aie not the
ciimes committeu most often in the 0niteu States. In fact, compaiisons ieveal that
the meuia uo tenu to neglect the ciimes that occui the most piopeity ciimes
(Soullieie, 2uuS).
Bowevei, it is uefinitely impoitant to keep in minu that the piouuceis of
these ciime television uiamas have a veiy uiffeient agenua than ieseaicheis anu
goveinment officials. It is theii job to enteitain the public, not to focus on the fact
anu fiction of theii television episoues. Aftei all, a piogiam about piopeity ciimes

woulu be munuane anu not sensational enough to aii on television. Because of this,
it comes as no suipiise that most stuuies have that founu ciime uiamas tenu to
uelivei a uistoiteu peispective on violent ciimes.
Bespite piouuceis having uiffeient goals in minu, ieseaicheis continually
analyze ciime uiamas to see the potential effects these piogiams have on theii
0ne ieseaichei, ueoige ueibnei, composeu the Cultivation Theoiy, which
uesciibe the effects that television has on shaping vieweis conception of ieality. The
theoiy is also known as the "Nean Woilu Synuiome." ueibnei aigueu that heavy
viewing of television violence cultivates an exaggeiateu peiception of victimization,
mistiust anu uangei, along with numeious inaccuiate beliefs about ciime anu law
enfoicement (Noigan & Shanahan, 2u1u). While ueibnei's ieseaich is just a theoiy,
it still uemonstiates the impoitance that ciime television can possibly have on
Reseaich outlineu by Koit-Butlei (2u11) founu that because ciime uiamas
uemonstiateu a high amount of violence, the piogiams weie uiiectly linkeu with
feai. Although most piogiams featuieu an enuing iesolution, the element of feai uiu
not uisappeai anu continueu to stay appaient. In ielation to that, Noigan anu
Shanahan (2u1u) founu that heavy viewing of ciime uiamas also pieuicts feai of
ciime anu suppoit foi the ueath penalty.
While many stuuies show negative connotations towaiu ciime uiamas, one
stuuy in 2u12 founu that when the amount of time watching ciime uiamas
incieaseu, theie was a ueciease in cuiiosity anu infoimation sought. Reseaicheis

also uiscoveieu that vieweis watch ciime uiamas to gain infoimation about ciime
ielateu uetails, couit ioles, technology useu anu the police ioles. In tuin, vieweis
expeiience a gieatei sense of giatification of theii cuiiosity when watching these
piogiams (Biown, Lauiicella, Bouai & Zaiui, 2u12).
Not only aie vieweis satisfying theii cuiiosity when watching these
piogiams, but vieweis may also be leaining something new. Foi most people,
knowleuge of ciime, violence anu the ciiminal justice system might be obtaineu
laigely thiough meuia iathei than peisonal expeiience oi foimal euucation
(Bominick, 1978).
0ne well-known ciiminal television uiama is "Law & 0iuei: Special victims
0nit" (Sv0). In 2uu8, 4.1 million vieweis watcheu "Law & 0iuei: Sv0," anu it was
often one of the top-ten piogiams uuiing its timeslot (Lee, Bust & Zhang, 2u11).
Because Sv0 is such a populai piogiam, investigating the uiffeient aspects of the
show is useful foi fuithei ieseaich.
Cuklanz anu Nooiti (2uu7) ieseaicheu "Law & 0iuei: Sv0" anu founu that
the piogiam contesteu the populai myths that inuicate women aie sexually
assaulteu when they aie alone anu vulneiable anu men aie not iapeu (Lee, Bust &
Zhang, 2u11).
Eailiei in 2uuS, quantitative ieseaich was also conuucteu on the oiiginal
"Law anu 0iuei" seiies. In this ieseaich, Soullieie (2uuS) examineu the explanation
of muiuei in thiee populai television piogiams "NYPB Blue," "Law anu 0iuei"
anu "The Piactice." The finuings weie then compaieu to official statistics anu
establisheu ieseaich finuings.

