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Vol. 32 No. 6 September 2014

Clash In Final
Debate Before


Dies, 90
See story on page 5

By Sylvia Hui
SCOTLANDS leading politician vied
with Britains former treasury chief
in a heated televised debate August
25, making a final push to capture
wavering voters three weeks ahead of
the historic referendum on Scottish
Pro-independence First Minister
Alex Salmond and Alistair Darling
argued and shouted over each other on
questions from defense to the sustainability of an economy dependent on
revenues from North Sea oil, but the
heart of the 90-minute exchange cenContinued on page 6

Former Enemies Unite For WWI Commemoration

By Virginia Mayo
and Raf Casert
FORMER enemies united August 4 to
commemorate the 100th anniversary of
the start of World War I, with Belgium,
France, Britain and Germany standing
together in a spirit of reconciliation.
Belgian King Philippe and Queen
Mathilde welcomed German President
Joachim Gauck under cloudy skies for the
late-morning ceremony at the Cointe allied
memorial amid pomp and military honor.
During the ceremonies, the former enemies
sat united, listening and applauding each

others speeches.
Germany invaded neutral Belgium on
August 4, 1914, as part of a planned attack on France. By nightfall, Britain had
joined the war.
It opened Pandoras Box, said Gauck
who acknowledged that it is anything
but self-evident to stand and talk to you
on this day.
The war wasnt expected to last long.
But instead of weeks, the continent was
plunged into hardship and misery for more
than four years.
Gauck joined British Princes William
and Harry at the Saint Symphorien cem-

End Of The Road For

Tax Discs This October
CAR TAX DISCS are to be scrapped in
just a few weeks time but half of all UK
drivers have no clue, a survey claims.
The iconic circle of paper, which has
been displayed in windscreens since 1921,
will vanish from October 1 as Vehicle Excise Duty is brought into the modern age.
The changes were announced by Chancellor George Osborne late last year. But
a survey from financial advice website claims 50 per cent of drivers
have no idea its going to happen.
Nearly a third of said they will not
even try to find out what the new rules
are, according to the poll, while six per

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cent think the changes are not coming into

effect until next year.
Once the changes come into force,
checks to see if drivers have paid their
road tax will be done electronically using
This comes after the number of visual
checks by police and the DVLA dropped
75 percent since 2008.
It is estimated that motorists will be
20m a year better off thanks to the
move, with businesses saving 7m in
admin costs.
But drivers run the risk of fines of up to
1,000 if they dont get up to speed with
the new rules.
Tax will no longer be automatically
transferred with a car when it is sold,
so sellers are expected to tell the DVLA
immediately of the change of ownership
or face fines.
Vehicle tax was introduced in 1888,
when Queen Victoria was on the throne
and the Marquess of Salisbury was Prime
The current system of excise duty
followed in 1920 and the original tax
disc was introduced the next year. It was
plain grey paper printed with black ink
and sometimes carried ads on the back.
The tax disc went colour in 1923 and
perforations were introduced in 1938,
making it easier to fit into a holder. The
modern design, incorporating anti-forgery
measures, came in 1961.

etery later for a similar remembrance. In

Britain, there was a ceremony in Glasgow,
Scotland, and a late-evening candlelit vigil
at Londons Westminster Abbey.
The Great War, as it came to be known,

is now often depicted as senseless slaughter without a big moral cause that claimed
an estimated 14 million lives, including
five million civilians as well as nine million soldiers, sailors and airmen from 28
Continued on page 4

Report: BBC Arrived At Cliff Richards Home Before

Police Search Over Sexual Abuse Allegations
SIR CLIFF RICHARD has pulled out
of a charity event after finding himself
at the centre of a police sex abuse
The veteran singer was due to
appear at Canterbury Cathedral on
September 26, but his spokesman said
Richard doesnt want the event to be
overshadowed by the allegation against
The statement adds: He is sorry for
any disappointment or inconvenience
Richards apartment was searched
by officers from South Yorkshire and
Thames Valley police last month as part
of an investigation into an alleged sexual
assault on a young boy at a religious
event in 1985. Sir Cliff, who was in
Portugal when the search took place, has
firmly denied any wrongdoing.
A statement issued August 24 on

RRAmbassador: UK Close To
Identifying Foley Killer

BRITAINS ambassador to the United

States says police and spy agencies are
close to identifying the English-accented
militant depicted on video showing the
killing of US. journalist James Foley.
Peter Westmacott told CNN August 24
that were not far away from naming
the man in the Islamic State group video.
He said investigators were using techniques including sophisticated voice-recognition software to identify the masked,
knife-wielding figure.
British newspapers reported that investigators were looking at several British
jihadi thought to be in the Raqqa area
of Syria.
One is Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, a former rapper from London, who reportedly
has joined militants in Syria. He is the son
of Abdel Abdul Bary, an alleged al-Qaida
operative who was extradited from Britain
to the US in 2012 to face terrorism charges.

behalf of Richard says the allegation that

he assaulted a boy at a religious rally in
Sheffield, northern England, in the 1980s
is completely false.
Police, who do not name suspects
unless they are charged, said a 73-yearold man was interviewed under caution
at a police station. He was not arrested.

Under caution means the interview

was recorded and could be used in future
The raid on the pop stars Berkshire
penthouse caused controversy when the
BBC broke news of the search, with
a film crew reportedly arriving on the
scene before the police.
The corporations director-general
Tony Hall and chief constable of South
Yorkshire Police David Crompton
will face a grilling by MPs over the
affair, and the forces police and
crime commissioner has launched an
independent review of what happened.
Crompton and Lord Hall have been
warned to stand ready to give evidence
to the Home Affairs Select Committee
(HASC) after Parliament returns from
Continued on page 3

RRTwo Truckers Charged In

Death Of Afghan Stowaway

RRReport Finds 1,400 Children

Exploited In Rotherham

POLICE have charged two truck drivers

with people-smuggling after an Afghan
migrant was found dead, along with 34
survivors, in a shipping container at an
English port.
Stephen McLaughlin and Timothy
Murphy, both from Northern Ireland,
have been charged with conspiring to
facilitate illegal entry into Britain. They
were due court appearances.
Workers at Tilbury docks, east of
London, discovered the migrants August
16 aboard an unloaded container that had
arrived by cargo ferry from Zeebrugge,
Belgium. Dock workers said they heard
bangs and screams coming from the
The dead man was identified as
40-year-old Meet Singh Kapoor. Police
have yet to determine the cause of death.
The survivors, among them 13 children, were treated for dehydration and
All the migrants came from Afghanistans tiny Sikh community.

A NEW REPORT concluded last month

that some 1,400 children were sexually
exploited in one northern England town_
a damming account of the collective
failure by authorities to prevent children
as young as 11 from being beaten, raped
and trafficked.
Report author Alexis Jay cited appalling acts of violence between 1997
and 2013 in Rotherham, a town of some
Continued on page 11

1 =
uro =
at press time


Page 2

September 2014

in the past month . . .

Ross McCafferty of Glasgow, tweeted:

Fox And Hound Give Up The
Chase In Exchange For Friendship Dancing policeman is quality. Lets hope

AFTER taking in an abandoned fox, Richard Bowler has experienced what he has
described as an unlikely but heartwarming
friendship develop between a fox and his
familys pet dog.
Rosie the fox and Maddy the Lakeland patterdale became pals after Rosie was left on
her own when her dad killed most of her litter.
Bowler, 45, gave the fox, now 18 months,
a home at his picturesque smallholding near
Corwen in the Berwyn mountains. And the
photographer has since captured some
fantastic pictures of the fox cub bonding with
playful five-year-old Maddy.
He said: They love chasing each other;
usually Maddy does the chasing but if Rosie
feels shes not getting enough attention shell
dive on Maddy to get the game started.
Both are very vocal with each other but
it never turns nasty. Even though Maddy is
a terrier shes never been a snappy dog.
Maddy has always been a playful pet
and it is a natural instinct for a fox cub to
play so it is no surprise they share the same
instinct for fun.

Glasgow Policeman Leads

Merry Dance During
Commonwealth Games

THE TERM encapsulating the spirit of the

Commonwealth Games was used last month
in Glasgow when a happy cop was filmed
dancing with a visitor.
The video filmed by a member of the
crowd was quickly shared on Facebook
and Twitter and viewed by thousands,
reported The Scotsman.
It shows the unidentified policeman dancing with a woman to Dean Martins How Do
You Like Your Eggs in the Morning, in the
citys Hutcheson street.
People took to social media to show their
support and most hoped the policeman
wouldnt be censured for his actions.


he doesnt get his collar felt.

Laura Rafferty wrote: People make
Glasgow after seeing the video, while
Gerry from Glasgow, dubbed him PC
Amanda Goodfellow posted on Facebook
In history the legend suggests the Nanteos
that it was great to see the police getting into Cup was brought to Britain by Joseph of
the spirit of the Games and showing visitors Arimathea and is said to have divine healing
what Glasgow is all about.
qualities. Monks apparently took it to Nanteos
Mansion in the Welsh county of Ceredigion
during the reign of Henry Vlll. The estate was
later owned by the Powell family who housed
No Holy Grail Found
the cup for centuries.
Following Police Search Of
The relic later left the mansion and was
Pub Just A Salad Bowl
stolen from a house in Weston-underWORKING on a hot tip police converged on Penyard, Herefordshire, in July.
a Herefordshire pub last month in search of
It vanished after it was loaned to a serithe Holy Grail, only to find an old salad bowl. ously ill woman because of its purported
Although this may seem like the opening recuperative powers.
scene of a Monty Python movie, it was actually a serious crime investigation.
Passengers On Australian
Police were looking for a stolen Holy Grail
Told To Flush Drugs
relic in the village of Lea, and had received
Before Landing
a tip that the ancient piece had been sighted
in the pub. Unfortunately, after their detailed APOLOGIES were made by an Australian
search they only came up with a an old airline last month after passengers on a flight
salad bowl that was used to dish up salad were told to flush their drugs down a toilet
to customers.
before the plane landed.
A team of 12 officers raided the Crown
The attendant on a Jetstar flight from the
Inn searching for the Nanteos Cup, claimed Gold Coast to Sydney also told passengers
to be the vessel Christ drank from at the Last that sniffer dogs and inspectors were waiting.
Supper. But after an hour the only item they
The warning to flush anything you
found that resembled the missing artifact shouldnt have reportedly sparked a rush
was the wooden bowl
to the toilets, according to the BBC.
Many of the passengers were reportedly
Landlady Di Franklyn said: I was amazed returning from the Splendour in The Grass
to see so many police they said they had music festival which is held near Byron Bay.
been given information that this Holy Grail
A Jetstar spokesman said the crew
had been shown off by someone here. But if members words were poorly chosen and
somebody had stolen something as priceless plainly at odds with the professional stanas the Holy Grail I dont think it would be on dards wed expect from our team.
show in my pub. But the police were taking
He said the attendant would be reprimandthe information very seriously because there ed but members of the public called for
were so many of them including a police leniency with one posting on Facebook: Fair
dog handler.
dinkum true blue Aussie flight attendant.

Snowdons Popularity
Sees Man Climbing In
A Thong For Losing Bet
IT WOULD have seemed a reasonably
safe bet going with Brazil to win the
World Cup. But, as we all now know, it
wasnt even close, and, nobody realizes
this more than the Welsh football fan that
said he would climb Mount Snowdon, in
a thong, if he lost the bet.
So, last month Jon Jolley donned
his thong and walking boots and began
his trek upwards to the peak of the
So when Philippe Scolaris team went
out after a 7-1 thrashing in the semi-final
against Germany, he knew what he had
to do. Jolley made good his promise and
scaled the 3,560ft mountain wearing
just a skimpy thong embroidered with
the Welsh flag.
There were quite a few shocked
faces, Jolley said after the three-anda-half hour climb.
Jolleys stunt has so far raised more
than 1,000 for Cancer Research.

Charity Challenge Sees Man Push A Sprout Up

Mount Snowdon With His Nose
PUSHING a sprout up Snowdon was
never in Stuart Kettells long term plans
a year ago, but thats exactly what he
did last month.
Kettell, from the West Midlands, took
three days to reach the 3,560ft peak of
the mountain, raising more for charity in
the process.
The 49-year-old, who practised by

pushing a sprout around his garden, took

on the bizarre challenge to raise money
for Macmillan Cancer Support.
He admitted: People definitely think
Im mad, and Im beginning to think it
myself. It hurt my arms, my legs, my feet,
my knees and my neck.
So far Kettell has raised more than
4,000 and has targeted 5,000 in total.

Adam Eric Cantona Doyle, 18, from

Photographer Battling Wikipedia
was due before Wigan magistrates.
In Battle Over Monkey Selfee,
Doyle will be joined in the dock by Dean
And Copyrights
Anthony Mcdonough, 24, Kade Stephen

VISITORS to Wikipedia are being asked to

vote to help settle a disagreement with a
photographer over what is said to be a selfie
photo by a Monkey.
During a trip to Indonesia David Slater
experienced an endangered crested black
macaque grabbed his camera and began
taking hundreds of pictures.
When he finally got his camera back and
looked at the shots, he spotted an incredible
selfie of the grinning ape staring right into the
camera lens.
The picture has gone viral in newspapers,
websites and magazines across the globe
and the Gloucestershire photographers work
was thrust into the internet spotlight.
But, last month he found himself fighting a
legal battle with Wikimedia after the organisation added the image to its online collection
of royalty-free images.
The websites spokesman Tomasz Koz
lowski said: The work did not originate from
Mr Slater as by his own admission he did not
take the picture, the monkey did. However
monkeys cant and dont own copyrights.
But Slater argued: It makes me very
angry, Im a professional photographer it
costs me over 2,000 to do the trip. Its my
You take 20,000 shots to get one image
that sells, it was potentially a good earner for
me, Ive lost over 10,000 because of it.
But, in a novel move, Wikimedia Commons has said that its community will vote
on whether the image is public property.
The vote is expected to take several days
and involves a large group of Wikimedia

Man Builds His Own Toll Road

To Get Around Road Works

MIKE WATTS, 62, A British businessman

grew tired of council works closing off a road
near his home has built his own detour, and
is now charging motorists 2 each to use it.
Watts was forced to drive around a section of the A431 between Bath and Bristol
because a landslide had closed the road in
February. Council works were due to carry
on until the end of the year.
Not wanting to wait that long, Watts
employed his own crew of road workers and
built a 400-yard-long bypass in the field next
to the closed-off section.
He spent 150,000 of his own money, so
has now set up a toll booth and is charging
cars 2 to drive along his road (and 1 for
motorbikes). Regular users can bulk-buy 12
passes for 10.
Motorists can avoid the toll, of course, but
it means having to make a ten-mile detour, so
most are happy to pay the money.
He explained: Building a toll road is not
an easy everyday thing that people do, and in
fact this is the first private toll road in Britain
in at least 100 years.
But I have had a 100 percent positive
response from the public on this.

Cole, 23, and Daniel Dickenson, 27.

All four men have been charged with robbery. They were arrested after police were
called to a raid at Co-op store in Wigan,
August 13.

Sweet Job: England Seeks

Choc Doc To Study Candy

IS THERE a doctor of chocolate in the house?

Cambridge University in England is seeking a doctoral student to pursue what sounds
like the sweetest job in the world: studying
the fundamentals of chocolate.
The research goal, according to the job
description, is to identify ways of keeping
chocolate-based food from melting in warm
climates. Thats a challenge given that even
the best-quality chocolate starts going soft
around 34 degrees Celsius (93 Fahrenheit),
below human body temperature.
A solution could fatten the profits of the
worlds top 10 chocolate companies, which
last year posted confectionary sales exceeding $85bn.
Only European Union citizens can apply
for the post under the direction of experts
in chemical engineering, geotechnical engineering and soft matter physics.
Job application:

UK Councils Field Weird

Queries On Dragons, Ghosts

IS YOUR TOWN safe from dragon attack?

Inquiring minds want to know.
A list of the top 10 strangest questions
posed by Freedom of Information Act
petitioners was published last month by
Englands Local Government Association.
The group, which represents more than
350 councils, asked the public not to burden
its staff with questions deemed vexatious,
aka ridiculous.
Rossendale Council was asked to detail
its employment of exorcists and faith healers. Worthing Council was asked to explain
its emergency plans for meteor strikes and
solar flares. Birmingham was asked to reveal
how many requests its had to screen public
buildings for ghosts.
And there be dragons in northwest
England, apparently. One fact-seeker asked
Wigan Council: What plans are in place to
protect the town from a dragon attack?

