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Final Ideas, USP, Target

Final Concept

Our video will feature a happy

student, he will e !aking his way to
a party fro! his school" #hen he
arrives at the party he will lack out
and will wake up in the !orning in
the !iddle of a $eld" %e will then
proceed to walk ho!e da&ed and
confused" The two 'stories( will e
cut etween throughout the video,
they will not e in chronological
Final USP

Our USP is that the video will have )

stories running parallel to each other
which will contrast the state of !ind
that the character is in"

Our video will have lots of right and

colourful scenes"
Final Target Market

#e are targeting younger people,

!ale and fe!ale, aged around *+,
-." These are our targeted !arket
ecause they can relate to the video"

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