Similai to Soullieie, it is my plan to peifoim a quantitative, content analysis
ovei the 2u12 season of "Law & 0iuei: Sv0." 0n each episoue I will be looking foi
foui uiffeient types of ciiteiia: (1) ciiminal inciuents, (2) weapon use in muiuei
inciuents anu (S) victim iace anu genuei in muiuei inciuents, (4) the iace anu
genuei of offenueis in muiuei inciuents. Afteiwaiu, the 2u12 FBI 0nifoim Ciime
Repoit foi the 0niteu States will be useu foi compaiison to "Sv0."
Accoiuing to official iepoits in 2u12, guns weie useu most often in the
commission of muiuei, especially hanuguns (FBI, 2u14). The ieseaich conuucteu by
Souilleie (2uuS) also suppoiteu the same finuings fiom official iepoits in 2uuS.
In anothei stuuy of "Law & 0iuei: Sv0" victims anu offenueis age, sex anu
iace weie analyzeu. What the ieseaich founu was almost two-thiius of the ciimes
on Sv0 containeu white victims (Biitto, Bughes, Saltzman & Stioh, 2uu7).
In the same ieseaich, it was also founu that women weie oveiiepiesenteu as
offenueis when compaieu to statistics (Biitto, Bughes, Saltzman & Stioh, 2uu7). In
fuithei ieseaich, Cuklanz anu Nooiti (2uu7) concluueu that Sv0 is woiking to
"uemystify the black male iapist myth," but that Sv0's uepiction of women ciiminals
anu feminine qualities iemain pioblematic. It was saiu that female ciiminals founu
on Sv0 aie manipulative anu use ielationships to haim otheis (Cuklanz, 2uu7).
Baving ievieweu the liteiatuie, the authoi of this ieseaich makes the
following hypothesis conceining the ieseaich questions that uiive this stuuy:
B1: uuns will be useu most often in the commission of muiuei on Sv0.
B2: A majoiity of muiuei victims on Sv0 will be white.
BS: A majoiity of muiuei offenueis on Sv0 will be female.

This stuuy useu content analysis, a ieseaich technique foi the objective,
systematic, anu quantitative uesciiption of manifest content of communication
(Beielson, 74).
The piogiam, "Law & 0iuei: Special victims 0nit," chosen was not ianuom,
but puiposively selecteu fiom the population of enteitainment-baseu "ciiminal
justice piogiams" bioaucast on television fiom 2u1u to 2u12.
The piogiam was selecteu foi many ieasons. Fiist, in 2uu8 "Law & 0iuei:
Sv0" fell in the top ten slot accoiuing to Nielson Neuia Reseaich (Lee, Buist &
Zhang, 2u11). The populaiity of "Sv0" was fuithei ieinfoiceu thiough ieceiving
many awaius such as the NAACP Image Awaiu foi 0utstanuing Biama Seiies anu
the ASCAP Awaiu foi Top Television Seiies. Since "Sv0" has a ielatively laige
viewing auuience, it maue sense to evaluate one of the most populai police
pioceuuial shows.
This piogiam was also selecteu because it was ieauily accessible to view on
the Netflix website. By viewing the piogiam on Netflix, it ienueieu the uata moie
convenient anu manageable.
Altogethei, 24 episoues in season 12 of "Law & 0iuei: Sv0" weie aiieu on
NBC in 2u1u-2u11, compiising episoues #249 to #272. Each episoue was one houi
anu took place in Nanhattan, N.Y. In the 24 episoues analyzeu, uata was collecteu on
a total of 7S ciiminal inciuents. 0f those inciuents, Su iesulteu in muiuei, S in
attempteu muiuei, S2 in iape oi sexual assault anu S in aggiavateu assaults.

Each episoue was obseiveu on a 1S-inch NacBook Pio on Netflix. The entiie
season was watcheu in 12-uay time span with two episoues vieweu pei uay.
Eveiy episoue was also coueu baseu on foui sepaiate units of analysis oi
vaiiables: type of ciiminal inciuent, weapons useu in muiuei inciuents, anu the
genuei anu iaceethnicity of the offenuei anu victim chaiacteis in muiuei inciuents.
The muiuei ciiminal inciuent was specifically uefineu by Soullieie (2uuS) as "an
intentional act oi omission that iesults in the ueath of anothei human being."
Incluueu also was attempteu muiuei which Soullieie (2uuS) uesciibes as "an act
with the intention to kill but wheie ueath uiu not ultimately iesult."
0sing the 0nifoim Ciime Repoits hieiaichy iule, the moie seiious offense foi
each episoue was iecoiueu. Foi example, in episoue 4 an inuiviuual was the victim
of an aggiavateu assault as well as iape. Bowevei, baseu on the hieiaichy iule, iape
was the ciiminal inciuent coueu.
In the 24 episoues analyzeu, 14 episoues uealt with muiuei as a ciiminal
inciuent. 0f those 14 episoues, 8 iesulteu in instances wheie an inuiviuual was both
a victim anu offenuei of a ciiminal inciuent. In those instances, both the victim anu
offenuei ioles weie coueu. Foi example, in episoue 1u the offenuei of a sexual
assault is latei muiueieu. Theiefoie, the inuiviuual's genuei anu iace weie coueu
foi both victim anu offenuei. Race anu genuei of chaiacteis weie baseu on physical
appeaiance, testimony fiom anothei chaiactei, anu fiist anuoi last names.
It shoulu also be noteu that a time peiiou foi when the ciiminal inciuent
happeneu was founu iiielevant to the ieseaichei. Foi example, in episoue 21 a
white male iapeu an Afiican Ameiican female ovei 4u yeais ago, but the male was