Cemetery Ghost Pretender Pays

For Shouting At Passers By

IT WASNT Halloween nor appropriate that a

man was fined last month for throwing his
arms in the air and shouting Woooo in a
cemetery last month
Anthony Stallard of Southsea, Hampshire,
was ordered to pay 35 and a 20 victim
surcharge plus 20 in costs at Portsmouth
Magistrates for the offense.
The court was told that Stallard had been
out drinking with friends when they went
to Portsmouths Kingston Cemetery where
they played football. Hampshire police said
Eric Cantona Namesake
a number of witnesses made a complaint that
Charged With Armed Robbery Stallard had acted rowdily and pretended to
A SALFORD teenager didnt help the name be a spooky apparition.
The 24-year-old pleaded guilty to using
of Eric Cantona last month when he was
arrested for his involvement in an armed threatening or abusive words or behaviour
likely to cause distress.

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September 2014

2010 with its facade and interiors reborn,

with a new bar, new restaurant, new shops
and nine new personality suites reflecting famous guests such as Claude Monet,
Marlene Dietrich and Noel Coward.

Cumberbatchs Hamlet Sells Out

In Record Time

Boris Could Lead Tories To


BORIS JOHNSON ended months of speculation by confirming he will stand

for Parliament in the 2015 general election.
The Mayor of London declared that he will serve out his second term in City Hall which
ends in 2016 at the same time as being an MP.
Now Ivor has written a book The Beatles
His announcement came after a highvoltage speech in London in which he said and Me on Tour after being assigned to
Britain should be unafraid of walking out travel with the Beatles in August 1964. He
of the European Union if it failed to accept was also George Harrisons ghost writer.
sweeping reforms. But he sidestepped ques- The book was published last month. His wild
tions about whether he intended to challenge journey with the Beatles began 50 years ago
on August 18, 1964 in San Francisco and
David Cameron as Prime Minister.
Asked if his real aim was to be PM, Mr finished five weeks later in New York.
The book is available through his website:
Johnson insisted he just wanted to settle the
speculation before the Tory party confer- or via Amazon
ence. No ... I dont want to revert to weasel and has a fund of funny stories never heard
mode here.
A new poll has revealed that the Conserva- Magic Helps Children With
tives could have a Commons majority within
their grasp if Boris Johnson were leading the Paralysis
Members of The Magic Circle are helping
party. The Ipsos-MORI survey shows Tory
support surging by a startling six points if conjure new hope for children who suffer
Mr Johnson were to replace David Cameron partial paralysis.
A project called Breathe Arts Health
at the helm.
The poll found that having Chancellor Research has set up magic camps that
George Osborne as leader would see the use tricks to help children with hemiplegia,
Conservatives suffering a grim 2015 general a weakness or loss of control on one side
election and Home Secretary Theresa May of the body. Clinical trials have shown that
taking the top job would make little difference performing tricks can improve the motor
skills and confidence of those affected by
to her partys fortunes.
Royal Childhood Exhibition At The theThe
scheme has been so successful, the
NHS in Wandsworth and West Kent are folI attended a preview at Buckingham Pal- lowing Lambeth in funding a child to attend
ace of an exhibition about Royal Childhood, although the waiting list is 150-strong.
showing various toys and other objects used At the current camps finale at The Magic
Circle Theatre in Euston, 16 participants are
by royal children over the years.
From well-loved toys and treasured fam- performing alongside professionals.
Yvonne Farquharson, managing director
ily gifts to tiny childhood outfits, a special
exhibition at Buckingham Palace gives an of Breathe Arts Health Research, said:When
unprecedented glimpse into life as a young you meet the children, many have never used
member of the royal family growing up at one of their hands in their life. But you cant
the palace. Spanning more than 250 years, do the tricks without using both hands, so
Royal Childhood brings together objects theyre inspired by the magic to practise
from the Royal Collection, the Royal Archives and practise.
and the private collections of members of
the Royal Family, as well as photographs Londons Grand Dame Celebrates
Its 125th Anniversary
and film footage.
The official residence of the Queen and
The Savoy Hotel marked its 125th anone of the most famous buildings in the niversary last month. Built in 1889 by
world, Buckingham Palace has been a impresario Richard DOyly Carte next to his
royal family home since George III purchased Savoy Theatre, expanded on the Strand side
Buckingham House for his new wife Queen and reconfigured in 1904, the hotel is where
Charlotte in 1762. In 1845 Queen Victoria Cesar Ritz and Auguste Escoffier made their
commissioned a fourth wing to be added to names. It was pivotal in the development of
the Palace to provide accommodation for elevators, electric lighting, fine dining, socialour little family, which is fast growing up ising, music, broadcasting and the creation
she had nine children!
of potent cocktails.
When it closed for a 100m refurbishA Beatles Adventure
ment in 2007, major structural faults were
It was good to come across my friend Ivor discovered and the cost and length of the
Davis last month. Ivor, an ex-Londoner, came refit spiralled. But the Savoy reopened in
across the Atlantic with my former partner
and UJ columnist Dr Watson (Jerry Watson)
was it really 1961? to seek their fortunes.
Things were hard at first, but later Ivor
became West Coast correspondent for Londons Daily Express, and Watson became
US correspondent for the London Evening


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Benedict Cumberbatchs starring role as

Hamlet has become the fastest selling ticket
in London theatre history with advance seats
selling out in minutes almost a year before the
curtain rises, it has been claimed.
Fans hoping to catch the Sherlock stars
12-week run as the Danish prince next
summer swamped the Barbican Theatres
website when tickets went on sale at 10am
and by 1:30pm, would-be theatre-goers
found themselves 30,000 places from the
front of the online queue for the 100,000
tickets available.
As hopes of bagging an elusive ticket grew
ever more distant, fans took to Twitter to vent
their frustration. Penny Jacquie tweeted:
Good Lord! Number of users in queue ahead
of you: 34,324.
There is still hope for those left disappointed. The theatre is holding back 100
tickets for each performance at 10 a head.
Hamlet runs from August 5 to October
31 next year.

Jenga Tower Backed Despite

Fear It Could Block Westminster

Londons Jenga Tower has been given

the go-ahead despite protesters claiming
the 50-storey skyscraper will ruin views of
The controversial development in Vauxhall
will see two new towers with 450 apartments,
a private gym and cinema, winter gardens
and office space.
The larger terracotta-clad building has
been likened to a block of Jenga toy bricks
because one section appears to hang over a
smaller 25-storey tower.
Agent Toby Baines said: Since the beginning of this project we have been determined
to address the criticisms (from a rejected
scheme). We are now proposing a much
improved mixed-use development.
It is the latest major scheme to get the
green light as part of the regeneration of Vauxhall, Nine Elms and Battersea, spearheaded
by Lambeth and Wandsworth councils.
The New Broadway towers will be joined
by half a dozen other tall buildings, including
the 58-storey Market Tower, in Wandsworth,
which is set to transform the south London
skyline over the next decade.
Westminster Council and English Heritage
objected to the scheme over fears it would
spoil views of Parliament and Westminster

Fans Furious At Rising Prices

Hundreds of football fans marched on the

Premier League and Football League headquarters in London to protest against rapidly
rising ticket prices for away supporters which
they claim could sap the atmosphere from
Irate supporters demonstrated against
clubs they claim are pricing them out of the
game by hiking the cost of tickets, with fans
visiting London clubs, including Arsenal
and Tottenham, among those asked to pay
the most.
The march was organised by the Football
Supporters Federation (FSF) and called for

away tickets to be capped at 20 across

English football and a review of match ticket
The FSF argues that fans of successful
clubs are penalised as their away games are
regularly made Category A matches, meaning they are more expensive than regular
fixtures at that ground.
A Premier League spokesman said:
Ticket pricing is a matter for individual clubs,
many of which work hard to fill their stadiums
with offers at different points during the season that make top-flight football accessible
to large numbers of fans.
We have always encouraged stretch
pricing to help accessibility and it is against
Premier League rules to charge away fans
more than home fans for the same standard
of seats.

Dinner With A View From The


The Bridge Masters House at Tower

Bridge is being converted into a restaurant
and cocktail bar.
The venue, which is being developed by

the City of London Corporation, will offer new

views of the Thames, Tower of London and
the bridge itself thanks to a glass roof.
It is part of a former boiler room, yard and
underground reservoir to the south-west of
Tower Bridge.
The corporation has hired retail and restaurant specialists Kitchen La Frenais Morgan
to search for an operator for the venue. KLM
partner James Andrews said: The South
Bank is known for attracting tourists but the
calibre of business people here is significant.
There are more than 60,000 business
people in the area and we hope to find operators that will appeal to this crowd something
of quality that is also trendy.
The control room for lifting the bridge will
remain after the redevelopment. The underground reservoir space will be transformed
into the cocktail bar.

And Finally .

Personally, I dont think theres intelligent

life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one?

No Filming Please, Kate Bush Asks Fans

To Attend Her First Comeback Shows

KATE BUSH made a polite appeal to her

fans via her website asking: she said she
was very excited about the shows and
working very hard in preparation.
She continued: I have a request for all
of you who are coming to the shows.
We have purposefully chosen an intimate theatre setting rather than a large
venue or stadium. It would mean a great
deal to me if you would please refrain from
taking photos or filming during the shows.
I very much want to have contact with
you as an audience, not with iPhones, iPads
or cameras. I know its a lot to ask but it
would allow us to all share in the experience together.
This will be the singers first comeback
gig in 35 years, and many of her fans and
younger new-age followers will be disappointed in her request.
Its hard to believe that mobile phone
technology and home computing were in
their infancy when Bush last performed
live in 1979.
Bushs London shows mark her return
to the stage more than three decades later
and at the same venue, the Hammersmith
Apollo, where she effectively retired
from live performances after six weeks
on the road.
Bush was just 20 when she completed
The Tour Of Life with three dates at what
was then called the Hammersmith Odeon,
after topping the charts with Wuthering
Heights the previous year and becoming
the first woman to go to number one singing one of her own songs.
Bush is not alone amongst the stars who
dont understand some of the fans be-

havior. The Who frontman Roger Daltrey

recently said it was weird that people
did not have their mind on the show when
they had gone to a performance and were
concentrating on staring at their phone
screens rather than the artist on stage.
He said: I feel sorry for them, I really
feel sorry for them.
As for the opening concert, Bush was
lauded by all reviewers, The Independent
saying the show was: . . . quite stunning,
undoubtedly the most ambitious, and
genuinely moving, piece of theatrical pop
even seen on a British stage.

Cliff Richard Pulls

Out Of Charity Event
Continued from page 1
Committee chairman Keith Vaz has
written to both men asking a series of
questions about how the BBC found
out about the planned search, and asked
them to reply within days.
Richard had previously pulled out
of a ceremony, last month, where he
was to be awarded the Keys of the City
of Albufeira near his holiday home in

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Page 4

September 2014

Former WWI
Enemies Unite...
Continued from page 1
countries. At least seven million troops
were left permanently disabled.
British Prime Minister David Cameron
sought to debunk that notion.
Although there was an enormous
amount of waste and loss of life, there was
a cause that young men rallied to at the
beginning of the war, which was the idea
that Europe shouldnt be dominated by one
power. That a country, a small country like
Belgium, shouldnt be simply snuffed out,
Cameron told the BBC.
An intense hug between Gauck and
French President Francois Hollande during a remembrance ceremony in eastern
France close to the German border sealed
again the friendship between the two
neighbors, who have become the cornerstones of the European Union.
The ceremony in Liege was significant
since the battle for the forts around the
city meant the first delay for Germanys
enveloping move through Belgium, the
so-called Schlieffen Plan strategy to defeat
France in a matter of weeks.
Liege held much longer than expected
and allowed the allied forces to gather
strength and keep Germany at bay within
dozens of kilometers of Paris.
Gauck called the German plan hapless
and deplored German actions against civilians and cities its forces passed through
during the early weeks of the war.
By the end of autumn 1914, both sides
dug in, and from the early battles, the war
quickly changed into trench warfare on the
Western Front, with hundreds of thousands
of casualties in a barren landscape where
poison gas often wafted through the air.
The battlefront scars would slowly
and agonizingly rip across Europe, ravage whole communities and millions of
families. It produced a moral wasteland in
Germany that would become fertile ground
for the rise of Nazism. Four empires would
The US joined the allies against the
German and Austro-Hungarian empires in
1917 and provided a decisive impetus to
break the deadlock before the November
11, 1918, armistice.

Airbus Beats Boeing In UK Iraq Mission No Longer

Strictly Humanitarian
Airshow Orders Race

AIRBUS BEAT rival Boeing in the aircraft

order stakes at this years Farnborough
International Airshow, getting nearly twice
as many orders and commitments.
The victory by the European aircraft
manufacturer is its second in a row in the
unofficial airshow competition after last
years triumph in Paris the French capital
and Farnborough, a town in southern England, alternate the location of the airshow.
For years, the airshow has served as
a platform for a sales race between the
worlds two major aircraft makers, who are
having to cater to customers increasingly
interested in new-generation, energyefficient planes to offset huge increases in
the price of jet fuel.
Though Airbus clinched more deals at
Farnborough, Boeing insisted that it has
won more in the year to date. Boeing put
its figure at 783 and Airbus at 648.
Airbus said last month its orders and
commitments at Farnborough for 496
aircraft were valued at $75bn. Demand for
its A320neo, or new engine option, was
particularly strong. Boeing, meanwhile,

secured business worth $40.2bn for 201

The orders and commitments weve
received at this record-breaking Farnborough for both the A330neo and A320neo
families are together an unequivocally
resounding endorsement for these most
cost-efficient aircraft, said John Leahy,
Airbus chief operating officer.
Airbus orders intake included the
largely updated versions of its A330 wide
body aircraft, which launched this week.
Airbus says the plane is more fuel efficient
and has a longer range to help it compete
against Boeings 787 Dreamliner.
Edward Hunt, a senior consultant with
IHS, put Airbus win in part to the fact
that the Airbus plane was sort of an old
standby. The A330 has sold well and is
widely in use, making it simple to service
and avoiding the necessity to train pilots
on a new aircraft.
But he said both manufacturers had
similar offerings and that what airlines
were looking for were good deals.

Ex-Editor Coulson Charged With Perjury In Scotland

PROSECUTORS have charged former tabloid editor Andy Coulson with perjury over
evidence he gave in the trial of a Scottish
Coulson, who is serving an 18 monthsentence for conspiring to hack phones, did
not appear in a Glasgow court to answer the
charges for lying under oath in the 2010 case
against ex-lawmaker Tommy Sheridan. No
pleas were entered last month and another

hearing is set for October.

Coulson edited the now-defunct News of
the World tabloid between 2003 and 2007 and
is accused of lying about his knowledge of
the tabloids practice of eavesdropping on the
voicemail messages of celebrities and others
in the public eye.
The Scottish case against the ex-aide to
Prime Minister David Cameron was suspended pending the conclusion of the hacking trial.

Police Free Eight Men Allegedly Held As Slaves

BRITISH police say they have rescued eight

men from a farm following an investigation
into suspected slavery and servitude.
Police say the men, aged between 21 and
46 from Romania, Latvia and Poland, were
found at Little Testwood Farm near Southampton in southern England, following a
dawn raid last month.
A 27-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of knowingly holding another person in

slavery or servitude and remains in custody.

The rescued men were taken to a center
to receive emotional support.
Detective Inspector Phil Scrase urged
anyone offered cheap labor that seems too
good to be true to question whether the
laborers are being exploited and to contact
The farm is believed to be home to a
caravan camp site.

By Danica Kirka
BRITAIN HAS moved past a strictly
humanitarian mission in Iraq and the
countrys leader warned month that the
effort wont be over any time soon.
Prime Minister David Cameron said
the British government has fully worked
through its strategy and stressed troops
would not get involved in another war.
But he argued limited action is needed to
prevent violence from being exported back
to Britains streets.
We are not going to be putting boots
on the ground, Cameron told the BBC.
We are not going to be sending in the
British Army.
Camerons remarks followed Defense
Secretary Michael Fallons comments
to Royal Air Force service members in
Cyprus suggesting that reconnaissance actions in Iraq are moving beyond easing the
plight of Yazidis and other minority groups
fleeing Islamic militants. He predicted such
actions would go on for months.

Thousands Of Police
Drafted To Protect
NATO Summit

BRITISH POLICE say some 9,500

officers from across the country have
been drafted in to protect the September 4-5 NATO summit in Wales.
Assistant Chief Constable Chris
Armitt said last month that while most
protests timed to coincide with the
event are expected to be peaceful, a
minority is expected to take direct
disruptive action and challenge police.
He said a small number of protesters
are believed to be planning a march to
the Celtic Manor resort in southeast
Wales, where the summit will be held.
Armitt warned that anyone trying to
breach the 8.4 miles of security fencing
surrounding the resort will be arrested.
The summit will be attended by
leaders from 28 NATO member states
as well as some 30 of the alliances
partner nations.

