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A few days ago, I had a very strange dream.

As a rule I am
usually unaware of my dreams but for some reason I
remember most of this dream in vivid detail. I have thought
about it for several days and though it contains some pretty
obvious symbolism, I dont feel that I have fully understood its
Sitting in my room, at my computer as usual, I suddenly had
the urge to turn and look behind me. What I saw, appeared at
fist glance to be a spider climbing down the wall towards my
bed. I was surprised to find myself reacting with curiosity due
to the fact that I am arachnophobic, but even more surprising
was that on closer inspection it turned out not to be a spider
but an abnormally large ant.
As I watched the ant crawl over my quilt I remember getting a
distinct impression of conformity, a feeling that, despite its
unusual size it was no different or anymore significant than
any other ant
However,When I woke up i realized it was just
a dream

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