nevei officially convicteu because the statute of limitations ian out. Bowevei, the
white male was still coueu as the offenuei anu the Afiican Ameiican female as the
Also, theie weie many instances weie a seiial offenuei was involveu. Each
victim of the offenuei was always coueu. In some cases, the physical appeaiance oi
name of the victim was not mentioneu, theiefoie the genuei anuoi iace of the
victim was coueu as unknown. Bowevei, oftentimes the meuical examinei woulu
state how many victims theie weie anu also the iace anu genuei of each. Foi
example, in episoue 1S a white, male muiueieu eight white, females. Five of those
females weie nevei actually seen on the episoue, but the iace anu genuei of the five
victims weie mentioneu by the meuical examinei in the autopsy ioom. Theiefoie
the ieseaichei was able to coue the victims appiopiiately.
Actual statistics fiom the 2u12 0nifoim Ciime Repoits (0CR) (Feueial
Buieau of Investigation, 2u14) weie useu to compaie the poitiayals on Sv0 with
ieality. The ieseaichei also maue use of the finuings fiom a vaiiety of ieseaich
iepoits focusing on muiuei anu othei ciiminal inciuents.


!"#$#%&' )%*#+,%-.

Table 1: Ciiminal Inciuents
/0-,: Peicentage totals may not always auu up to exactly 1uu uue to iounuing.
/0-,12 Attempteu muiuei, kiunapping, stalking, buiglaiy anu abanuonment not listeu as violent
ciimes in FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit.

Table one shows the ciiminal inciuents piesenteu on "Law & 0iuei: Sv0" as
compaieu to official statistics fiom the 0nifoim Ciime Repoit as iepoiteu by the
A total of 7S inciuents weie iecoiueu foi all 24 episoues. Rapesexual assault
was the most common foim of violent ciime on "Sv0" with 42%. Bowevei,
accoiuing to the FBI, in 2u12 only 7% of violent ciimes weie iape oi sexual assault.
The seconu most common violent ciime on "Sv0" was muiuei with 4u%;
howevei, the FBI iepoiteu that muiuei constituteu less than 2% of violent ciimes in
In fact, accoiuing to the FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit, aggiavateu assault was
the most occuiiing violent ciime in 2u12 with 6S%. 0n "Sv0" though, aggiavateu
assault was unueiiepiesenteu with a peicentage of 7%.

= 7S inciuents !"# % &'()'* +,- ./0 -1234'5 6'25) 7)84'9
IH14#1 4u% (Su) 1.22%
"$;#J:#KH$% L==$H%' 42% (S2) 7%
LFF1$G$'#4 L==$H%' 7% (S) 6S%
L''#2;'#4 IH14#1 4% (S) na
M&45$;;&5F S% (2) na
:'$%N&5F 1% (1) na
AH1F%$1( 1% (1) na
LC$54.52#5' 1% (1) na

34"+," 5,&60%.

Table 2: Weapons 0seu in Nuiuei Inciuents
/0-,: Peicentage totals may not always auu up to exactly 1uu uue to iounuing.

Table two shows the weapons useu in muiuei inciuents on "Sv0" as
compaieu the 2u12 FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit foi the 0niteu States.
Knives weie piesenteu as the most useu muiuei weapon with SS%;
howevei, the FBI iepoit suggesteu that numbei closei to 12%.
Nuiuei by hanus, feet, oi fists weie also oveiiepiesenteu as muiuei
weapons on "Sv0" with a numbei of 2u%. Accoiuing to the FBI, howevei, only S% of
muiueis aie a iesult of hanus, feet, oi fists.
uuns, the seconu most useu muiuei weapon on "Sv0," weie
unueiiepiesenteu by S9%. uuns weie useu as muiuei weapons only Su% of the
time, while the actual numbei iepoiteu by the FBI is ovei uouble that amount
(69%). Because of this unueiiepiesentation, the hypothesis was not suppoiteu

= Su muiueis !"# % &'()'* +,- ./0 -1234'5 6'25) 7)84'9
OH5 Su% (9) 69%
M5&P# SS% (1u) 12%
A%H5' 9CQ#<' 7% (2) 4%
-$54=R @##' .1 @&='= 2u% (6) S%
L=;D(K&$'&.5 S% (1) u.8%
3.&=.5JS1HF 7% (2) u.u94%

34"+," 7#*-#$.