With critics warning of mission creep,

Britains opposition Labour Party and
Church of England leaders have accused
the government of having no coherent or
comprehensive approach to fighting the
extremists or to protecting Christians from
Cameron repeated the governments
position that Britain was willing to arm
the Kurdish Peshmerga forces although
they havent yet made a request.
He said Britain should use all its assets
including diplomacy, political relationships, aid, military prowess and expertise
to help others and to put pressure on
Islamic State and make sure this terrorist
organization is properly addressed and
cannot cause mayhem on our own streets.
Meanwhile, Sweden said it was increasing its aid to Iraq by 50 million kronor
($7m) to a total of 145 million kronor so
far this year. Defense Minister Karin Enstrom said Sweden also will provide two
transport planes to deliver humanitarian
aid to those fleeing the Islamic militants.
Ronald Choularton
Jeff Choularton
Ronald Choularton



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September 2014

By Stephen Ure

B Visa or Visa Waiver Program

IS A B visa better than travelling on the Visa
Waiver Program? The answer depends on a
number of factors including what your needs
are, what youre eligible for, and why youre
coming to the United States. To determine
which is a better, we need to explore what the
Visa Waiver Program and B visa are.
The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) is a program that allows citizens of certain countries
to travel to the United States without a visa for
stays of 90 days or less for tourism or business
as long as they meet certain criteria. Citizens of
the United Kingdom and many other European
nations are eligible for the visa waiver program.
In order to travel on the VWP, you must have
a valid tourist or business purpose. A valid
business purpose includes travel to consult
with business associates, attend a convention/
conference, attend a short-term training, or
negotiate a contract. A valid tourist purpose
includes tourism, vacation, visiting friends/relatives, medical treatment, participating in social
events, participating in amateur sports, music,
or similar events/contests (if not getting paid),
and enrollment in a short recreational course of
study (not for credit toward a degree). Travelers
on the VWP cannot study for credit, cannot be
entering the US for employment purposes or to

work as foreign media. You must also have a

valid Electronic System for Travel Authorization
(ESTA) approval prior to travelling to the United
States. ESTA is the Customs and Border Protections (CBP) automated web-based system
to determine eligibility to travel without a visa
to the United States for tourism or business.
Some factors that make a traveler ineligible for
the VWP include having a criminal history, prior
denial of a visa or admission into the US, not
having a machine-readable passport that meets
certain criteria, having the intent to remain in
the US for longer than 90 days, or wanting to
work or study in the US. If you travel on the
VWP, you cannot change your status to another
nonimmigrant visa category once you are here,
nor can you extend the 90 day period.
The B visa is a nonimmigrant visitor visa
for those who wish to travel to the United
States temporarily for business (B-1 visa),
tourism(B-2 visa), or a combination of both
purposes (B-1/B-2 visa). The permitted business and tourism purpose for travel are similar
to those for the VWP. In addition, to be eligible
for a B visa, the traveler must demonstrate that
you are coming for a specific amount of time,
that you have funds to cover the expenses for
your stay, and you must show that you have

a residence outside the United States which

you have no intention of abandoning (and
evidence of other ties that will ensure that you
return abroad at the end of the visit). Anyone
interested in travelling on the B visa must apply
for one at the consulate or embassy in your
home country; the application process differs
from consulate to consulate so you will need to
verify the specific requirements. Depending on
the individual circumstances, a B visa for up to
10 years may be issued; however, this does not
mean that you can stay in the US consecutively
for 10 years. The Validity of a visa relates only
to the length of time the holder has to travel to
the United States and apply for admission. The
actual duration of stay is determined at the port
of entry depending on the purpose of the trip
and you may be admitted for a maximum of one
year but most are admitted from somewhere
between six months and one year. It is possible
to extend the duration of stay after entering the
US by filing an application for an extension of
status with the United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services. It is also possible to
change your status to another nonimmigrant
category after entering on a B visa.
For travelers who are eligible for the VWP
and only intend to come for a short visit to the
US to vacation or attend business meetings,
the VWP can be an easy, hassle-free way to
enter the US. For those who are ineligible for
the VWP or need to stay in the United States
for longer than 90 days, a B visa may be the
only option to go. Any traveler who is eligible to
travel on the VWP, can still apply for a B visa.
The above article is provided for informational
purposes only and should not be considered legal
advice. Please consult your immigration attorney
to discuss the specifics of your own case. I can
be reached at (619) 235-5400 or through my web
page at

Man Rescued Off Dorset Coast In Cheap Dinghy, And Street Map

BOUND for America, a man was rescued

five miles off the Dorset coast last month,
while attempting to sail to America in a
300 dinghy.
The adventurer was not wearing a
life jacket, his boat had no lights and his
only navigational aid was a street map of
But, the 30-year-old Bulgarian had a
passport containing a US visa, hot dogs,
beans and a bag of biscuits.
He told authorities hed bought the 14ft

vessel from Christchurch harbour and then

set off on his 3,500-mile voyage across
the Atlantic.
Passing yachtsmen raised the alarm
after spotting him looking seasick in
choppy water off Hengistbury Head, near
The man, who was alone on the sailing dinghy, refused help when an RNLI
lifeboat arrived and kept saying: I am
going west.
After refusing assistance for 45 minutes,

the crew dragged him on to their boat and

took him to shore.
Lifeboat crewman Pete Dadds, 41, said
the dinghy was taking on water, and the
man would have died if he had not been
When we reached the gentleman he
didnt want us there, he wanted to carry
on his way, Dadds said.
We said if we leave you you will
die. He didnt have a life jacket, just a
buoyancy aid and the vessel didnt have
any lights.
When the RNLI
crew arrived back at
Mudeford, the man
was taken to hospital
by ambulance.

Page 5

Richard Attenborough Dies, 90

ACCLAIMED ACTOR and Oscar-winning

director Richard Attenborough, whose film
career on both sides of the camera spanned
60 years, has died. He was 90.
Lord Attenborough was one of Britains
leading actors, before becoming a highly
successful director.
In a career that spanned six decades, he
appeared in films including Brighton Rock,
World War Two prisoner of war thriller
The Great Escape and later in dinosaur
blockbuster Jurassic Park.
As a director he was perhaps best known
for Gandhi, which won him two Oscars.
Prime Minister David Cameron issued a
statement calling Attenborough one of the
greats of cinema.
With his abundant snow-white hair and
beard, Attenborough was one of the most
familiar faces on the British arts scene
universally known as Dickie.
He appeared in a many major Hollywood
films, directed a series of movies and was
known for his extensive work as a goodwill
ambassador for UNICEF and other humanitarian causes.
As a director, Attenborough made several successful movies, from Oh What a
Lovely War in 1969 to Chaplin and Shadowlands in the 1990s. But his greatest success
was Gandhi. Sir Ben Kingsley, who played
the title role, said he would miss him
dearly, he added, Richard Attenborough
trusted me with the crucial and central task
of bringing to life a dream it took him 20
years to bring to fruition.
On stage, Attenboroughs youthful appearance nearly cost him the lead role in
the original cast of The Mousetrap, because
its author, Agatha Christie, didnt think he
looked like a police detective. But he starred
with his wife, actress Sheila Sim, when the
hit play opened in November 1952 and
stayed for 700 performances.
By the mid-1970s, Attenborough had
become a director who only occasionally
acted. It was said that he took acting jobs

to help finance movies he wanted to direct.

Richard Attenborough was a tireless
defender of the British film industry. His
artistic and humanitarian efforts were
rewarded with several international prizes,
including the Martin Luther King Jr. Peace
Prize in 1983.
He was appointed a CBE in 1967 and
knighted nine years later in 1976, before
being made a life peer in 1993, becoming
Baron Attenborough of
One of his younger brothers is naturalist
David Attenborough, whose nature documentaries have reached audiences around
the world.
His later years were marked by a horrendous personal tragedy when he lost
his daughter Jane and granddaughter in
the tsunami that hit Thailand the day after
Christmas in 2004.
He had been in frail health and has been
wheelchair-bund since a fall at his house in
2008. He has spent his last years in a nursing
home with his wife.
He is survived by his wife, their son and
a daughter.

As an actor

* In Which We Serve 1942

* Brighton Rock 1947
* The League of Gentlemen 1960
* The Great Escape 1963
* Doctor Dolittle 1967
* 10 Rillington Place 1971
* Jurassic Park 1993
* Miracle on 34th Street 1994
* Elizabeth 1998

As a director

* Young Winston 1972

* Gandhi 1982
* A Chorus Line 1985
* Cry Freedom 1987
* Chaplin 1992
* Shadowlands 1993
* In Love and War 1996
* Grey Owl 1999


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Page 6

September 2014


Possibility English Would Vote Yes

HOWEVER IMPROBABLE and distant a date
seems, it always comes. One such date
occurs this month: September 18, 2014,
the vote on Scottish independence. The
referendum was kicked into the long grass
years ago but now, finally, the greensward
has parted...
I do not think my concerns about the
outcome can be in any doubt. I have always
favoured the union without ever giving it a
thought. My parents and before them generations of my family grew up in the United
Kingdom a place without a proper name,
somewhere ruled by a king which is united.
Just as with our postage stamps, we
didnt ever have the need to stick a name
on ourselves unless we felt like reminding
the world that we were once an imperial power when we arrogated the adjective
Great and added it to Britain.
But this month, our compatriots to the
north, or at least the people living there, will
determine whether we shall keep the blue in
the Union Flag. Or whether well be obliged
to fly some sort of emasculated version of
crosses and diagonals, like the Ikurrina, the
flag of the Basque country. You know, the one
waved before cyclists in the Tour de France
when it reaches the Pyrenees.
Glasgows Commonwealth Games were
carefully studied for any clues they might
supply about the likely outcome of the referendum. To their credit, the Scottish Nationalists managed to avoid too much politicisation
of the event. Admittedly, Alec Salmond tried

to get the Red Arrows

adopted by the Womens Institute in 1924
to remove some of
unsurprisingly in preference to one that
the colour in the tradibegan, We are a band of earnest women.
tional flypast opening
What was worth recording is that the Scotof the Games. But
tish crowd cheered English winners almost as
they were not to be
fervently as Scottish ones, and whilst there
moved: the smoke
was passion aplenty in renditions of Flower
they trailed across
of Scotland, Jerusalem was sung no less
the sky was red,
vigorously with no lack of respect among
white and blue.
the hosts.
The wonderful
Within a week, the first televised debate
Scottish medal haul
took place between the First Minister, Alec
they came fourth overall in this respect Salmond, and the Better Together leader,
meant that throughout the eleven-day event, Alistair Darling. It was a testy affair with all
the bagpipes conthe subtlety of brick
tinually skirled to
My parents and before walls advancing
the sound of Flower
against brick walls.
them generations of my Darling emerged as
of Scotland, a song
composed in 1967
the more positive.
family grew up in the
to celebrate Robert
This was a surprise
the Bruces defeat United Kingdom a place as friends and foes
of Edward II at Banalike reckoned Salnockburn in 1314.
mond would have
To the foreign ear,
too much fireit always sounds
somewhere ruled by a power.
like a bit of a wordy
king which is united.
dirge but it clearly
The debate
stirs the passions
boiled down to two
of a Scottish crowd.
assertions, neither of which was refuted.
Salmond argued that the people best
By contrast, England have chosen to adopt qualified to run Scotland were the Scots themJerusalem, Blakes poem set to music by selves. Well, they have been running Britain
Sir Hubert Parry and allegedly celebrating quite successfully for several centuries. He
the burning down of the Albion Flour Mills also persistently asked Darling if he agreed
in 1791, Londons first factory. It was the with David Cameron who had said, An inmarching song of the suffragettes and was dependent Scotland would be a successful

Leaders Clash In Scottish

Independence Debate
from page 1
tered on what currency
an independent Scotland
would use.
The two rivals had
faced off in a first debate
session on August 5, and
both men stuck to familiar arguments in this
meeting. Salmond reiterated that he wanted
the territory to keep usAlistair Darling and Alex Salmond
ing the pound sterling in
a currency union with the rest of the UK. people of Scotland. This is our time, its
But Darling, who leads the No our moment let us do it now, he said
campaign, maintained that such a deal in his opening remarks.
The debate was the last one before
would not work and would leave Scotthe September 18 referland with little control
over its economy. His
Any countrys endum.
Polls have suggested
opponents provided no
starting point is that voters are narrowfinancial security for
divided on whether
Scotlands future gencurrency, money ... lyto break
up Scotlands
erations, he argued.
Any countrys start- Uncertainty about 307-year-old union with
England, or remain
ing point is currency,
money, he said. Un- currency can bring alongside the English,
Welsh and Northern
certainty about currency
Irish inside the United
a country to
can bring a country to its
its knees.
While the anti-indeSalmond appealed to
pendence side has maintelevision audiences to
Alistair Darling
tained a consistent lead,
vote for a Scotland govsupport for independence has been
erned by Scottish people.
We can create a prosperous nation growing and thousands of still-undecidand a fairer society. A real vision for the ed voters are holding the balance.

BRITAIN has announced 3m in new funding to help contain the spread of Ebola in
West Africa.
International Development Secretary
Justine Greening says Britain will provide
1.25m to help the governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia boost their national
health systems, and 1m to a group of nonprofit organizations so they can expand the
monitoring and tracing of new cases.

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ing of over 1,000 respondents. That should

be some consolation for the Yes campaign
which is increasingly looking like a lost cause.
In fairness, the support of Scotlands most
famous actor, Sir Sean Connery, for the Yes
campaign adds considerably to its weight.
There is yet another development to consider: all three major political parties have
promised to extend the powers currently
enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament should
the independence vote fail. Messrs Cameron,
Miliband and Clegg signed a joint undertaking to devolve further powers to Scotland
in the next parliament whichever party or
combination of parties forms the government.
Scotland will enjoy greater freedom over such
things as income tax and housing benefit.
This is a genuinely unique commitment
which demonstrates the absolute commitment of Westminster to keep the union
At this distance, a rejection of independence seems the likelier outcome. It has passionate support but the No Thanks supporters
have always seemed to hold the upper hand.
To those of us south of the border, since
devolution in 1998 Scotland has enjoyed a
large number of benefits denied to the rest of
the UK, with perks like free prescriptions that
cost the English 8.05 a throw.
The truth is that if we English were given
a vote on Scottish independence, there is a
strong possibility we would vote Yes!

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small country. Darling had no answer.

For his part, Darling concentrated on
Scotlands future currency. What would Salmond do since England, Wales and Northern
Ireland would not join in a currency union with
Scotland? Salmond could only respond that
they would. Full stop. They would not prevent
Scotland from using the pound.
The public verdict on the debate was inconclusive: each side could claim victory but
overall the public opinion polls suggested that
people favoured rejection of independence by
55 percent to 45 percent.
Mick Jagger added his voice to those
of more than 200 high-profile English and
Scottish figures from the worlds of art,
sport, literature and science, who wrote an
open letter to the people of Scotland saying
that, We value our bonds of citizenship with
youWhat unites us is greater than what
divides us.
The signatories of this letter from the
Lets Stay Together campaign boast
some prestigious figures in their midst: Steven Hawking, Sir Steve Redgrave and Dame
Judi Dench to mention just three.
Ironically, the results of research done by
Manchester and Sussex University were published on the same day as Jaggers appeal
to the Scots. This concluded that the chief
beneficiaries of celebrity-inspired attempts
to raise the profile of a good cause tend to
be the celebrities themselves.
The ability of celebrity advocacy to reach
people is limited neatly summed up the poll-

The rest of the funds will go toward supporting communities affected by the virus
and specialist clinical care.
The financing announced last month will
be released to organizations, including the
World Health Organization.
The deadly outbreak of Ebola in West
Africa was first seen in Guinea and has
spread to Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria,
killing almost 1,000 people since March.

The first Briton to have contracted the

deadly Ebola virus was given the experimental drug ZMapp, August 25. The Royal
Free Hospital. in London. where he is being treated said British volunteer, William
Pooley, had been administered the drug two
days after he was brought back from West
Africa. Pooley, 29 had been working at an
Ebola center in Sierra Leone when he tested
positive for the disease.

September 2014

Page 7

Independence for Scotland An opinion piece



on how current United Kingdom citizens/residents

could be effected.

