Overview EDM Documents

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EDM Knowledge Transfer Max Makarov.

Folders contained in this EDM package:

1. Folder with the docuentation related to ! work at "M# $EDM at "M#%. M!
work on this pro&ect had in its scope the set'up of coplex scenarios for large
industrial custoers with interval eters. #() "*+ was interfaced with M,-.
for this.
/f particular interest are the following files:
"M# EDM "ustoi0ing #ettings. This spreadsheet contains the screenshots of
all a&or EDM custoi0ing nodes in #)*/1 and thus should give a good
overview of how those should 2e custoi0ed in a production s!ste.
"M# #et 3p of *ate 4 (ccount Detailed. This docuent outlines step 2! step
how a coplex 2illing scenario is apped in #() using EDM functionalit!. 4t
also contains the custo forulas $(+() function odules% which were utili0ed
to ap this functionalit!.
"M# "alculation 5ork2ench Design. This docuent was created as part of the
2lueprint effort1 and outlines with a great level of detail how the calculation
work2ench is utili0ed to calculate the forulas in EDM.
The rest of the files are soewhat specific to the "M#. The! provide a ver! good
teplate in the case where a particular $usuall! coplex% 2usiness re6uireent is
to 2e addressed within the EDM fraework1 e.g. how to graphicall! capture the
allocation of profiles via roles to the registers of devices or how to utili0e the
device info records.
7. Folder with the cook2ooks on various EDM functions with the screenshots $EDM
8. Folder with additional docuents $EDM Misc%. File EDM Detailed #et 3p was
created 2! e upon ! first exposure to EDM1 and contains a siple introduction
to its functionalit!. #afeguarding /verview file shows the anal!sis of EDM and
its functions as applied to the scope of interval eter reading work as was
supposed to 2e in the scope of the ""# ipleentation at "enterpoint.
EDM "ontacts
"on 9talianis $4+3% is 2! far the ost knowledgea2le EDM resource in the 3# in ters
of the functionalit!. Thoas (lleroth fro Deloitte "onsulting
$talleroth:deloitte.co% has a vast EDM pro&ect experience1 and has alwa!s 2een ver!

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