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Book conferences may only be completed with a high school English teacher or your Special Education co-teacher.

All applicable sections of this document must be completed for credit.

English 9-12
Independent Reading Conference Sheet

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Directions: Please complete this document in its entirety at your soonest possible convenience upon finishing a
book. Next, make arrangements during class, AIS, study hall, or home base to complete the book conference
with the appropriate teacher.
Title of Book: ____________________________________________________________________________
Author(s): _______________________________________________________________________________

Partial conference

Complete conference
# of pages read: ______________
Teachers initials: __________________
Date of conference: _________________

Format (please check one): printed book e-book

Genre (please check all that apply): Young Adult Graphic Novel (comic/cartoon/manga) Adult Fiction Adult Non-Fiction Memoir/Biography
Science Fiction/Dystopian other (please specify): ________________________________
Rationale: Briefly and using complete sentences, explain why you selected this book. EXTRA CREDIT: If a teacher outside of English class recommended this book,
please include their name in this section along with an explanation as to why they recommended it.
Rate the Book: Shade in the stars to rate this book.
Reader Satisfaction: Reading this book left me feeling(please check all that apply)
Positive Responses: Satisfied Curious Connected/Understood/Not Alone Humbled Empathetic Hopeful Proud Amused Energized
Informed Other (please specify): ______________________________________________________________
Negative Responses: Dissatisfied Disappointed Disturbed Shocked Bored Betrayed Melancholy Frustrated Overwhelmed Confused
Conflicted Doubtful Other (please specify): ______________________________________________________________
Written Justification for the Above Response(s): Please use explicit evidence from the text and your experience while reading and analyzing the text to justify
your above response(s). You should plan to use the majority of the space provided to thoroughly justify your response in multiple complete sentences, which should
reference a variety of examples from the text.

Evaluate the Writing: Identify the authors use of at least one writing strategy and evaluate whether it was used effectively or ineffectively and why. You must
thoroughly describe the specific writing structure you are evaluating by referencing an example or examples from the text.
Examples of writing strategies: (may include literary elements, literary techniques, or rhetorical devices)
-Structure: Compare/Contrast Cause/Effect Problem/Solution Personal Narrative/Anecdote(s) Chronological Order
-Conflict (internal, external)
-Language Use
-Point of View
-Other (please specify): ______________________________________

EXTRA CREDIT (+5 pages per word): Attach an additional sheet if necessary.
List new or SAT vocab words encountered in the text

Definition of the word

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