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April 12, 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians:
This letter is to inform you of an incident that took place today that aects our
school community! " #ant to make sure that you ha$e accurate information and
dispel any rumors you may ha$e heard a%out the incident!
This mornin&, " %ecame a#are of a situation in$ol$in& one of our teachers, 'essica
(oyers! )ouis$ille *etro Police arrested *s! (oyers early this mornin&! +he is
char&ed #ith ,rst-de&ree se.ual a%use! The alle&ed incident did not occur durin&
school hours or on school &rounds! Please understand that, %ecause this is an
on&oin& criminal in$esti&ation and personnel matter, this is the only information "
am permitted to release!
/e understand that these alle&ations are alarmin& to the 0i&hland *iddle
community! " hope you #ill take the time to e.plain to your child the seriousness of
the situation! /e ask that you support your child and the school in the follo#in&
1ncoura&e your child to report any suspicious or dan&erous acti$ity to a
trusted adult at school or to you!
)et your child kno# that there are people here to help if he or she has any
educational or emotional needs!
Discuss #ith him or her the importance of settin& physical %oundaries #ith
students and adults!
1.plain to your child the seriousness of playin& a prank, teasin&, or spreadin&
Please kno# that #e are #orkin& 2uickly to ,nd a permanent solution to the
instructional needs of our students #ho #ill %e aected %y the teacher3s a%sence!
Please %e assured that the safety and #ell-%ein& of your child are al#ays foremost
in e$erythin& #e do! 4ur &oal is for all students to learn at hi&h le$els and ha$e fun
in a safe and nurturin& school en$ironment! /e #ill continue to take e$ery
necessary step to ensure the safety of your child!
Thank you for your support and assistance in keepin& our school safe for e$eryone!
+te$e 0eckman
0i&hland *iddle +chool

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