Audrie Resume

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14680 Beech Road Brooklyn, MI 4!"0 E#$a%l a&%el'k%('%enahe%)h*'.ed+ ,ell -.1/0 1/#11!4
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a challenging position, that utilizes my customer service skills in an
environment that promotes close interpersonal interactions, ith the opportunity !or
groth base" on superior per!ormance#
E$%E&IE'CE: En'er1%o, Inc. Needha$, Ma''ach+'e**'
(ist )ssist *pecialist +ecember ,-./ to %resent
&esponsible !or !acilitating the contents inventory process that enables the most accurate,
!astest contents claims service available in the insurance in"ustry to"ay# 0ork over the
phone an" via e1mail ith insure"s to "evelop lists o! their "amage" contents# Con"uct
reconstructions o! claims an" gather inventories by phone an"2or e1mail ith insure"s#
3ui"e an" prompt to get the most accurate in!ormation possible# 4ollo up ith insure"s
to gather ages an" value "riving in!ormation to ensure the proper valuation o! their
contents# 5ust have strong 5icroso!t E6cel, typing, communication, an" customer service
skills# )bility to empathize an" "eal ith grieving in"ivi"uals is also necessary# 5ust have
strong organizational skills an" sel!1motivation as this is a ork !rom home position#
2olly3' ,o+n*ry Marke* Brooklyn, M%ch%)an
+eli *ta!! 5ay ,-./ to +ecember ,-./
)ccountable !or preparing !oo", maintaining clean an" sanitary orkspace, an" accurately
taking an" "elivering customer or"ers# 5ust be able to anser phones in a pro!essional
an" courteous manner# Vital talents !or success in this occupation inclu"e the ability to
provi"e e6ceptional customer service, ork e!!ectively in a group, an" properly
4ld 5%)h6ay Marke* Brooklyn, M%ch%)an
+eli *ta!! 5ay ,-., to )ugust ,-.,
%osition responsibilities inclu"e but are not limite" to !oo" preparation, general store
maintenance, an" accurately taking an" "elivering customer or"ers# )lso responsible !or
ansering phones in a pro!essional an" courteous manner# Communication an" customer
service skills are necessary#
7erry3' on *he Lake Brooklyn, M%ch%)an
Bus person2 0aitress June ,-.- to June ,-.,
Bus %erson1 &esponsibilities inclu"e but are not limite" to clearing "ishes, general store
maintenance, an" !oo" preparation# )lso, responsible !or assisting ith accurate "elivery
o! or"ers as appropriate an" general customer care as re7uire"#
0aitress1&esponsibilities inclu"e but are not limite" to clearing "ishes, general store
maintenance, an" !oo" preparation# )lso responsible !or accurately taking the or"ers o!
customers, "elivering their !oo" in a timely manner, an" provi"ing e6cellent customer
care# 5ust be personable ith e6cellent communication skills

E+8C)TIO': S%ena 5e%)h*' Un%1er'%*y1 January 9, ,-./ to %resent
1Bachelor in 5ath ith *pecialization in )ctuarial *cience an" 5inor in Business )"ministration
M%ch%)an S*a*e Un%1er'%*y1 )ugust /., ,-.. to +ecember .:, ,-.,
,ol+$&%a ,en*ral 5%)h School ;3ra"uate" June /, ,-..

E$T&) 1 5ember o! the 'ational <onor *ociety ,--= to ,-..#
C8&&IC8()&: 1 Columbia Central <igh *chool marching2concert ban" ,--> to ,-..
1 Current member o! *iena <eights *ymphonic Ban" an" 5arching Ban"
1 5ember o! 'ational )ssociation o! Collegiate *cholars
1 Current member o! *iena <eights 8niversity 5ath Club
1 Vice %resi"ent o! *iena <eights 8niversity 5ath Club
1 Current tutor o! mathematics an" statistics at *iena <eights 8niversity
*?I((*: ?nole"ge o! various social me"ia, 5icroso!t O!!ice, internet, e1mail, an" other general
o!!ice e7uipment#
Completion o! @Computing Concepts an" CompetenciesA in !all ,-.. at 5ichigan *tate

&E4E&E'CE*: Dr. 7e88rey Kallen&ach B:.9C ,D>19D>.
Siena Heights University Professor of Mathematics
L%'a L+e&ke B:.9C >D919/EE
Manager Jerrys on the Lake
7enn%8er 9an :a)nen B:.9C :=,1DD/>
Teacher Columbia Central High School

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