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Work Experience

Power sector

Project work




Tetley-tata tea before going global 1995-2000 money acquired
Having said that its like dipping feet in the water .the real breakthrough
Srilianka Kenya malavi indoonesia
Going global for knowledge transfer
Knowledge using forum
Fmcg global company double growth outside india than inside market share increase
Distribution team
Sales team marketing team tap into the market
Understanding the consumer behaviour to translate that into a value proposition
Appetite for growth
Acquiring sellers
Pushing product
Translating engineering
Leveraging synergies
Innovation can come from everywhere
Fear of failure-bound to fail once
Frugal innovation
Doing things that it is thought by designer its a nice thing to do
150 million benchmark 4 times scorpio r&d
Moment of truth design of produv\ct wow
Happened by chance
Structured way
One size fits all
Financial affordability due to slow economic growth
Recalibration of plans
Market booming after recession investing good during slow growth
Product technology process customer centric innovation

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