Scottish Independence:
What A Yes Vote Means
For Your Finances
By NickC of
ON SEPTEMBER 18, millions of Scottish
citizens, other qualified residents, and registered voters, will cast their vote, either in
favour of independence, or of staying with the
UK. Scotland breaking from the Union could
have a huge impact on your finances we
explain how.
The debate about whether Scotland should
split from the United Kingdom was always
going to be dominated by hyperbole and
patriotic rhetoric from both sides.
But underneath all the chest beating and
flag waving, what are the facts?
We look at four key Scottish referendum
questions and what the Scottish independence financial implications would really be
for you whether you live north or south of
the border...
1. Will there be a currency consensus?
The question of what happens to Scottish currency after independence is one of
the most contentious issues of the entire
referendum debate.
The SNP wants to continue using the
pound and has threatened to renege on
taking its share of the UKs national debt,
using this stance as a bargaining chip to
negotiate a deal.
Westminster on the other hand has said
there will be no currency union and that
Scotland would not be able to survive as an
independent nation if it uses its own version
of the pound.
If a currency union was agreed between
an independent Scotland and the UK, it could
require some sort of banking and fiscal union
too, limiting the control Scotland would have
over its interest rates, taxes and spending.
If Scotland was able to keep the pound,
it would still be linked to rates in the rest of
the UK (and the Bank of Englands rate) so
the amount you pay for things like mortgages
could stay fairly level.
Choosing a new currency could have
a dramatic impact on how much you pay
(in an independent Scotland) because the
country could be seen as a borrowing risk.
If the country has to pay more interest on
the money it borrows, this will hit you if you
have a mortgage and youll also pay more
in interest.
As an independent nation, the SNP could
seek European Union membership and take
on the euro as its currency, though this
would take time and be far from guaranteed
(the Eurozone has a number of countries
considered credit risks so may be reluctant
to let another one join).
Rest of UK
Westminsters stance over the pound isnt
just about political point scoring. A currency
union with Scotland after the referendum
would represent a real risk to UK taxpayers,
because if Scotland defaults and is fiscallylinked to the Union, the UK public would have
to bail the country out.
Some argue a currency union would
make trading easier, which is an important
consideration as countries within the UK rely
on importing and exporting to one another.
The issue is further complicated by the
fact that many people across the UK use
financial services provided by Scotlandbased companies.
Without a currency union, if you have a
mortgage or loan from a Scottish company
the interest rate could go up, or if you have
a savings account or pension with a Scottish
financial company its value could go down.
2. How much tax will you pay?
If the result of the Scottish independence
poll is Yes to going solo, its likely to have a
profound impact on your taxes.
Government spending per person in
Scotland is greater because of the cost of
the public service sector, so to sustain this
the government might have to raise tax levels
meaning youll pay more.
One of the main arguments for Scottish
independence made by the Yes camp is that,
as an independent nation, Scotland would be
able to redefine its taxation structure. This
could mean the amount you pay is linked to
how much you can pay so those who earn
more would pay more.
North Sea oil revenues vs lost UK contributions

While Scotland could lay claim to a lot

of the North Seas reserves, their long-term
value has been questioned. The oil market is
notoriously volatile so theres no guarantee
prices would stay high or competitive.
Its also debatable whether a greater tax on
oil revenues and profits would make up for the
amount of money an independent Scotland
would lose in contributions from the rest of
the UK, resulting in a greater deficit.
Rest of UK
Its hard to say how tax levels in the rest
of the UK would change and it would largely
depend on the terms of independence.
With government spending per head being
higher in Scotland, if the country left the Union
and you live in the UK you might actually end
up paying slightly cheaper taxes.
However, if Scotland took ownership of
the lions share of North Sea oil reserves, the
UK will be unable to tax profits generated by
selling the natural resource.
The loss of that revenue stream could
mean you have to pay higher taxes to make
up for the shortfall if you live in the rest of
the UK.
3. What does the future hold for pensions?
With a population of fewer than six million people and lower life expectancies than
elsewhere in the UK, an independent Scotland
should be able to spend less money on pensions than the rest of the Union.
Of course, if you work in the public sector
you expect to receive a public sector pension.
Scotland has a comparatively large public
sector, meaning proportionately the Scottish
Government would have to pay more to cover
public sector pensions.
Rest of UK
An ageing population means more will
have to be spent on pensions in the future across the entire country including
Its likely that there will also be greater
pressure put on public services to care for
If you live and work in the UK, its not only
likely youll have to pay more taxes to cover
the elderly populations state pensions, but
that youll have to wait for longer until you
can claim your own.
If Scotland breaks from the Union following the Scottish independence referendum
and takes a lot of public sector workers with
it, the remainder of the UK shouldnt need to
cover their Scottish pensions.
4. What will be the impact on businesses?
While there are relatively few Scottish
independence facts, about what will definitely
happen should the country break from the
UK, there have been reports about what
could happen.
The Scottish Chambers of Commerce
suggests almost a fifth of businesses would
consider leaving an independent Scotland a
significant figure. Of course, that also implies
the vast majority are currently happy to stay.
If companies did decide to up and leave,
regardless of how many went it would still
mean the country earns less money through
corporate taxation.
Decades of free movement and trade
between countries making up the United
Kingdom means each region relies on importing from and exporting to the others, so these
links would almost certainly be maintained
even if Scotland chooses independence.
Rest of UK
The rest of the UK would still represent
a far larger market, even without Scotland.
As such the UK should have more of a say
when it comes to negotiating the value of
whatever it imports and exports north of
the border, so the prices you pay for some
products might fall.
On the other hand, with a larger population
the UK needs to buy more products than it
can sell back in return.
For example, if an independent Scotland
owns most of what was the UKs oil resources, the rest of the Union would need
to buy a lot of it from Scotland. This could
see costs increase if companies put up their
prices, so theres a chance youll end up
paying more for the same goods.

NOWADAYS you need a scorecard to keep

track of whos double-crossing who around
Patrick discovers Ians secret: Hes being
blackmailed by junkie brass Rainie, who
is threatening to tell everyone that he was
curb crawling with her the night Lucy was
killed. If you thought he would have learned
his lesson when this happened with Janine,
youd be wrong! So far the only person
hurt by this though is Patrick who, when
he found out (Rainie told him), he angrily
confronted Ian then had a stroke before he
could tell Denise. Hes in hospital, cant talk,
and Ian is trying to find anyone to pass him
off on before he can. Charming
Sharon is still afraid to leave the house
and finally someone (I cant remember who)
tells her that it was Phil who set in motion
the events that led to her getting mugged in
The Albert. She has an epiphany that shes
a Watts, and she doesnt let on to Phil that
she knows: She doesnt get mad, she wants
to get even, and who does she enlist in this
caper but good old Marcus Christie! She
finds him online. Silly boy! After fleecing the
Mitchells out of all their money, by way of
dumb Sam (and Den) all those years ago,
youd have thought hed be deep undercover
but nope. Hes on Facebook and now hes
working with Sharon to bleed Phil out of every
penny. And Phil is none the wiser. Yet
Elsewhere Peter and Lola are having
problems Lee and Whitney are sniffing
around each other Abi tells everyone she
got into Uni even though she didnt, and then
has to come clean Jean shows up on Kat
and Alfies doorstep with little Lily in tow, not
coping and off her meds. She tries to get
Kat to help convince Stacey to appeal her
conviction, which she refuses, then promptly
has a nervous breakdown, leaving Lily with
Kat. Kat then goes into labor and delivers
twin boys, naming them Bert and Ernie
(appropriate since their daddy is a muppet)
Carol goes in for her double mastectomy
surgery but just before she does she finds
out that Charlie Cotton is a fake. Whod
have thunk it? How did she find out? Charlie
dropped his phone at her house and it rings
and she answers and whos calling but the
late Nick Cotton! She confronts Charlie and
threatens to tell Dot, but then Charlie pays
off Biancas debts and she reluctantly agrees
to keep shtum. And short on cash, Les
Coker the mortician who buried Nick is

blackmailing Charlie. We dont expect this to

end well
Across the SquareLauren is interested
in Dean but he only has eyes for his Aunt
Linda, who is having a tough enough time
of it since her hubby Mick accidentally got
arrested for soliciting a prostitute (Rainie)
and then pled guilty only to help keep Ians
name out of the papers so that the story
wouldnt shift away from finding Lucys killer.
It was supposed to stay a secret but then the
Wicked Cora of the East blabs to everyone in
the Vic, to cover that that prostitute was her
daughter Rainie. And Mick wasnt soliciting.
But its all about Lucy. Or is it. There a new
DI on the case and she wants Ian to make
an on-air appeal, but she feeds a tabloid
reporter negative questions about Lucy and
drugs, to get him to break down at the news

conference. It seems like maybe she has her

eye on Ian as the murdererduf-duf
If you watch EastEnders on PBS station
WLIW21 (and even if you dont), pledge
to get a copy of Issue #4 of The E20
Chronicles magazine, a magazine I write and
publish to support EE on PBS. It is used as a
pledge gift by several PBS stations.
It is 44 pages (ad-free), full color and
lots of fun and it supports EastEnders and
the rest of the great British programing PBS
brings us. You can find it here: www.wliw.
Email me here at the Launderette and Ill
sign you up for my FREE, weekly EastEnders
e-newsletter called the E20 Chronicles: TA!
Signed,Your Faithful Reporter,
Deborah Gilbert AKA E20Launderette

LEANNE AND Nick start divorce proceedings

and it gets nasty very quickly. Nicks bitter
that Leannes moved on too quickly to new
boyfriend Kal, whose family isnt taken
with Leanne, especially when they find out
about her past. Prostitution, lap dancing,
stripping, cocaine and arson. Thats your
CV, is it not? Kals mum asks Leanne.
Well, Leannes just that sort of girl and very
unlikely to change.
Over at the knicker stitching factory, Carla
tells Peter she wants him out of her life and
out of her business. Peters still drinking too
much and moping about, but his troubles
increase when hes arrested on the charge
of Tinas murder. Hes innocent, we all know
that, and Robs the one who killed Tina. Robs
very happy to see Peter rot in prison, for now.
Meanwhile, Deirdre braces herself to tell Ken
the news about Peter in jail for murder, when
Ken returns from Canada next month.
The Windass household is not a happy
place to be this month. Izzy and Gary split
up after Garys head is turned by pretty newcomer Alya. And just when it looks like Owen
and Anna are back on track in the romance
stakes, the bailiffs come round taking goods
and items in exchange for Owens debt.
Owens taken to court and declared bankrupt
while skint Anna has to visit a food bank to
feed her family. But if they think things are
bad now, just wait until young Faye, only 12
years old, tells them shes pregnant. Oh dear.
Marcus leaves Weatherfield for London
this month after splitting up with Todd. Todds
a nasty piece of work, but one of those who
will always come up smelling of roses no
matter where he falls. Tony admires the
ruthless streak in Todds nature and offers

him a job in Jasons building firm, the two

brothers now working together.
Elsewhere this month, Gails got a smile
on her face after her new friend Michael
becomes her new fella. The two of them get
friendly and cosy in the garden on a summer
night over a bottle of wine. Gail gives Michael
a hint of a warning about her past. I think
its fair to say Ive had a complicated history
with men, she tells him. And it looks like that
complicated history is about to start again.
Roy gets his teeth into a cause he cares
about this month when he fights to save the
local library from closure. Along with Kals
mum Yasmeen, Emily, Mary and young Craig,
Roy stages a sit-in at the library. Its one of
those storylines that doesnt seem much on
the surface but its classic Coronation Street
all the way through.
Lloyds heartbroken this month when he
finds out that girlfriend Andrea has been lying
to him. He finds out that shes married, to a
fella called Neil who usually works away,
giving Andrea the freedom and free time to
do who she feels and see what she likes.
Sorry, I mean to do what she feels and see
who she likes. Neil pays a visit to the Street
to have it out with Andreas new bloke but
he gets confused and thinks its Steve and is
ready to punch the wrong bloke. Lloyd takes
to moping in the cab office licking his wounds
and feeling sorry for himself.
And finally this month, Rita throws Dennis
out, again. Lets hope its for the last time as
hes really strung her along. First he left Rita
for pensioner Gloria in her sports car and then
he had the nerve to return to beg Rita to take
him back in. She refused, of course, but this
month Dennis pretends hes homeless and
Rita falls for his plan. But when she finds out
it was all a pretence, she tells Dennis shes
had enough and chucks him out on the Street.
Norris can barely hide his glee.
Glenda Young
Coronation Street Blog

Vape, Binge-Watch Added

To Oxford Dictionaries

By Sylvia Hui
DONT KNOW what vaping is? How
about listicle?
Perhaps its time to get to know them.
Britains Oxford University Press said
last month it is adding the words along
with other new entries, from time-poor
to Paleo diet to its online Oxford Dictionaries to reflect new language trends.
Editors for the site track and analyze
some 150 million English words used
online, in newspapers and other sources,
and once every few months they decide
which new words are so widely used that
they merit a dictionary entry.
These are words that are common
enough that you are likely to encounter
them, and may have to look up their
meanings, said Oxford Dictionaries editor
Katherine Martin.
One of these is vape or vaping,
which describes inhaling smokeless nicotine vapor using e-cigarettes. Oxford Dictionaries researchers say the usage of both
vape and e-cig has increased about 10
times in the past two years.
The trend of e-cigarettes has created a
sort of vocabulary around it, Martin said.
Many new entries are informal words
or abbreviations that reflect peoples
changing media consumption habits and
the Internets ever-increasing prominence.
They include listicle an Internet
article in the form of a numbered or bulletpointed list and live-tweet, the act
of posting comments about an event on
Twitter as it is taking place. Theres also
binge-watch, which refers to rapidly
viewing multiple episodes of TV shows.
Inclusion in the online dictionary does

not mean the words will become permanent additions to the English language.
Many may not make it into the more
traditional Oxford English Dictionary.
For some of these, we will say What
was that? in a decade. Others may become
the next selfie, she said, referring to last
years most popular new entry. The
English-speaking public will choose.

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Page 8

Rolls Royce Merlin Engine

1998 was a bleak year in Britains motor
industry. The very cream of the worlds motorcar businesses had departed from Great
British ownership and was sold to a company
which was financially created by none other
than Britains arch enemy, Adolph Hitler.
This business deal was probably the most
strange and most complicated transaction
ever witnessed in the world of finance. The
great Rolls Royce Company, pride of Great
Britain had been sold to Volkswagen for a
mere 430m.
The complication started back in 1973.
Rolls Royce Ltd, as the company was called
then, got into financial difficulty in its once
very successful aerospace engine division.
In the late sixties the Rolls Company had
embarked on the first big turbofan jet engine
destined for the new Lockheed L-1011 TriStar
airliner, the Rolls Royce RB-211. It was an
ambitious project even for the great Rolls
Royce Company but one which in the future,
the company believed, would undoubtedly
become a great financial success.
The RB211s complexity required a
lengthy development and testing period. By
autumn 1969 Rolls-Royce was struggling to
meet the performance guarantees to which
it had committed: the engine had insufficient
thrust plus was over-weight and its fuel
consumption was too high.
The situation deteriorated further when in
May 1970 the new Carbon fiber composite
fan stage, after passing every other test,
shattered into pieces when a chicken was
fired into it at high speed. Rolls had been
developing a titanium blade as an insurance
against difficulties with composite material

September 2014

but this meant extra cost and more weight.