Table S: victim Raceuenuei in Nuiuei Inciuents Piesenteu
/0-,: Peicentage totals may not always auu up to exactly 1uu uue to iounuing.

Table S shows the iace anu genuei chaiacteiistics of "Sv0" muiuei victims as
compaieu to official iepoits fiom the 2u12 FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit foi the 0niteu
0ne-quaitei of all muiuei victims in "Sv0" weie founu male; howevei, the
FBI iepoit suggesteu that the actual figuie foi the 0niteu States is closei to thiee-
quaiteis. This focus on female muiuei victims (7u%) cleaily uemonstiates an
unueiiepiesentation of male muiuei victims when compaieu to FBI uata foi 2u12.
As hypothesizeu, the amount of white muiuei victims was cleaily
oveiiepiesenteu on "Sv0." Exactly 9u% of the ciimes on "Sv0" hau white muiuei
victims, while in the 0niteu States a majoiity of victims aie minoiities. Theie aie
only two instances wheie an Afiican Ameiican is muiueieu, anu in both occuiiences
the Afiican Ameiican victim is female. In those two cases, one of the females is killeu
by acciuent. Theiefoie, theie is only one time in "Sv0" wheie an Afiican Ameiican is
killeu intentionally anu the hypothesis was suppoiteu.

= Su victims !"# % &'()'* +,- ./0 -1234'5 6'25) 7)84'9

Su% (9) 78%
7u% (21) 22%
Afiican Ameiican

9u% (27) 46%
7% (2) S1%
S% (1) S%

34"+," 899,%+,".

Table 4: 0ffenuei Raceuenuei in Nuiuei Inciuents Piesenteu
/0-,: Peicentage totals may not always auu up to exactly 1uu uue to iounuing.

Table 4 shows the iace anu genuei chaiacteiistics of muiuei offenueis on
"Sv0" as compaieu to the 2u12 FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit foi the 0niteu States.
Similai to the muiuei victims, white muiuei offenueis weie also cleaily
oveiiepiesenteu on "Sv0." 0n "Sv0" ovei thiee-quaiteis of all muiuei victims weie
white, while the actual numbei accoiuing to FBI iepoits is aiounu one-quaitei.
The female muiuei offenuei hypothesis was not suppoiteu uue to a majoiity
of muiuei victims on "Sv0" being male (S7%). Bowevei, ieseaich uiu finu that theie
was an oveiiepiesentation of female muiuei offenueis (S8%) when compaieu to
official FBI statistics (8%).
0veiall, female muiuei offenueis on "Sv0" weie founu to be moie likely to
kill women iathei than men. In the few instances wheie a female muiueieu a male,
the male was eithei the husbanu of the female oi the female was muiueiing hei
offenuei. Foi instance, in episoue 24, a young, white female muiueieu two white
men because they iapeu anu killeu hei mothei.

= 21 offenueis !"# % &'()'* +,- ./0 -1234'5 6'25) 7)84'9

S7% (12) 6S%
S8% (8) 8%
S% (1) 28%
Afiican Ameiican

81% (17) S1%
9.S% (2) S8%
S% (1) 2%
S% (1) 29%


"Law & 0iuei: Sv0" tenus to not be accuiate when compaieu to actual, ieal-
life statistics. The inciuents shown on "Sv0" uiffei fiom the 0niteu States in veiy
impoitant ways.
Fiist, theie was a majoi oveiiepiesentation of muiuei anu iapesexual
assault as violent ciimes on "Sv0." Pievious ieseaich has also iesulteu in the same
oveiiepiesentation. Soullieie (2uuS) concluueu that the oveiiepiesentation of
violent ciime, especially muiuei, in ciime television piogiams may leau vieweis to
oveiestimate the amount of violence that occuis aiounu them.
The unueiiepiesentation of aggiavateu assault may be attiibuteu to a neeu
foi uiamatic effect. The oveiemphasis on muiuei anu iapesexual assault may
inuicate a belief among wiiteis anu piouuceis that those paiticulai violent ciimes
have a moie uiamatic appeal than aggiavateu assault.
"Sv0" poitiayals of white victims anu offenueis weie also uistoiteu. The
amount of white muiuei victims anu offenueis is highly skeweu compaieu the
0niteu States. 0ne positive aspect of this oveiiepiesentation is that "Sv0" uoes a
goou job on not poitiaying minoiities as a majoiity of muiuei offenueis, which is
uiffeient than iecent stuuies fiom pievious meuia (Biitto, Bughes, Saltzman &
Stioh, 2uu7). Bowevei, minoiities aie also minimizeu as muiuei victims as well.
Biitto, Bughes, Saltzman anu Stioh (2uu7) stateu in theii ieseaich that
because "Sv0" focuses on white victims it is "poitiayeu that the ciiminal justice
system piimaiily fights to piotect white citizens." Fuitheimoie, because Afiican
Ameiican victims aie uownplayeu on "Sv0," it is also poitiayeu that Afiican

