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Youth Expo Presentation Proposal

Summer 2014

About the WorkReady Expo

The WorkReady Expo recognizes the accomplishments of approximately 500 Philadelphia youth,
ages 14-21, who have developed exemplary projects and portfolios through their participation in
WorkReady summer and year-round programs. It is an event where you have a chance to practice
and refine your presentation skills by showcasing a snapshot of the WorkReady projects or
portfolios you created in your communities or at your worksites.

Presenting at the WorkReady Expo is a great experience to put on your resume. Its also an
opportunity to meet people in the local business sector and see what your peers in other programs
across the city are working on.

Pennsylvania Convention Center
119 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

In order to be eligible to present your project at the WorkReady Expo, you must answer the
questions below. Submit your responses to your program staff no later than Friday, July 25 at 5

Youth Expo Presentation Proposal
Summer 2014
p.m. Staff at your program will submit this proposal to PYN on your behalf by Monday, July 28 at 12

This is a competitive process and not all proposals will be selected for presentation. PYN will contact the
staff at your program by Tuesday, July 29

to let them know if your presentation has been selected.

Proposal Instructions (electronic version)

This proposal needs to be completed by youth involved in the WorkReady summer program. You may only
submit ONE proposal per project or portfolio. If you are working on a project in a group, you only need to
submit one proposal for the entire group. Please type your responses directly into this form. Once the form is
complete, staff from your program will submit it to the Philadelphia Youth Network (PYN) on your behalf.

Proposal Questions (electronic version)
Please answer each question clearly and thoughtfully. Good luck!

1. Organization: District 1199c Training and Upgrading Fund

2. Program Model: Career Exposure

3. Presentation Format (choose one): Choose how you will present your project at the Expo.

Youth Expo Presentation Proposal
Summer 2014
Tri-Fold Board Youll use pictures, text, and/or graphs on a tri-fold board to present
information about your project.
X Multimedia Youll show a video, use PowerPoint, Prezi, or other type of electronic media
to present information about your project.
Hands-on Demonstration or Visual Art Youll demonstrate an activity that relates to
your project (for example, prepare food, show how a water filtration works, teach someone to
knit) or present artwork that relates to your project (for example drawings, sculptures,
paintings, models).
Portfolio Youll present the portfolio you created.

4. Presenters: List the name(s) of the person/people who will present this project at the Expo. We only have
room for three or four presenters per project, UNLESS you are doing a live performance. If you are doing a live
performance, list the names of every performer.
1. Kanaayah Hawkins 2. Dalila Latorre 3. Alfonse Bowman 4. Jyaja Tennyson

5. Project Details:

What is your projects driving question or projects overall theme?

Our driving question is how can we live healthier lives and what professionals help you to stay
healthy? Our projects overall theme is Youth in Power. We want to help eachother and our
communities to make healthier choices for our minds, bodies and souls.

Describe your project. What can we expect to see and how does this address your driving question or
overall theme?

Youth Expo Presentation Proposal
Summer 2014

Our project is to go out in the community and have them make healthier choices. We are
helping the community make better choices through providing more easily accessible steps to
healthy living, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

What makes your project important to you and/or your community?

Its important because it is helping us learn what things to eat and not to eat for us and our
community so we can avoid certain diseases and health problems. Its helping us to learn more
about how to improve our daily life mentally and physically.

What will the audience learn from your presentation?

From our presentation they will learn about how we motivated our community to make better
choices. The audience will learn about us, our dreams and some health career options that we
have reseached. From our health awareness campaign they will learn how they are effecting
themselves and others with the health choices that they make.

Why should we choose your project to be presented at the Expo?

We have a lot of information to share that is useful. It can help the people in our families and
communities live better and even save others lives. We used a lot of our creativity through
poetry, dance, fusion, and drama to learn and teach about health. We will share the website
portfolios that we created to show health careers that are connected to our own interests. You
should choose our project, because we have learned a lot and worked hard to create something
that will affect our community positively.

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