It also brought its own technical problems
when it was discovered that only one side of
the titanium billet was of the right metallurgical quality for blade fabrication.
In September 1970, Rolls-Royce reported
to the government that development costs for
the RB211 had risen to 170.3m nearly
double the original estimate; furthermore the
estimated production costs now exceeded
the selling price of each engine.
The project was in crisis. The Rolls
Royce management always believed that the
government would help them out financially
with a loan should they need one, but that
wasnt to be. By January 1971 Rolls-Royce
had become insolvent, and on February 4,
1971 was placed into receivership seriously
jeopardizing the L-1011 TriStar programme.
Then, because of its strategic importance,
the company was nationalized by the thenConservative government of Edward Heath,
allowing development of the RB211 to be
completed. As Lockheed was itself in a
vulnerable position, the government required
that the US government guarantee the bank
loans that Lockheed needed to complete the
L-1011 project. If Lockheed (which was itself
weakened by the difficulties) had failed, the
market for the RB211 would have evaporated.
Despite some opposition, the US government
provided these guarantees. In May 1971, a
new company called Rolls-Royce (1971)
Ltd acquired the assets of Rolls-Royce from
the Receiver, and shortly afterwards signed
a new contract with Lockheed.
This revised agreement cancelled penalties for late delivery, and increased the
price of each engine by 110,000. The now
nationalized Rolls Royce Company would

be split into two separate companies, the

aerospace division and the motorcar division, the motorcar division of Rolls Royce
had been profitable throughout this uncertain
period and the government believed that
the Rolls Royce motorcar division should
not be punished by the collapse of the
aerospace engine division, hence the split.
The once proud aerospace engine division
of Rolls Royce, designers and producers
of the magnificent Merlin engines used on
the fabulous Spitfire aircraft during the WWII
Battle of Britain was to be sold to the German
Company BMW. The sale left the Rolls Royce
motorcar division which is still producing
the best motorcars in the world being sold
to the British owned Vickers Company with
those magnificent machines continuing to be
made in the historical Crewe factory.
And so that was that, until Vickers decided
the sell the RR motorcar division in 1998.
BMW was of course the favorites to gobble up
the car factory as they already had the Rolls
Royce name, this leading contender, who
already supplied internal combustion engines
and other components for Rolls-Royce and
Bentley cars put in their final offer of 340m
for the purchase of the RR motorcar division
but was then outbid at the last minute by the
Volkswagen Group, who offered 430m. As
part of the deal, Volkswagen Group acquired
the historical Crewe factory, plus the rights
to the Spirit of Ecstasy mascot and the
shape of the radiator grille. However, the
Rolls-Royce brand name and logo were
controlled by aero-engine maker Rolls-Royce
plc (BMW), and not Rolls-Royce Motors.
The aero-engine maker decided to license
the Rolls-Royce name and logo to BMW
and not to Volkswagen, largely because the
aero-engine maker had recently shared joint
business ventures with BMW. BMW paid
40m to license the Rolls-Royce name and
RR logo, a deal that many commentators
thought was a bargain for possibly the most
valuable property in the deal. Volkswagen
Group had the rights to the mascot and grille
but lacked rights to the Rolls-Royce name in
order to build the cars, likewise BMW had
the name but lacked rights to the grille and
mascot. The situation was tilted in BMWs
favor, as they could withdraw their engine
supply with just 12 months notice, which
was insufficient time for VW to re-engineer
the Rolls-Royce cars to use VWs own engines. Volkswagen claimed that it only really
wanted Bentley anyway as it was the higher
volume brand, with Bentley models outselling
the equivalent Rolls Royce by around two to
one. I for one though have never believed
that VW didnt want the great Rolls Royce
brand, it was and is and will always be the
very cream of the motor industry, lets face
it, a Rolls has always been regarded as the
finest motorcar in the world and Volkswagen
had always known that fact.
So, who came out tops in this whole deal?
Well you will have to wait until next months
Union Jack issue when I will continue this
saga, I will tell you this though, after the VW
acquisition, sales of Rolls Royce motorcars
plummeted as did the stock prices.
Until next month for details though.
Happy Motoring

AFTER A very exciting soccer game to a sold

out crowd in a friendly between Glasgow
Rangers FC and Ventura County Fusion with
Fusion winning a 3-1 victory over Glasgow,
praise must surely go to GM Ranbir Shirgil,
Technical Director Graham Smith, both from
Liverpool; Pat OBrien, director of Grass
Roots Soccer, from Graves in Essex; head
coach Rudy Yberra; assistant coaches Dave
Wolf and Mike Elias from N London; team
captain James Kiffe, and of course the team
itself. Gratitude must also be given to the UJs
own Karen Lewis who organized a superb
buffet of English sandwiches, fruit, biscuits, a
presentation fit for champions. Even grounds
man Big John, who was enormously helpful
to Karen moving all those refreshments to the
Press Box, which was gratefully received by
our distinguished guests including Deputy
Consul General of LA Bernadette Greene
(who also hails from Glasgow, Scotland) an
absolutely delightful lady who gave a speech
welcoming everyone
to the event; Mayor
Cheryl Heitman of
Host City Ventura;
Deputy Mayor Erik
Nasaranko; stage,
film and TV actor
Malcolm McDowell who brought his
soccer fan children;
President of BABCLA Paul Wright and
Nigel Daly
BABCLAs Michael
Krycler; John and
Nellie Lowry of the Ventura Seaside Scottish
Festival (strong supporters of the UJ, their
festival held second weekend of October); Kathy Aschoff of
Ventura Land Rover Jaguar www.LRJventura.
com; owners Michael and Danine Holbert of
Victoria Pub;
Bob Vines of Harbor Wind and Kite in Ventura
Harbor; and
Mac and Kate McNaughton who boast the
best fish and chips this side of the Atlantic
at Macs Fish and Chips in Santa Barbara
Never to miss an opportunity yours truly
sat Malcolm between Deputy CG Bernadette
Green and BABC President Paul Wright to

get to know each other and guess what. A

week later Paul phoned the office and asked,
Do you think we could persuade Malcolm
to be guest speaker at BABCs Christmas
Luncheon December 12? Are you kidding?!
After last year with Fergie, the Duchess of
York, Malcolm would be perfect fit! Hes a
fabulous entertainer. Ill take a bet its sold out
by November. It is the best yearly get together
for the Brits. See for details.
I first met Malcolm when on his first
feature film in America Time After Time directed by Nick Meyers, starring Malcolm who
played HG Wells; David Warner who turned
out to be Jack the Ripper; and Mary Steenburgen (who he later married). The movie
became a cult film that became the most
seen in flight movie ever. Oh yes, I played
Richardson, one of the dinner guests before
Jack the Ripper escaped through the time
machine to then modern day San Francisco.
Im going to see if I can get a collage of
Malcolms work to show before his appearance December 12 at the luncheon. Our
suggestion: book early to be assured a part
of a special Christmas show.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has honored
Nigel Patrick Daly with an OBE, for services
to the British Film and Television Industry.
Nigel, from Dartford in Kent, first began
work in Londons Soho in advertising which
led to a career in publishing. In 1989 he left
that to pursue a career in acting, where in
1993 he founded The Laboratory Theatre
which today has become an international arts
collective he runs with his wife of 20 years
Louise Salter. He has worked 15+ years at
Screen International as VP forging strong
relationships between the US and UK. Voted
in as Chairman of The British Academy of
Film and Television Arts Los Angeles in 2014,
he helped organize the visit to LA of BAFTAs
President, HRH the Duke of Cambridge and
HRH the Duchess of Cambridge, or as most
of us call them, Will and Kate.
Weve known Nigel for many years now,
so can truly say on your behalf, congratulations Nigel! Youre a Brit to be proud of. Well
done young man. For the extended version
of these events see our August column on
line at
On behalf of all Brits who enjoyed the humor of Robin Williams, our condolences go
out to the family and the US. An extraordinary
performer who will be sorely missed. The
late British comedian Jonathan Moore was
a good friend of his and mine. A night I will
always remember was at the Comedy Store
on the Strip. Backstage after a show, Robin,
Jonathan, and Richard Pryor were outdoing
themselves. It was so funny. I, of course,
was out classed, so I just became a one man
audience! Rest in peace my friends, Robin
and Jonathan. I think of you often.
Contact Leo and Karen at

The Perfect Gift Anytime!

A Union Jack
~ See Page 3 ~

Deputy Mayor Erik Naseranko and daughter; BABCLA President Paul Wright; Fusion
GM Ranbir Shergil; Deputy Consull General Bernadette Greene; Malcolm McDowell;
and Mayor Cheryl Heitman. Photo: Fernando Tirado

September 2014

It has been said that tea is

suggestive of a thousand wants from
which spring the decencies and
luxuries of civilization
To think of Tea: Angela Repplier

AH...TEA TIME! It is a different way of

thinking between Americans and Brits.
Here tea is quite acceptable in a plastic
cup with water from the Microwave, and
dunking all kinds of teas, especially
herbal. Actually when they are herbal (with
an H, not erbal!!) they should be called
a Tisane, and nowadays there are loads of
different flavours. When I do my tea talks, I
always point out that the label needs to be
read carefully, as often when a herbal or
fruit flavoured tea is available, many times
they are actually black tea sprayed with the
essence of the herbs or fruit, so if one is
wanting herbal only, they need to be sure it
is pure. After living in the States for nearly
50 years, I still shudder when I am offered a
tea, made in the microwave, with a tea bag
dunked in, and by now all my friends now
know how to make a good cuppa; my Jack
used to make a really good tea! Also electric
kettles are now more readily available than
they used to be.
Also Tea time for Brits, means supper
too, not just the niceties of afternoon tea,
which I still like to do, although as I write this
I realise that I havent done that for a while
hmmm time to get back to it! I dont bake
as much anymore either, except I regularly
help bake scones, shortbread or lavender
pound cake, etc for teas that are done in a
local Assisted Living Centre, where the ED
is originally British also and a good friend.
The residents love it, always a popular time.
I have had some requests for my scone
recipe. And although I have featured it
before that was a few years ago, so I felt
I could do it again. Many coffee shops,
breakfast places etc here in America serve
scones, but they are never the right
thing, usually all kinds of things added
to it, chocolate chips, cranberries, nuts,

Sandras Scones:

3 cups all purpose flour

2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup buttermilk

etc, but I am a purist, and feel the only

thing traditionally that should be added
are raisins. The commercial versions sold
here also are usually very dry and crumbly.
However a good scone is not that hard to
make; remember always to use a light
hand when baking dont over handle the
dough, always have the oven preheated,
dont roll or pat the scones too thin. When
I had my tea room, I had a regular Scottish
preacher visit, and he brought his Mum in
once when she was visiting. She was very
dour, and silently watched me making some
scones, and stated in her lovely brogue,
Hmmmph. I never use a rolling pin when
I make scones. I mentioned they can be
patted into shape, but since I was usually
making at least 9-10 dozen at a time it was
much more effective for me. They can also
be baked in a special baking pan, which is
round, and scores the dough into triangles,

OVER THE past few months, Ive noticed

more people are asking me about their Wills
and, in particular, what arrangements they
should make regarding assets remaining in
the UK. I hope this is a sign of good planning
skills on the part of UK expatriates, rather
than an indication of an upcoming drop in
the UJ readership!
There are major differences between
how Wills are administered in the US and
the UK. (There are also differences between
the various states in the US, and since probate is dealt with by state courts rather than
federal courts, Im giving a general view
rather than specific to any particular state.)
In the UK, almost all estates will require
probate and all financial institutions will
require probate documents before releasing
funds to executors or beneficiaries. In the
US, probate is considered to be something
to be avoided if at all possible! This is done
by creating living trusts so assets here are
held in the name of the trust, rather than in
name or names of individuals. The person
or people setting up the trust (the settlor)
continues to be taxed on them, if appropriate, and deal with them in the same way
as before, but on death the provisions of
the trust come into effect without the need
for probate.

usually a Scottish method. Apparently this

came about during the period of Queen
Mary of Scots, and the scones were referred
to as petticoat scones, after the style of
dress then.
Of course although we are all watching
our fat intake etc this is where you dont
scrimp. Use real butter, not margarine,
and then of course serve it with lashings
of Devon cream but only if you find the
real thing, not this homemade mix of
sour cream, cream cheese etc disgusting!! Strawberry jam is traditional to serve
with scones, but any preserve or jam can
be used.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine first five ingredients in a large bowl,
or processor. Cut the butter in until it
resembles coarse breadcrumbs, add the
raisins. Gradually add the buttermilk and
mix until the dough just clings together. Turn
out onto lightly floured surface, and lightly
roll or pat into an even thickness, at 1-1
inches high. Cut into rounds with cutter,
and place on lightly greased baking sheet,
leave a bit of space between them. Bake in
preheated oven until lightly browned. Yield
12-18 scones
(The scones can be made and frozen
before baking. When you are ready to serve
them take them out the freezer and allow to
thaw, then bake as above. I used to freeze
big batches of them for the business, and
then could always bake up some fresh
ones as needed. They can also be frozen
after baking but not for too long as they
dry out easily.)
(One of my favourite nibbles are devilled
eggs, I make mine with a touch of curry
and English mustard. But like Shepherds
Pie, Trifle etc we all have our own version
of each. I thought it would be interesting to
see what you use, and if you would be willing to share with me for a future column?
My apologies for being a bit behind on
replying to some recent requests)

(Your comments, requests and recipes are welcomed. If you want to contact
me please Email me at: Sandra Cherry


One Will Good, Two Wills
Even Better!

Page 9

As you can imagine, UK banks and other

institutions dont take too kindly to this
arrangement, and as already mentioned,
they will want a probate document, preferably a UK probate document! For this
reason, I would suggest making separate
wills for your UK assets, for which probate
can be obtained in a UK court. Your UK
will should be cross-referenced to your US
will, so the limits of each are clear. If at all
possible, I suggest the UK will should have
UK executors since they will find it easier
to meet the UK requirements, including appearing at the court. In general, family and
friends are better as executors, and they
can approach local professionals if needed.
Something else I would consider is
whether you want to leave UK assets to US
residents and taxpayers. If you have read
any of my articles before, you will know
the requirements of filing US information
returns for foreign assets are many and
various. Beneficiaries with no knowledge
of these regulations may fall foul of their
obligations and end up paying large sums
to the US Treasury! Additionally, the wording of many Wills includes the possibility
of operating as a trust, particularly if the
beneficiaries are children. For US residents, this would create an interest under
a foreign trust, and guess what, the filing
requirements for beneficiaries and trustees
of foreign trusts are complicated maybe

not something to inflict on you your US

There is also the question of estate tax,
or inheritance tax, as its called in the UK. A
US living trust does not itself do away with
the need to file a US estate tax return, and
as someone with a domicile in a US state,
estate tax could be due on your worldwide
assets. Assuming the UK authorities agree
that you have a non-UK domicile, your
estate will only be due to pay tax there
on any UK assets. Foreign tax credit will
be available in the US for the UK tax paid.
So long as the existence of both Wills is
known to everyone, there is no need for the
executors of each to be the same people,
but it will obviously help if they can work
together. Its sad but true that dealing with
an estate does not always bring out the
best in people. Whilst you wont be here
to control or comment on everything that
occurs, hopefully you can anticipate and
thus avoid some problems.

Mary-Heather Styles wrote this article

under dark and thundery skies in Phoenix,
but she hopes youve read it under blue skies
with a spring in your step and a song in your
heart! She advises on both US and UK tax and
has professional qualifications from both
countries, and can be contacted at (602) 8451420 or

The Perfect Gift - Anytime!

A Union Jack Subscription

~ See Page 3 ~

Council Dog
Poo Poster
Causing A
Viral Stink
A COUNCILS hard-hitting campaign
against dog-owners who dont clean up after
their pets has gone viral online.
The shocking picture of a toddler tucking
into a pile of dog muck has been viewed
online by more than a million people. The
campaign has been produced by Spelthorne
Borough Council in Surrey, and shows what
appears to be a toddler with his hands and
mouth seemingly smeared in dog poo.
Town hall bosses used the picture to get
the message across to the careless pet owners. The No Messin campaign poster went
viral after it was uploaded to image-sharing
website Imgur.
Many users branded the poster vile

while one said: This is horrible but I bet

its effective.
Council chiefs put up the pic at playgrounds in the borough, alongside a second
in the series showing a dog weeing in a cup.
A council spokesman told Get Surrey:
Dog waste, as well as being unsightly, is
dangerous and contains a parasitic worm
which, if ingested, can cause blindness.
Children are particularly susceptible
because of their habit of putting fingers
in mouths.

New Job For William: Air Ambulance Pilot

PRINCE WILLIAM is taking a new job:

Air ambulance pilot.
Britains royal officials announced
last month that starting September, the
royal will train for about five months as
a helicopter pilot with East Anglian Air
Ambulance. If successful, he will join
the charity group, based in Cambridge,
next spring.
Kensington Palace said last month the
stint will be Williams main job, though he
will also continue to take on royal duties and
engagements both in Britain and overseas.
The royals duties will include flying
both day and night shifts, and working with
medics to respond to emergencies ranging
from road accidents to heart attacks.
The pilot is part of the team and he will

be looking after patients with conditions

that would be horrifying for many, and
some pilots may not like that very much,
said Alastair Wilson, the charitys medical
director. Compared to his role as a searchand-rescue pilot, he may be dealing with
more injury patients than he is used to, but
Im sure he will adapt very well to that.
The job will build on Williams experience as a Royal Air Force search-andrescue pilot, a position he qualified for in
2012 after serving other military duties.
He left that job last September, shortly
after his and his wife Kates first son,
Prince George, was born.
William will be paid a salary for the
new job, which he will donate in full to
charity, officials said.

