Modern Family

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Modern Family is an American television sitcom that debuted on ABC on September 23, 2009.

Presented in mockumentary style, the ictional characters re!uently talk directly into the camera.
"he pro#ram ollo$s the lives o %ay Pritchett and his amily, all o $hom live in suburban &os
An#eles. Pritchett's amily includes his second $ie, his stepson, and inant son, as $ell as his t$o
adult children and their spouses and children.Christopher &loyd and Steven &evitan conceived the
series $hile sharin# stories o their o$n (modern amilies(.
"he series premiered on September 23, 2009 and $as $atched by )2.* million vie$ers.
-arly on,
it $as named as a key holder or the *2nd Primetime -mmy A$ards.
.n .ctober /, 2009 the series
$as picked up or a ull season.
"he series has received positive revie$s rom critics.
"he sho$
has $on many a$ards, includin# the -mmy A$ard or .utstandin# Comedy Series in each o the
past ive years and the-mmy A$ard or .utstandin# Supportin# Actor in a Comedy Series our times
so ar as $ell, t$ice or -ric Stonestreet and t$ice or "y Burrell, as $ell as the .utstandin#
Supportin# Actress in a Comedy Series t$ice or %ulie Bo$en.
3t also $on the 4olden 4lobe
A$ard or Best "elevision Series 5 6usical or Comedy.7

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