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The new Dell PowerConnect 2800 switches are more efficient when running, but can be

a bear to configure. This how-to will show you how to configure a PowerConnect 2816,
2824, or 2848 switch to run in managed mode. ok Paulo
Get a computer to use as a terminal
Get a computer that can be taken off of the network--a laptop is great for this. The
computer must have a serial port and HyperTerminal installed.

Configure the computer's network settings
Set the ethernet port to the following settings:
subnet mask

3 Configure HyperTerminal
Go to Start->All Programs->Accessories->Communication->HyperTerminal. Enter a
name for your new connection.

4 Configure Connection
Set the "Connect using:" box to the appropriate serial port. In my case, it is "COM1".

5 Configure COM Port
Set your COM Port to the following settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None

6 Configure Emulation
Click on the Properties button on the task bar and go to the Settings tab. Configure your
emulation to "VT100".
7 Plug the computer
into the switch
Plug a network cable into
port 1 of the switch and
into your computer..
Plug the included serial
cable into the switch and
your computer.

Plug in the switch
Plug the switch into power.

Change switch configuration to Managed mode

Wait for the switch to finish booting. When it is finished,
use a paperclip to press the "Mode" button on the front
panel 4 or 5 times, until the terminal tells you to reset
using "EWS".
Access the Embedded Web Server
Use the internet browser on the connected computer to go
to When the page displays, log in with
username: admin and no password.

Reset Configuration
Click the "Apply Now" button to reset the switch's
configuration and reboot the switch into Managed mode.

Follow the prompts to finish setting up your
Once the switch reboots, it will come up to a setup wizard
that will prompt you for the final pieces of information
needed to set your switch's SNMP, IP, and security

Conclusion muito facil
The new 2800 series switches from Dell are nice, but a pain to configure. I hope this
little How-To will make it easier on everybody using Dell networking equipment.

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