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Page 10

September 2014

RRThis paper reaches the British community in all parts of Florida and, of course, the US

n THE UK-USA cultural chasm surprises

few of us longtime expats. But this is truly
troubling. When thousands of Americans
were surveyed by the British Council and
asked which living or dead figure they
most readily associate with UK culture,
their answer was: Sir Winston Churchill?
Shakespeare? Princess Diana? Sir Paul
McCartney? Chaucer? Robert Burns?
Dylan Thomas? Prince William? Nope.
Their answer was Mr Bean. By a landslide.
I remain too stunned to comment further.
The most logical answer the Queen of
England came second. Mr bloody Bean. Ye
Gods! David Beckham was third, so maybe
I forgive you, America.
n TAMPA: The annual All British Car
Show in Safety Harbor Tampa Bay. As with
previous years, the street will be filled with
some 200 British cars classic and modern,
a DJ, raffle, vendors, regalia and food. Free
admission and there are awards where
you can vote for your favourite British car.
October 25, 2014 from 10am to 3pm rain
or shine. Run by the Tampa Austin Healey
Club. Go to: or phone (941)
320-4971 and ask for Walt.
n WE MAY HAVE SOLVED a recurring
problem for those of us who fly back and
forth to the UK. As you will have noticed,
we often return virulently sick because we
Florida residents have not built up immunity
to the unique European strains of germs over
there. Not shaking peoples hands while
there is of course a solution, but easier said
than done. One expat family were so fed
up with returning sick from UK trips they
submitted their solution to the Weekly Expat
Telegraph readers page. They smear Vaseline deep inside both nostrils before flights
to the UK and daily while staying there. This
traps incoming germs in the nostril hairs
and thus prevents pesky British germs from

entering the bloodstream. They swear their

family has not had any UK-caught colds or
flu for the 11 years since they implemented
this. Park your Vaseline pots next to your
suitcase now, readers!
you Rory Wannabes! Moneycorp, the UK
currency exchange company with an office
in Orlando holds its Seventh annual Golf
tournament October 17 at the Falcons Fire
Golf Club in Kissimmee. Registration at
7am. Tee off promptly at 8am. Breakfast and
lunch included, free drinks throughout the
day, new special prizes this year! Space is
limited, so must RSVP now via email to Kelly
Frampton returns to Florida for a one night
show Sunday October 5 at the Hard Rock
in Hollywood. The rock musician, singer,
songwriter, producer, guitarist and multiinstrumentalist is best known for such hits
as Breaking All The Rules, Show Me the
Way, Baby, I Love Your Way. Tickets 1-(800)
745-3000 or
Commerce hold business and social events
throughout the year. Phone each direct
for current event and membership details.
Broward/Palm Beach BACC President Roy
Yates (954) 942-7330. Orlando BACC office
(407) 226-7251. Tampa BABC. Call (813)
221-7243 and ask for Joanne. Also: Florida
Association of British Business (FABB) see
display ad this page.
Marriage or Divorce Certificate or other
British documents you have lost or mislaid?
(Somebody called my office for an answer
on this, so decided it useful to share here)
You contact the records office in London.


Its easy do online via their very user friendly

website. Go to
Newcomer businessman from the UK Phil
Barnard, has just opened a London themed
carvery pub, selling all day breakfast till midnight, roast dinners, fish and chips and extracold draft beers. In scenic Mount Dora, an
area many Brits live, and stocks your monthly
UJ. Its the Magical Meat Boutique (352)
west Florida. I just heard by chance about
Brits Pub (727) 378-8508. It opened in
August 2013 yet oddly nobody emailed me
a press release. British owner Alan Gold
has owned pubs before in Florida which
carried this newspaper. Pop in and see
what you think.

linen trousers and fitted shirts sigh.

n KEY WEST A British scholar and
writer won the 2014 Hemingway Short
Story competition held in Key West Florida
from among 938 submissions. Londoner
Lizzy Welby earned $1,500 for her entry
which the judge (Ernest Hemingways
granddaughter) declared was moving and
exquisitely rendered. Yes, England usually
bests America is the writing world! (I always
found Hemingway over-rated too minimalist in wording style).

One Free.
5) (Pub sign in Glasgow) How To Make
The Perfect Drink: Pour Gin, Vermouth And
Olives Into A Glass. Throw In The Bin And
Order A Whisky.

n PUB WIT: Somebody emailed me

photos of these actual UK pubsigns which
aim to lure in patrons.
1) Come In For Alcohol!! Because No
Great Story Ever Started With Somebody
Eating A Salad.
2) In Our Pub You Can Drink Triple. See
Double. Act Single.
3) Management Distrusts Camels And
Anyone Who Can Go Without A Drink For
4) (Irish pub promotion) Buy One Beer
For The Price Of Two And Get The Second

And get a FREE LISTING in this very

newspaper (see page 11) and on the
UJ online BritBiz map

n MIAMI IS ALWAYS awash with celebrities and mega famous Sean Connery was
here dining out recently. The People page
columnist in the Miami Herald commented
that the Bond legend went unrecognized.
Mainly because if you saw some old bearded
bloke munching near you in Miami, you
wouldnt take him to be long way from
Scotland Sean Connery, methinks.
n BRITISH VISITORS abound year-round
in Florida but Miami specifically increases
in popularity year by year. In 2013 arrivals
just from the UK were 997,518, up from
795,591 the year before. (I dont have
figures into Orlando and Tampa airports). I
hear British accents everywhere and English
blokes walking around in football fan shirts,
shaming their prettily dressed wives. Why
do working class English men think suitable
vacation wear is a West Ham shirt? Male
tourists from Italy are divinely dressed in


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September 2014

Page 11


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RRReport Finds 1,400 Children

Exploited In Rotherham

Continued from page 1

250,000. The independent report came after a series of convictions of sex offenders
in the region and ground-breaking reports
in The Times that prompted the local
council to launch an inquiry.
The collective failures of political and
officer leadership were blatant, said Jay,
a former chief social work adviser to the
Scottish government. From the beginning, there was growing evidence that
child sexual exploitation was a serious
problem in Rotherham.
Attention first fell on Rotherham in
2010 when five men received lengthy jail

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terms after convictions of grooming teens

for sex. Later, investigations began into
why authorities failed to act even after
frontline social workers suggested things
were amiss.
Police regarded many child victims
with contempt, Jay said, adding that the
first report that described the situation in
Rotherham was effectively suppressed
because senior officers did not believe
the data.
Even more damming was the fact that
victims described the perpetrators as
Asian and yet the council failed to engage with the towns Pakistani community.
Some councilors seemed to think it
was a one-off problem, which they hoped

Commando Reg. Royal Artillery for Reunion,
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would go away Jay said. Several staff
described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators
for fear of being thought racist; others
remembered clear direction from their
managers not to do so.
Jay cited examples of `children who
had been doused in petrol and threatened
with being set alight, threatened with guns,
made to witness brutally-violent rapes and
threatened they would be next.

The Perfect Gift A Union Jack Subscription

See Page 13

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Qatar Airways Flight 23, carrying 269
passengers and 13 crew on a flight from
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Manchester Airport, the flights original
Qatar Airways said in a statement that
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The Museum At Tate

TATE BRITAIN invited art fans to a night

at the museum though robots, not T.
rexes, were roaming this time.
The London art museum for five nights
in August invited people from around the
world to get an after-hours tour online
thanks to four roaming robots fitted with
lights, cameras and sensors designed to let
them move around the rooms in the dark.
A live commentary was be streamed on
the museums website and viewers got a
chance to control the robots.
The project, called After Dark, was
developed using space exploration technologies.

Belfast Actor Dies After

Game Of Thrones Debut

AUTHORITIES say Belfast actor J J

Murphy has died days after starting his
new role on the HBO series Game of
Thrones. No cause of death was given for
the 86-year-old, who worked for decades
on the Belfast stage. Murphy was cast to
portray Ser Denys Mallister, the oldest
member of the Nights Watch military order, and started filming scenes last month.
He died August 8 at his home.
Much of Game of Thrones is filmed in
Northern Ireland and local actors feature
prominently in the cast.
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland
praised Murphy as a mentor to younger
Belfast actors, including Liam Neeson.

Throwing Grenade
For His Dog To Fetch

A MAN and his best friend caused part of

a beach to be sealed off last month when
an observer saw he was throwing a grenade
for his dog to chase.
The unsuspecting man had found the
encrusted grenade on Harwich Beach in
Essex, and began
Part of an Essex beach was sealed off
after a man was spotted throwing a Second
World War grenade for his dog to chase.
The dog-owner thought the grenade was
just a stone.
Luckily for all in the area, a passing
off-duty military explosives expert saw
the grenade being thrown and realised
what it was.
The police and coastguard were immediately notified, and set up a 30-yard
cordon around the grenade. It was later
taken away by explosive ordnance disposal
(EOD) officers.
The device, discovered washed up on
the shoreline at Marine Parade in Harwich,
was the fifth to be found on the beach in
as many weeks.
Inspector Paul Butcher said: It would
appear that the grenades might have been
in a crate that ended up in the sea during
the Second World War.
That crate might be breaking up or
has been disturbed by dredging in the port
and has resulted in these five devices being washed ashore along the same stretch
of beach.

Page 12

Karens Calendar of Events

3: Plaza Pantry in Ojai, CA invites you to
join them for an Afternoon English Tea (805)
4-7: Long Peaks Scottish/Irish Festival at
Stanley Park Fairgrounds, Estes Park, CO www.
4-7: Toshiba Tall Ships Festival at Dana
Point Harbor, CA
5-7: Eastport Pirate Festival at Eastport, Maine
6: Dundee Scottish Festival at Black Rock
Speedway, Dundee, NY
13-14: Central Missouri Renaissance Festival
at Kingdom City, MO
o Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica, CA offers EPL shown live; visit the Gift Shoppe/ Bakery;
Afternoon Tea served Mon-Sat 11.30am-4pm;
Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-7pm (310) 451-1402.
13-14: Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire at
Kings Valley, OR
13-14: Much Ado About Sebastopol: A Very
Special Renaissance Harvest Faire at Ives Park, Sebastopol, CA
13-Oct 12: Northern California Renaissance
Faire at Casa de Fruta, Hollister, CA Weekends,
14: Palos Verdes Concours DElegance 2014
held at the Trump National Golf Club, One Trump
National Drive in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
o You Say Tomato in San Francisco, CA is
your home away from the UK for all your favorite
goodies, from chocolates to pies to biscuits and
beans (415) 921-2828.
19-20: Celtic Festival and Highland Games,
Quad Cities at Centennial Park, Davenport, Iowa
20: San Diego Pagan Pride Day at NEW LOCATION! Liberty Station-NTC Park, Cushing Rd @
Womble St, San Diego, CA
20-21: 14th Annual Village Renaissance
Faire at Middletown Grange Fairgrounds, 576
Penns Park Road, Wrightstown, PA 18940 www.
20-28: Sherwood Celtic Music Festival at
Old Hwy 20, McDade TX
20-21: Santa Fe Renaissance Fair at Rancho de las Golondrinas, Santa Fe, NM www.
20-21: Fort Bragg Renaissance Faire at Smith
Lake Recreation Area, Fayetteville, NC www.
o Camerons Inn of Half Moon Bay, CA is
the home of the Killer Hamburger and wall of
beer cans, number unknown. My favorite is the
front patio, just right for a pint and burger. (650)
20-28: Penns Colony Festival & Folk
Art Marketplace at Penns Colony Village 365
Saxonburg Blvd Saxonburg, PA 16056 www.
26-28: KVMR Celtic Festival at Nevada
County Fairgrounds, Grass Valley, CA www.
27-Oct 26: Connecticut Renaissance Faire at
Norwich, CT
27: Pipes in the Valley Festival at Riverfront
Plaza, Hartford, CT
27-Oct 5: Excalibur Medieval Faire at Arcata,

September 2014
27-28: Green Hill Medieval Faire at Green
Hill Park, Roanoke County, VA
27-28: Oceanside Harbor Days at Oceanside
Harbor, Oceanside, CA www.oceansidechamber.
27: Inland Empire Pagan Pride Day/Autumn
Harvest Faire at California Citrus State Historic
Park, Riverside, CA

Northeast Ohio Calendar

By Joe Nicholls. Joe & Kevin McGinty can
be heard on The Sounds of Britain and Ireland
Sundays.4-5pm (EDT) on Clevelands WCPN
90.3FM,) &
2: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meetings, St
Bartholomew Church, 435 SOM Center Rd,
Mayfield 7:30pm, (216) 464-1116.
4: DBE, Monthly Meeting, Lyndhurst, 7pm,
(440) 461-2533.
5, 19: British-American Club, Fish & chips
dinners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82) Twinsburg, 6:30-8:30pm, (330) 963-6370.
5, 12, 19, 26: West Side Irish American Club,
Irish-American style dinners, 8559 Jennings Rd,
Olmsted Township, 6-9pm, (216) 251-4075.
9 BACC, Ryder Cup Golf Outing, Redtail Golf
Club, Avon, Golf 10:30am, Dinner 6:30pm (216)
621- 0222.
10: Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meeting,
Dennys Restaurant, Rte 224, Boardman. 1pm,
12, 26: British-American Club, Pub Nights,
8564 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, 8:30pm, (330)
13: Cleveland Manx Society, Das Schnitzel
Haas, 5728 Pearl Rd, Parma, 1pm, (216)
14: Scottish American Society, Monthly
Meeting, Akron Public Library, Downtown Akron,
3pm. (330) 882-0342.
19-21: Jaguar Club of Ohio, Concours D Elegance, Stan Hywet Hall, Akron, (330)467-3953.
26: RSCDS Cleveland Hts Group, Free
beginners Scottish Country Dance Class last
Friday of the month, other classes every Friday,
Communion of St Parish, 2175 Coventry Rd,
Cleveland Hts, 7:30pm (216) 432-9038.

18: Scottish Referendum Watch-Party on
the BBC Channel with the Honorary Consul to the
United Kingdom Lord Andrew Dunrossil. Held
by the British Society of Texas, we will meet immediately after work at the Park North Lion & Rose
British Restaurant & Pub at Loop 410 and Blanco
Rd at 5:30pm. The referendum will determine if
Scotland will become a separate nation or not.
1: Board Member & Officer Elections for the
2014-2016 terms. Nominations for president,
vice-president, secretary, community liaison,
and board members need to be emailed simultaneously to Brit-TX Secretary Brenda Higgins at AND Community
Liaison Tom Jenkins at tomjenkins1969@yahoo.
com beginning September 24th through midnight
on September 30. No nominations will be accepted
after 11:59pm on September 30. The election will
be officially held on October 1 and announced
the next day.

Arnold Schwartzman, OBE,

Designs Monument For Peace
BAFTA Los Angeles earlier this year announced that former BAFTA Los Angeles
Chairman and current Governor Arnold
Schwartzman, OBE had been selected to
design the special United Nations Peace
Monument in South Korea.
The 20ft-high aluminum monument
is now on display at the Korean War
Memorial Museum Seoul, South Korea
Arnold is a celebrated British-born
graphic designer and documentary filmmaker, who won an Oscar in 1981 for
producing and directing Genocide. The
peace monument was designed for the
Korean Informational Association.
Arnold has also created many pieces for
BAFTA Los Angeles including previous
designs for the Britannia Award, official
event artwork, and tribute books for our
award honorees.
A documentary feature on Schwartzmans career, which was broadcast this
year on Korean national television, lead
to the invitation to design the memorial.
Schwartzman graduated from Canterbury
College of Art in 1955 and shortly thereafter he served a year in South Korea with
the British Armys 1st Battalion The Royal
Sussex Regiment.
In 2001 Schwartzman was appointed an
Officer of the Order of the British Empire
by HM Queen Elizabeth II, for services
to the British film industry in the United

Contaminated Feed
Behind Positive
Morphine Tests

CONTAMINATED feed could be to

blame for the eight positive tests for
morphine recently detected in race horses
in Britain, including one owned by the
The British Horseracing Authority says
it has completed the initial stages of an investigation and the doping cases will now
be heard by a disciplinary panel.
The BHA says, if the panel finds the
source of the positive tests was contaminated feed and all reasonable precautions
to safeguard against it were taken, no
penalties will be imposed on the trainers
of the horses.
Estimate, the queens horse which won
the prestigious Gold Cup at Royal Ascot
last year, was one of the horses to show the
presence of morphine, a banned painkiller,
in their A samples.

1: The Fabulous British Festival in Houston!!
Takes place on Saturday, November 1 in
Sugar Land, on the outskirts of Houston. It is
organized by the dynamic Daughters of the British
Empire, the oldest charity of British origin in the
USA. (832) 213-8785.


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Aunt Epps
Guide For Life
Miscellaneous Musings of a Victorian Lady

by Elspeth Marr, edited by

Christopher Rush.

States, and in 2006 he was conferred the

distinction of Royal Designer (RDI) by
Britains Royal Society of Arts.
Schwartzmans military service in Korea also provided him with the opportunity
to produce his first documentary film, The
Morning Calm, which was filmed with a
movie camera purchased at the US Army
PX Store in Seoul. The film is now considered to be a historic chronicle of immediate
post war Korea and is in the collection of
the Imperial War Museum, London.

