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Group assignment (CO3)

From the given case study (based on the earlier draw carried out in class on 2 Oct 2014), describe
and discuss the ethical issues might have been at least partly responsible for the failure !elate the
impact on financial, economics, society, technology and environment "he report should also include#
1 $hat failed%
2 $hy it failed%
& 'ossible corrective actions
4 $ho was at fault, and why%
(escribe how a lac) of *professionalism* or *conscientiousness* may have helped lead to this failure
'lease include a listing of any references you might have used
+ou must use at least one newspaper or recent ,ournal account as one of your references
+our report should be type written and minimum four pages long 'lease list references and indicate
where they are used in the te-t of the paper.
/ase study
1 0elicopter crashed in (amansara, 12, during the installation of 3a-is satellite dish in 1445
Five people were )illed including a child at the crash site
2 0ighland towers "aman 0illview 0ulu )elang6 11 (ecember 144& 72 )illed
& /ollapsed of /yber,aya8'utra,aya flyover 9 February 2:, 201& ;o fatalities reported
4 /ollapsed of <ultan 3i=an >ainal ?bidin <tadium@s roof in Aong Bada), "errengganu 92 Cune
2004 ;o casualties were reported
7 Fire at <e) ?gama !a)yat "aufiDiah 1hairiah ?l90alimiah, +an, 1edah 9 <eptember 22, 14:4
;umber of fatalities925 people
E <ungai Buloh91a,ang 3ass !apid "ransit (3!") 9 )illing & wor)ers 6 ?ug 14, 2014
5 On 2: 3ay 2004, Caya <upermar)et collapsed while being torn down for redevelopment,
)illing at least 5 Fndonesian labourers and in,uring an unspecified number of people in the
busy commercial district
: "he Bright <par)lers Firewor)s fire happened in 3alaysia on 5 3ay 1441"he Bright <par)lers
Firewor)s Factory in <ungai Buloh, <elangor caught fire and caused a huge e-plosion "wenty
si- people were )illed and over a hundred people were in,ured in the disaster
4 /ampbell <hopping /omple- fire was a ma,or disaster in 3alaysia which too) place on : ?pril
145E at Calan /ampbell (now Calan (ang $angi), 1uala 2umpur "he entire shopping comple-
including its 209storey office tower bloc) was completely destroyed in a fire !ecorded one
person died
10 Bintulu <arawa) 3alaysia 9(ecember 27, 1445 (Aas 'rocessing 'lant, 0igh "emperature
Failure, 12 in,ured)
11 "he fire at the 'etronas /arigali@s "u)au B 'latform offshore 3iri on 3onday, Cune 11, 2012
;o fatalities
12 <ept 5, 2010G <ome 12 million residents or &00,000 households throughout 'etaling, 0ulu
2angat, <epang and 1uala 2angat districts were affected by <emenyih water treatment plant@s
shutdown due to contamination
1& "wo wor)ers have died following an accident at a ha=ardous waste recycling and disposal
facility in 'ort (ic)son, 3alaysia "he men, one 3alaysian and the other Bangladeshi, were
overcome by to-ic fumes while transferring caustic soda from a tan)er into the facility, which
is operated by HI3 Invironment@s ha=ardous waste subsidiary 1ualiti ?lam 3arch 2E 201&

!eport submission is due on 4 (ecember 2014 before 700 pm
"he case study presentation is tentatively schedule on 10 (ecember 2014 at 2009 E00 pm for
both Aroup :? J 4? "he location of the venue will be notified later ?ttendance is compulsory
for all

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