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Optimal duration of antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated

urinary tract infection in older women: a double-blind

randomized controlled trial
Thomas Vogel, et al
The optimal duration of antibiotic therapy in older patients with
uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) is still a matter of debate
A short course of treatment might offer significant advantages in terms
in proved compliance and fewer drug interaction and side effect
To compare the efficacy and safety of 3 day and 7 day courses of oral
ciprofloxacin for uncomplicated symptomatic UTI in older women
A double!blind randomi"ed controlled trial
A total of #$3 women at least %& years of age with acute
uncomplicated symptomatic UTI were recruitment
'omen were randomly assigned to received either ciprofloxacin (&)
mg twice daily orally for 3 day follow by placebo * day (+3 patients),
and randomly assigned to received ciprofloxacin (&) mg twice daily
orally for 7 day ( +) patients)
-rimary outcome were antimicrobial efficacy at ( days after
completion of treatment and ris. of relaps and reinfection at % wee.s
after completion of treatment

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