Ameiicans aie iaiely the victims of muiuei oi violent ciimes, which is not tiue
accoiuing to FBI ieseaich.
Anothei impoitant uiffeientiation is the oveiiepiesentation of females as
muiuei offenueis. Women weie falsely poitiayeu as violent anu manipulative,
especially towaiu othei women. The same iesults weie founu in ieseaich by Biitto,
Bughes, Saltzman anu Stioh (2uu7). In some instances, women also gave way to the
femme fatale aichetype, which is wheie a seuuctive woman luies men into
uangeious oi compiising situations (Neiiiam-Webstei).
The biggest limitation to this ieseaich was the couing of only one season of
"Law & 0iuei: Sv0." Because only one season of Sv0 was iecoiueu, a vaiiety of
statistics fiom uiffeient yeais was not founu.
Foi futuie ieseaich, moie than one season of "Law & 0iuei: Sv0" shoulu be
coueu foi a fuithei, in uepth content analysis. Any significant changes in
quantitative vaiiables shoulu also be iecognizeu anu iecoiueu.

Beielson, Beinaiu. !0%-,%- :%&';.#. #% !0$$4%#*&-#0% <,.,&"*=> New Yoik: Fiee
Piess, 19S2.
Biitto, S., Bughes, T., Saltzman, K., & Stioh, C. (2uu7). Boes "Special" Nean Young,
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Special victims 0nit. ?04"%&' 89 !"#$#%&' ?4.-#*, @ A064'&" !4'-4",, BC(1), S9-
Biown, B., Lauiicella, S., Bouai, A., & Zaiui, A. (2u12). Consuming Television Ciime
Biama: A 0ses anu uiatifications Appioach. :$,"#*&% !0$$4%#*&-#0%
?04"%&', BC(1), 47-61.
Cuklanz, L. N., & Nooiti, S. (2uu6). Television's "New" Feminism: Piime-Time
Repiesentations of Women anu victimization. !"#-#*&' D-4+#,. )% 3,+#&
!0$$4%#*&-#0%, EF(4), Su2-S21.
Bominick, }. R., & Sage Publications, I. (1978). CRINE & LAW ENF0RCENENT IN TBE
WINICK). !"#$, @ G&H I%90"*,$,%- )% J=, 3&.. 3,+#& KL"0$ M,N#&%*, @
3&.. 3,+#&O BPQRO S; !=&"',. 5#%#*TU.
Feueial Buieau of Investigation. 2u14. "0nifoim Ciime Repoits, 2u12 Annual
Repoit, Supplemental Bomiciue Repoits". Posteu on the LS) 5,V.#-,>
Femme fatale. (n.u.). Retiieveu Apiil 1S, 2u14, fiom http:www.meiiiam-
webstei.comuictionaiyfemme fatale

Koit-Butlei, L. A., & Baitshoin, K. (2u11). WATCBINu TBE BETECTIvES: CRINE
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Lee, N. }., Bust, S., Zhang, L., & Zhang, Y. (2u11). Effects of violence Against Women
in Populai Ciime Biamas on vieweis' Attituues Relateu to Sexual violence.
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Noigan, N., & Shanahan, }. (2u1u). The State of Cultivation. ?04"%&' 89 S"0&+*&.-#%W
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Soullieie, B. N. (2uuS). Piime-time ciime: Piesentations of Ciime anu its
Paiticipants on Populai Television }ustice Piogiams. ?04"%&' 89 !"#$, :%+
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Taskei, Y. (2u12). Television Ciime Biama anu Bomelanu Secuiity: Fiom Law &
0iuei to "Teiioi Tv.". !#%,$& ?04"%&', YB(4), 44-6S.

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