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Colour Schemes

Colour Theme
We have decided to include a variety of bright
and vibrant colours, we will use a mixture of
warm and cold colours and when we later come
to editing the footage, we are going to increase
the colour contrast to increase the vibrancy of
the video. We have decided to use bright and
vibrant colours as our video will be energetic
and will have a positive atmosphere and this
colour selection ties in well with this theme
The chosen colour scheme for our main actors
clothing is also vibrant and colourful as we
intend for the character to match the rest of the
atmosphere and to show that he is in a positive
As was already stated, when it comes to editing
we intend to increase the contrast of the video
as this will enhance the vibrancy of the colours
as some areas may not be as colourful as we
originally intended, for example, the weather
may be cloudy making the rest of the shot look
very dull.

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