THE WORLD according to Aunt Epp aka

Elspeth Marr who lived in the Kingdom of
Fife, Scotland from 1871-1947. She was a
lifelong writer of letters, diaries and journals
which remained undiscovered for many
years. These documents form the basis of
Aunt Epps Guide for Life which is edited by
her great great nephew who only knew her
for two years before her death. Christopher
is the author of numerous critically acclaimed
works of fiction, poetry and memoir, including Will, a fictional autobiography of Shakespeare. He lives in Fife, Scotland.
The book contains
lifestyle advice including
instructions and recipes
for old-fashioned home
remedies. These are for
guidance only as the book
advises and should not
be relied upon as an alternative to professional
advice from either your doctor or a registered
Aunt Epp was a landlady to her family and
a stern evangelical auntie! Yet her writings
reveal her other sides as Epp the writer and
recorder, the author of eccentric, erudite and
outspoken journals and diaries. Epp the free
spirit who travelled well beyond the humble
confines of her east coast Scottish fishing village home, St Monas, where all her ancestors
were born. Epps life would fill a novel with
her seafaring ancestry, her humble upbringing and restricted educations, her days as a
chambermaid, followed by an affair with an
aristocrat, a pregnancy, a sojourn in Paris, a
return to Scotland and a childless marriage
and a dismal end as an employee in the village
Post Office. No one was aware of her writing.
These series of notes were never intended
for publication but were written either for a
particular young lady (a lost daughter?) or for
women in general or both. Part manual and
part journal, this book of notes touches on big
universal topics like religion, evolution, ethical
issues and the essentials of living food,
health, sex where Epp urges you to keep your
mind and your bowels open! Starting with A
Cure for a Sore Throat, A Liquor to Wash
Old Deeds, A Very Laxative Jam, Angels on
Horseback, Hot Water Bottle, Income and
Outgoings, etc. Her advice on Infidelity...
It is the distinguishing characteristic of the
male sex. Expect inconstancy and either
you will not be disappointed or you will be
greatly surprised.
The book is a quick read with just 191
pages. There is an ebook edition. Meet the authors, watch videos and more at source for reading groups.
Printed in the USA in 2010. The Simon and
Schuster Speakers Bureau can bring authors
to your live event see

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Page 13


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England Win World Cup As New Zealand Faulter US Finish In Sixth Place
By Jonathan Hooker Swart
BOULDER, Colo. A three-point loss not only
shocked the rugby world, it vastly changed
the result of the 2014 IRB Womens Rugby
World Cup, four-time, reigning champion New
Zealand fell, 17-14 to Ireland in the second
game of pool play.
Seeming to be a result without consequence at the time, the narrow loss ultimately
eliminated the Black Ferns from trophy contention despite being the odds-on, heavy favorite.
As a result, England claimed its second
World Cup crown while the US finished with
a team-worst 2-3 tournament record good
enough for sixth place.
Following New Zealands second-ever
World Cup loss and the first since 1991

attention was quickly turned to the possible outcomes and teams that would fill the
semifinal matches.
Numerous scenarios pointed to the outcome of the Womens Eagles contest against
the Black Ferns as being the deciding factor
for semifinal matchups.
Prior to the final Pool B contest, Ireland had
defeated Kazakhstan to win the self-dubbed
Pool of Death and eliminate either side
moving on to the semifinals.
The next plausible scenario for advancement hinged around the outcome of the
England-Canada matchup and one factor in
particular: the match could not end in a draw.
If that became a reality the Eagles and New

Zealand had a good chance at moving forward

in the World Cup.
In the third match of the day, the one
scenario that could not happen happened.
The Roses and Maple Leafs each moved into
the championship bracket after a 13-13 draw.
The tie automatically placed both the Eagles
and Black Ferns into the fifth-eighth-place
semifinals no matter the result of the contest.
For New Zealand, it meant the worst World
Cup finish in the countrys history, for any
senior-level team, while the Eagles had its
goal of Final in 14 brought to an abrupt end.
The final Pool B match that was expected
to be the deciding factor for the Finals was left
to determine seeding for the fifth-eighth round.

Match Of The Day

Turns 50 Years Old
ON FRIDAY, August 22 the venerable BBC aired a very special
programme to celebrate the
50th anniversary of Match Of
The Day.

Hard for many of us to believe that

so many years have passed, since some
amongst us even remember what would
become the iconic voice of commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme back on that
inaugural programme on August 22,
1964. The game was at Anfield, and, for
the record, Liverpool beat Arsenal 3-2.
And, astoundingly,the crowd at the game
outnumbered the BBC 2 viewer count by
two-to-one as the station at that time was
only available in London area.
The programme last month was a
showcase of archive material and charted
the evolution of English footballs most
famous TV show.
Guests and contributors included Jose
Mourhino, Ryan Giggs, Thierry Henry,
Gary Lineker, Wayne Rooney, Des Lynam
and Alan Hansen. Even MOTD legendary
commentator Barry Davies made a one-off
special return appearance for the next days
Crystal Palace v West Ham game, and
was joined by Guy Mowbray, Jonathan
Pearce, Steve Wilson, John Motson and
Alistair Mann.
Ironically, Match of the Day was originally intended as a one-off series, a trial
run for the 1966 World Cup.
In 1965, several clubs tried to block the
programmes move to BBC One, which
was available to many more viewers, for
fear it would hurt ground receipts. A compromise was reached and the BBC agreed
not to reveal the televised Saturday match
until all games had ended.
Commentator, Wolstenholme was a former
RAF bomber pilot, flying
100 missions in World
War Two by the age of
23. He commentated on
23 consecutive FA Cup
finals and five World
Cups, coining the immortal phrase they think
its all over it is now,
as Jeff Hurst hammered
home Englands fourth
goal in the 1966 World
Cup Final win over West
Wolstenholme anchored MOTD from 1964
to 1969, and was followed
by: David Coleman 6873, Jimmy Hill 73-88,
Des Lynam 88-99, and
Gary Lineker 99 to present.

First Show August 22, 1964

transfers and 6,400 managerial changes. John Motson
described his pre-match briefings as six pages of editorial
gold dust.
n APRIL, 21, 2007,
Jacqui Oatley became Match
of the Days first female commentator the game was
Fulham v Blackburn. Celina
Hinchcliffe became the first
female presenter in February 2005
and Gabby Logan has since become a
regular replacement for Gary Lineker.
n EARLIER in 2014, Hansen
stepped down after 22 years as
MOTDs leading analyst. His first
appearance was in 1992 and his last
came on May 11, 2014.
theme tune Match of the Day was
commissioned in 1970 to replace
the original theme Drum Majorette by
Major Leslie Statham, a former Director of Music for the Welsh Guards.
In 2010, a survey by the Performing
Rights Society for Music placed it
as the most recognisable British TV
theme tune.
To mark last months 50th anniversary season, the programme
featured a new title sequence, taking
the audience on a journey through
the last five decades of television
football coverage. There were also a
few extra touches of nostalgia on the
anniversary weekend itself, Saturday,
August 23.


Just a few other noteable milestones
and facts of MOTD:
November 15, 1969 featured Liverpools
2-0 win over West Ham.
on the BBC was shown on December 16,
1983, between Manchester United and
Spurs. The BBC originally broadcast its
live matches on a Friday before switching
to Sundays the following year.
n AUGUST 19, 1995, Alan Hansen
uttered the now famous remark you cant
win anything with kids after Aston Villa
had beaten Manchester United 3-1. As
Hansen would be constantly reminded,
United went on to win the double that
season and countless other trophies with
that group of young players.
worked on MOTD for 37 years and, having been regularly referred to as our man
Albert by Lynam, once appeared on the
programme to prove he was a real person.
When he retired in 2005, his personal
records library included 24,000 player

No longer was it, Can the U.S. end its 23-year

World Cup drought? or Can New Zealand
defend its crown a fourth time?
The seemingly irrelevant match saw New
Zealand run in four late tries against the Eagles
to win, 34-3.
As Canada beat France and England ousted
Ireland, the U.S. and New Zealand battled to
face each other again.
The Eagles needed a come-from-behind
effort to beat Australia, 23-20, while the Black
Ferns handled Wales, 63-7.
As the Roses defeated Canada, 21-9, for
the World Cup trophy, New Zealand made
short work of the US. The Black Ferns beat
the Eagles, 55-5.

Scotland Get Off The Grass For


SCOTLAND WILL stage their autumn international against Tonga on 22 November at

Kilmarnock Football ground. Nothing very
surprising about that you might think apart
from the pitch itself which is an artificial one.
The game will a set record for being the first
Tier 1 international fixture not on grass.
The IRB chairman, Bernard Lapasset, has
praised Scotland for their innovation. Hailing
it as an exciting development, he added
that this would do wonders for the game in
those parts of the world where natural turf
was hard or impossible to grow. The surface
is ideally suited to passing rugby but is pretty
unforgiving when you are tackled.
The grass in Waless Millennium Stadium
cuts up badly so they could well consider
the possibilities of artificial sods there. It will
suit the Tongans, big, hard-running men, so
the Scots may find their innovation may not
be rewarded.

English Players Seeks French


Steffon Armitage was last picked for

England in 2010. The powerful flanker now
plays for Toulon and that is why he has been
barred from playing for his country. There is
no doubting the quality of the man he was

In the end, England won its first World Cup

since 1994 with a 4-0-1 record and plus-147
point differential. New Zealand walked away
with a fifth-place finish after a 4-1-0 effort and
plus-208 point differential.
A three-point loss was the difference between a shot at being World Cup champions
and a fifth-place finish.
Standing three years away (due to the IRB
Rugby World Cup Sevens in 2018), the 2017
World Cup has a greater chance of building on the excitement and attendance from
2014. Through numerous sold-out matches
and more than two million viewers for single
matches, the 2014 World Cup, held in Paris,
became the most-followed womens rugby
event in history.
named as this years European Player of the
Season but he is frustrated at not being able
to represent his country.
Now he has made it known that he intends
to seek selection for France in next years
World Cup by applying for French citizenship.
A frustrated Armitage could be playing
with fire, though. The slightest doubt over
his allegiance and any sense that he is trying
to force Englands hand will not amuse head
coach Stuart Lancaster, who puts great store
by old-fashioned patriotism and commitment
to the squad. He could get into the French
squad courtesy of an IRB loophole which
allows foreign players to play in Olympic
Sevens if they hold a passport for their new
country and have not played international
rugby for 18 months.

Irish Hopes And Welsh Dilemma

British Lions and Irish star flyhalf, Jonny

Sexton, currently plies his trade with Racing Metro, a change of country copied
by his 21-year-old younger brother Jerry
who plays for Auch in France. The latter is
on his way back, not to Ireland but Exeter
Chiefs, the English Premier side. Jerry, a
formidable lock, has been given a 14-week
trial to substitute for injured Chiefs captain,
Dean Mumm.
There is still no end in sight in the civil war
that is blighting Welsh rugby. The dispute
between the Welsh Rugby Union and the regions continues to fester. One player affected
by this is Wales captain Sam Warburton. He
is centrally contracted to the WRU the only
player in all of Wales to enjoy this distinction and cannot play for the Cardiff Blues
until a new participation agreement has been
worked out between the warring parties.

Page 14

Compiled by Larry Gardner

Continued from page 16
twice, by 51 runs and seven wickets but lost
both games to the New Zealanders. Yorkshire
beat Sussex by nine wickets at Scarborough,
mid-August, keeping them top of the county
championship after six wins from 13 games
with a total of 200pts. Sussex 368 (Edmund
Joyce 130) and 230 (Luke Wright 113).
Yorkshire 493 (Kane Williamson 189) and
106-1 at close. Nottinghamshire are just
behind with 194pts. Worcestershire having won seven of their thirteen matches led
Division Two with 208pts. Hampshire on
183pts is chasing.
Sri Lanka having lost their first Test by
153 runs by South Africa, drew the second
game, thus losing the short series 1-0. At
Galle they beat Pakistan by seven wickets.
Pakistan 451 (Younis Khan 177) and 180. Sri
Lanka 533 (Kumar Sangakkara 221)-9 dec
and 99-3 at closeAt Harare, South Africa
beat Zimbabwe by nine wickets in a one off
Test match. Zimbabwe 256 and 181. South
Africa 397 and 44-1 at close.


Bernard Langer decimated the field at

the Senior British Open at Porthcawl, Wales,
late July, where his 13 stroke victory proved
historically to be the biggest margin of victory in a Senior Major. The 56-year-olds 18
under 266 gave him his fourth senior major
title. Colin Montgomerie was the second
man with a five under 279. Same weekend;
Englands David Horsey captured the Russian Open in Moscow, after a play-off with
Irelands Damien McGrane. Both finished
with nine under 275s with Horsey winning it
on the first play-off holeScotlands Marc
Warren, won the Made in Denmark Tournament in Aalborg, August 17, with a nine under
275, just edging Welshman Bradley Dredge,
by two shots. Its the third European win for
the 33-year-old from East Kilbride.

The McIlroy Magic Continues

Rory McIIroy captured the WGC Bridgestone Invitational at Akron, Ohio, August 3,
and in doing so, moved to number one in the
world rankings. The Irishman started the final
round three strokes adrift of leader Sergio
Garcia, but carded a four under par 66, that
gave him a four round total of a 15 under
265. He finished with a two stroke lead over
Garcia. Justin Rose was six distant. Tiger
Woods was forced to withdraw during the
final round, where pain from his recent back
surgery became a problem.
The final Major of the golf year, the PGA
Championship at Louisville, Kentucky, concluding August 10, saw Rory McIIroy, claim
his third consecutive tournament victory with
a 16 under 268, one ahead of Phil Mickelson.
The magnificent McIIroy was three behind
going into the last nine holes on the final
round, where he showed the talents of a
true champion as he overhauled Mickelson,
Rickie Fowler and Henry Stenson. Dusk was
closing fast and the approaching darkness
added tension to an already tight finish. It
was the fourth career Major for the 25-yearold Irishman, whos had an unbelievably
spectacular summer. Tiger Woods did not
survive the cut, along with Brits Paul Casey
and Darren Clarke. Lee Westwood led the
charge on the first round, and was the second
finishing Brit seven strokes distant, while
Jamie Donaldson and Justin Rose were
another stroke back. Tiger Woods would
later confirm that he would not be available
for the approaching Ryder Cup, because of
his back trouble.

Mixed Results For Andy Murray

Heather Watson claimed her WTA fourth

doubles title when partner Alexandra Panova
of Russian, beat Raluca Olaru (Rom) and
Shahar Peer (Isr) 6-2, 7-6 (7-3) in the final
of the Baku Cup in Azerbajian, late July
Andy Murray says his relationship with
new coach Amlie Mauresmo, is for the
long haul, but the pair are still waiting for
success. At the Rogers Cup in Toronto and
Montreal, that ended August 10, Murray
(seeded eighth) beat the Australian Nick
Kyrgios, had a bye in the third round when
Richard Gasquet pulled out with injury and
then lost in the quarter-finals to Jo-Wifried
Tsongas of France 7-6, 4-6, 6-4. Tsongas
had already dumped Novak Djokovic in the
previous round, and went on to beat Roger
Federer in the final. Heather Watson beat
the Czech, Tereza Smitkov, then Slovakian,
Dominika Cibulkov before falling to Victoria
Azarenka 6-2, 6-4, who beat Venus Williams
in the final. The Williams sisters clashed in

September 2014

the semi-finals, with big sister Venus getting

the victory.
At the Western & Southern Open in Cincinnati, Andy Murray started with a win over
Joao Sousa, and then John Isner, but old
rival Roger Federer bettered the Scot 6-3,
7-5, and went on to win the tournament. British number two James Ward, beat Guillermo
Garcia-Lopez in three sets, but then found
Frances Julien Benneteau, too much of a
handful. Heather Watson crashed out against
Shuai Zhang of China in tight three setter.

Frank Maloney (left) with

Frank Bruno, and above
as his new gender Kellie
Maloney. (See Boxing)

Cycling & Formula One

Vincenzo Nibali became the first Italian to

win the Tour de France since 1998, as the
top rider for the Astana team. He won four
stages and held the leaders yellow jersey for
18 days. His overall time was seven minutes
and 52 seconds ahead of the field.
At the UCI World BMX (Bicycle-Motocross) Championships at Rotterdam, defending world champion Liam Phillips, lost his
crown, but Tre Whyte, who suffered a five
bike pile up during the elite final recovered
enough to take the bronze medal. For the
20-year-old from Peckham, it was his first
medal in international competition.
The Hungarian Grand Prix late July, saw
controversy for the Mercedes team when
Lewis Hamilton refused to let team-mate
Nico Rosberg pass even after getting instructions from the pit. Red Bulls Daniel
Riccairdi took the chequered flag, Fernando
Alonso was second with Hamilton third and
Rosberg fourth.


It was a long journey from Sheffield to

Carson, California, for unbeaten welterweight
Kell Brook, but it was worth the travel after he
took a majority decision over IBF champion
Shawn Porter (26-2-1) to claim his crown.
Brook was cut during the second round, but
kept out of trouble, using his jab effectively
as the Akron, Ohio, fighter tired. The Brit goes
33-0Frank Maloney, the man who guided
Lennox Lewis to the world heavyweight
crown and brought fame and fortune to the
Jamaican born fighter, was back in the news
again last month, even though he retired from
the boxing scene last October. The former
boxing promoter, 61, has had a gender reassignment procedure and now goes by the
name of Kellie Maloney. He has been married twice and has children, but says he will
spend the rest of his life as a single woman.

