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Submitted to: Ms.

Fermin, RN

Clinical Submitted by: Butch V.

Instructor Costales,
Drug’s Name Adverse Reaction Contraindication Nursing Responsibility

1.) Methergine PC: Ergot Cardiovascular: > contraindicated in >Be alert for adverse
(methylergonovi Alkaloid and hypertension, patients reactions and drug
ne Derivative temporary chest hypersensitive to interactions.
maleate) pain, palpitation methylergonovine or
TC: oxytocic, any component of the >This drug should be
lactation CNSHallucinations, formulation. used extremely
stimulant dizziness, seizure, >ergot alkaloids are carefully because of it's
headache contraindicated with potent vasoconstrictor
Indication: potent inhibitors of action. I.V. use may
Prevention Gastrointestinal: CYP3A4 (includes induce sudden
and Nausea, vomiting, protease inhibitors, hypertension and
treatment of diarrhea, foul taste azole antifungals, and cerebrovascular
postpartum some macrolide accidents. As a last
and Local: antibiotics); resort, give I.V. slowly
postabortion Thrombophlebitis hypertension; over several minutes
hemorrhage toxemia; pregnancy and monitor blood
caused by Otic: Tinnitus pressure closely.
atony or Renal: Hematuria
Dyspnea, nasal

Constipation, Hemosiderosis, >Substitution of one iron

2.) Ferrous gastric hemochromatosis, salt for another without
Sulfate (FeSO4) irritation, nausea, peptic proper adjustment may
C:Antianemic, abdominal cramps, ulcer, regional enteritis, result in serious over or
Iron anorexia, diarrhea, and under dosing.
dark colored stools. ulcerative colitis. >Eggs, milk, coffee, or

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