Euro-Soccer; Celtic Are The Last

Scottish Survivors

Disaster for Celtic in Poland, where the

first leg, third qualifying round of the Champions League Cup, July 30, saw the hoops
slammed 4-1 by Legia Warsaw. It could have
been worse, Legia skipper Ivica Vrdoljak
missed two penalties. Callum McGregor, put
the Scots ahead in the eighth minute, but the
Poles equalized two minutes later and scored
again in the 36th minute. Things changed
dramatically just before the break, when Efe
Ambrose was sent off, and the Poles added
two more in the second half. A friendly 6-1
loss at Helsinki, against Tottenham, in between legs could not have instilled a feeling of
well-being for the green and whites, and in the
second leg at Murrayfield, August 6, the Poles
put one away in both halves for a 2-0 result
and a winning 6-1 aggregate. However, it was
discovered that the Poles played an ineligible
player (Bartosz Bereszynski was brought on
as sub for the final three minutes) and UEFA
awarded Celtic a walkover 3-0 win which put
them through on the away goals rule.
The Play-Off qualifying round first leg,
August 19-20, saw Arsenal force a 0-0 draw
in Istanbul against Besiktas, where Aaron
Ramsey, received his marching orders ten
minutes from the end. Celtic took the lead in
Slovenia against NK Maribor, after Callum
McGregor, netted after just six minutes, but
the hosts equalized eight minutes later and
the Hoops came away with a 1-1 result.
The Euro-Super Cup was an all-Spanish
affair between European Champions Real
Madrid, and Europa Cup winners Sevilla,

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August 12. Played at Cardiff City Stadium,

85m Madrid recent transferee Gareth Bale,
must have felt at home in the City of his birth.
It was Ronaldo, free of injury, who provided
the onus for a 2-0 win for Madrid, with goals
on the half hour and 49th minute.
The third qualifying round of the Europa
League Cup July 31-August 6, saw Hull City
make their European debut with a scoreless
tie in Slovakia against AS Trencin. The Tigers
were awarded a penalty in the 61st minute.
Tom Huddlestone watched the goalie parry
it away and push the ball right back to him,
but his second chance shot at goal bounced
off the woodwork. At the KC Stadium, a
stunned silence spread across the ground
as Tomac Malec put Trencin ahead in the
second minute. Tension mounted, but goals
by Ahmed Elmohamady after 27 minutes,
and a second by Sone Aluko ten minutes
from time put Hull through.
Aberdeen was in Spain against Real
Sociedad, where a goal in each half by the
Spaniards witnessed the hosts win 2-0. At
Pittodrie, two late goals by the Spaniards
were enough to deliver the European death
blow for the Dons. Xabi Prieto got one in the
28th minute, while Peter Pawlett, grabbed
an equalizer just before the break. Mark
Reynolds found the net in the 57th minute,
but Prieto got a second four minutes from
time and Bergara took the third in the closing
seconds for a 3-2 Real Sociedad win.
St Johnstone welcomed the Slovakian
side Spartak Trnava, who went two up after
64 minutes. Dave Mackay scored in injury
time, but the 2-1 defeat did not look good for
the second leg. Stevie May put the Saints in
front just three minutes before half-time in
Slovakia, but Trnava came back with a goal
eight minutes from the whistle where a 1-1
result was enough for the hosts.
The Play-Off round, first leg, August 21,
witnessed Tottenham come from a goal
down in the fourteenth minute against AEL
Limassol in Cyprus, but both Roberto Soldado and Harry Kane scored during the last
six minutes to give Spurs a 2-1 win. Hull City
were in Belgium, and suffered a 1-0 loss to
KSC Lokeren.

The Cup Finals

Manchester United won the Guinness

International Champions Cup at Sun-Life
Stadium, Miami, August 4, after a 3-1 triumph
over old rivals Liverpool. Steven Gerrard
opened the scoring by putting a penalty
away, but goals by Wayne Rooney, Juan
Mata and Jesse Linguard, kept Uniteds
unbeaten summer American schedule intact.
The previous game against Real Madrid, saw
a record breaking 109,000 plus, gather at the
Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor, where United
beat the Spaniards 3-1. It was the largest
gate for a soccer match in American history
The MLS All-Star game at Portland, August
6, saw Caleb Porters protgs beat Bayern
Munich 2-1, where Landon Donovan provided the winner. Munichs Pep Guardiola was
not happy with some of the hard tackling from
the All-Stars, and did not offer the traditional
handshake after the game to coach Porter.
Donovan would later announce his retirement
from MLS soccer at the end of the season.
The FA Community Shield, the traditional
opener for the new English season, August
10, witnessed Premier Champions Manchester City and FA Cup winners Arsenal clash at

Wembley, where both sides left top players

out. The event, sponsored by McDonalds,
produced the usual big crowd. Santi Cazorla
put the Gunners ahead on the 22nd minute,
followed by nettings by Aaron Ramsey and
Oliver Giroud, that ultimately gave Arsenal a
deserved 3-0 victory.

The English Game

The first round of the Capitol One English

League Cup, August 12, saw the Premier
sides absent from the draw, but there were
some goals out there. At Dagenham &
Redbridge, the crowd suffered goal fever
as the hosts and Brentford ended up 4-4
at ninety minutes, then 6-6 after extra-time,
before Brentford won the penalty shootout
4-2. Ben Williamson got a hat-trick for Port
Vale, where visitors Hartlepool were beaten
6-2. Good result for Burton Albion who won
2-1 at home against Wigan. Wolves, newly
promoted to the championship had a shock
at Molineux, where last years division two
strugglers, Northampton came away 2-1

Scottish Soccer

The Ramsden Challenge Cup is no more,

but the new sponsor Petrovac Training Challenge Cup is. The competition for Scotlands
three lower divisions also includes two
Highland League sides. The first round July
26, and August 5, saw Highland League outfit
Brora Rangers defeat Stenhousemuir 3-1,
courtesy of a hat-trick by Zander Sunderland. Morton sent the other HL side home,
after a 1-0 home win over the Spartans. Goalfeast at East Stirling, where visitors Falkirk,
scored six times in the second half for a 7-1
demolition. Rangers beat Hibernian 2-1 at
the Ibrox, where an extra time goal by Nicky
Law made the difference. Lewis Macleod
put Rangers ahead in the tenth minute, then
Danny Handling leveled it for Hibs in the 59th
minute, only to get a red card 20 minutes
later. Cup-holders Raith Rovers, went out at
Dumfermline, where a Ross Millen, netting
proved the only goal of the game, just eight
minutes from the end. In the second round,
Rangers slammed Clyde 8-1 at the Ibrox,
featuring a hat-trick by Kris Boyd.
The first round of Scottish Communities
League Cup, August 2, saw the elimination
of the whole Scottish Second Division. Some
goal-feasts did occur however. A hat-trick
by Iain Russell aided Queen of the South
to a 5-0 home win over Elgin City, while
Dunfermline hammered Annan Athletic
5-1, and Dundee conquered Peterhead 4-0
later Rangers had a tough reality check in
front of 43,000 plus at the Ibrox, during their
first match in the Scottish Championship
schedule, where just relegated and recently
out of administration Hearts of Midlothian,
conquered 2-1. Danny Wilson put Hearts on
the scoreboard in the 53rd minute, then two
goals in the closing minute, one apiece from
each side kept the result in Hearts favour.
Nicky Law and Osman Sow were the late

Late Sport

Warwickshire won crickets first domestic

trophy of the season, beating Lancashire
by four runs in the final of theT20 Blast at
Edgbaston, over the August 23-24 weekend.
Warwicks 181-5 at 20 overs. Lancashire
177-8 at closeBritain had its best European Swimming Championships results ever,

where eleven gold medals, eight silver and

six bronze put them top of the medal table in
Berlin. Pride of performance to Adam Peaty,
who not only collected a couple of gold medals, but broke the world record in the 50m
breast-stroke with a time of 26.62 seconds
in the semi-final heats. Sarah Barrow, took
Britains first gold medal in the 10m platform
dive since 1927The Tetleys Rugby League
Challenge Cup at Wembley, saw the Leeds
Rhinos beat the Castleford Tigers 23-10
Jamie Donaldson earned himself a Ryder
Cup place after winning the Czech Masters
in Prague, after a 14 under 274. Its the third
European win for the Welshman. Fellow
Welshman, Bradley Dredge, was two strokes
behindTiger Woods has parted company
with coach Sean FoleyJonny Brownlee
won the Stockholm Triathlon in the ITU
World Championship series, just edging out
brother AlastairInverness CT went top of
the Scottish Premiership, after a 1-0 home
win over Champions Celtic, courtesy of a
Eoghan OConnell goal.

Continued from page 15

Evertons Barkley Could

Be Out For Months

EVERTON manager Roberto Martinez says

England midfielder Ross Barkley could be out
for several months with ligament damage in
his right knee.
Barkley was one of the Premier Leagues
breakthrough players last season but injured
his knee last month, just a day ahead of
Evertons opening game against newcomer
Martinez says that could be anything
between seven weeks and Ive seen injuries
like that take four or five months.

Crystal Palace: Neil Warnock

Named As New Manager

CRYSTAL PALACE have appointed former

boss Neil Warnock as their new manager.
The 65-year-old, who was at Palace between 2007 and 2010, has signed a two-year
deal after being chosen ahead of ex-West
Brom boss Steve Clarke.
Palace chairman and co-owner Steve
Parish has turned to Warnock as a successor to Tony Pulis who left before the start of
the season.
The London club are keen for caretaker
manager Keith Millen to be integrated into
the new set-up.

Lampard Retires From England,

With Technology His Legacy

DESPITE never winning a trophy with the socalled golden generation, Frank Lampard
retired from England duty August 26 having
provided his greatest legacy to football in one
game hed rather forget.
The midfielder prompted the introduction
of goal-line technology when he was denied
a clear goal in Englands humiliating 4-1 loss
to Germany at the 2010 World Cup.
The referees mistake was so glaring that
FIFA President Sepp Blatter quickly reversed
his long-standing opposition to goal-line technology. For the 2014 World Cup, FIFA used
cameras in stadiums to instantly determine
if a ball had crossed the line.
But as football entered a new era in
Brazil, Lampard was in the final act of an
international career that began in 1999. The
36-year-old midfielder made just one appearance at the World Cup, earning a 106th and
final cap in a 0-0 draw against Costa Rica
when England was already out of contention
to advance from the group stage.
Lampard has just embarked on a new
phase of his club career after a trophy-laden,
13-year spell at Chelsea was ended by the
club in May. He joined New York City FC,
which sent him back to the Premier League
on loan to partner club Manchester City to
prepare for the Major League Soccer teams
debut in 2015.

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September 2014


Saturday, August 30
Burnley v Man Utd; Man City v Stoke;
Newcastle v Crystal Palace; QPR v Sunderland;
Swansea v West Brom; West Ham v Southampton;
Everton v Chelsea
Sunday, August 31
Aston Villa v Hull; Tottenham v Liverpool
Leicester v Arsenal
Saturday, September 13
Arsenal v Man City; Chelsea v Swansea;
Crystal Palace v Burnley; Southampton v Newcastle;
Stoke v Leicester; Sunderland v Tottenham;
West Brom v Everton; Liverpool v Aston Villa
Sunday, September 14
Man Utd v QPR
Monday, September 15
Hull v West Ham
Saturday, September 20
QPR v Stoke; Aston Villa v Arsenal;
Burnley v Sunderland; Newcastle v Hull;
Swansea v Southampton; Tottenham v West Brom;
West Ham v Liverpool
Sunday, September 21
Leicester v Man Utd; Everton v Crystal Palace;
Man City v Chelsea
Saturday, September 27
Liverpool v Everton; Chelsea v Aston Villa;
Crystal Palace v Leicester; Hull v Man City;
Man Utd v West Ham; Southampton v QPR;
Sunderland v Swansea; Arsenal v Tottenham
Sunday, September 28
West Brom v Burnley
Monday, September 29
Stoke v Newcastle
Saturday, October 4
Hull v Crystal Palace; Leicester v Burnley;
Liverpool v West Brom; Sunderland v Stoke;
Swansea v Newcastle; Tottenham v Southampton;
Aston Villa v Man City
Sunday, October 5
Man Utd v Everton; Chelsea v Arsenal;
West Ham v QPR

British teams Second Leg matches
Tuesday, August 26
Celtic 0, Maribor 1 (Agg: 1-2)
Wednesday, August 27
Arsenal 1, Besiktas 0 (Agg: 1-0)


British teams Second Leg matches
Thursday, August 28
Hull v KSC Lokeren (Agg: 0-1)
Tottenham v AEL Limassol (Agg: 2-1)



Tuesday, August 26
Bournemouth 3, Northampton 0
Brentford 0, Fulham 1
Burnley 0, Sheff Wed 1
Crewe 2, Bolton 3
Derby 1, Charlton 0
Gillingham 0, Newcastle 1
Huddersfield 0, Nottm Forest 2
Leicester 0, Shrewsbury 1
Middlesbrough 3, Preston 1
Millwall 0, Southampton 2
Norwich 3, Crawley 1
Port Vale 2, Cardiff 3
Scunthorpe 0, Reading 1
Swansea 1, Rotherham 0
Swindon 2, Brighton 4
Walsall 0, Crystal Palace 3
Watford 1, Doncaster 2
West Ham 1, Sheff Utd 1
MK Dons 4, Man Utd 0
West Brom 1, Oxford Utd 1
Wednesday, August 27
Aston Villa 0, Leyton Orient 1
Birmingham 0, Sunderland 3
Bradford 2, Leeds 1
Burton 1, QPR 0
Stoke 3, Portsmouth 0
Ties are to be played during the week
commencing September 22
Chelsea v Bolton Wanderers
Arsenal v Southampton
West Bromwich Albion v Hull City
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United
Leyton Orient v Sheffield United
Cardiff City v AFC Bournemouth
Sunderland v Stoke City
Derby County v Reading
Liverpool v Middlesbrough
Milton Keynes Dons v Bradford City
Manchester City v Sheffield Wednesday
Burton Albion v Brighton and Hove Albion
Swansea City v Everton
Shrewsbury Town v Norwich City
Fulham v Doncaster Rovers
Tottenham Hotspur v Nottingham Forest

By Ridge Mahoney
Arsenal: Laurent Koscielny
flicked home a free-kick from
30m signing Alexis Sanchez to
net a goal in the season opener,
which the Gunners won, 2-1, over Crystal
Palace when Aaron Ramsey scored in stoppage time. The Gunners fought back from two
goals down to snag a 2-2 draw at Everton
by scoring twice in the final seven minutes.
Olivier Girouds header from a Nacho Monreal
cross got the point after Ramsey had poked
home a Santi Cazorla cross.
Aston Villa: Andreas Weimanns
goal five minutes into the second
half brought Villa a 1-0 victory at
Stoke that was Villas first away win
since January 1 and marked the club debuts
for Kieran Richardson and defensive pair
Philippe Senderos and Aly Cissokho. Winger
Charles NZogbia returned after missing all
of that season because of injury. A pair of
strong second-half saves by keeper Brad
Guzan helped Villa garner a 0-0 draw at
Newcastle United.
Burnley: The Premier League
party got off to a great start when
Scott Arfield scored against Chelsea in the 14th minute but the rest
of the day at Turf Moor went as expected
for the Clarets, who were beaten, 3-1. They
lost their second game of the season, 1-0,
at Swansea City.
Chelsea: Expected victories
over promoted clubs Burnley (3-1)
and Leicester City (2-0) unveiled
Diego Costa, who scored a goal
apiece in the two games. Eden Hazard added
a clinching goal in the latter match after had
Costa had chested down a cross from Branko
Ivanovic to open the scoring in the 63rd
minute. Costa, Andre Schurrle and Ivanovic
were on the board in the opening-day defeat
of Burnley in which Chelsea fell behind early
yet won convincingly.
Crystal Palace: BBC commentator Barry Davies came
out of retirement to call a match
against West Ham United on

Match of the Days 50th anniversary, but the

manager-less Eagles were clearly secondbest in a 3-1 loss. Maroune Chamakhs goal
early in the second half cut a deficit to 2-1
but they got no closer as management sought
a long-term solution for the abrupt departure
of Tony Pulis two days before the season
opener, plus revelations of racist, sexist and
homophobic texts sent by Malky Mackay
while he was Cardiff City manager.
Everton: The season began
with the Toffees squandering
leads in their first two games,
both of which ended, 2-2. Steven
Naismith scored just before halftime to give
the Toffees a 2-1 lead at Leicester City after
Aiden McGeady had netted their first goal but
the lead didnt stand up. Goals by Seamus
Coleman and Steven Naismith opened up
a 2-0 lead against Arsenal but the Toffees
resistance crumbled late. Gareth Barrys
chip set up Coleman for his goal and Romelu
Lukaku did the work that provided the chance
for Naismith, but the lead evaporated the final
seven minutes.
Hull City: James Chester
planted a second-half header
into the net to spoil the opener for
Queens Park Rangers, 1-0. The
Tigers took a 1-0 lead at Stoke City despite
going down to 10 men early when Chester
was sent off yet ended up with a 1-1 tie.
Nikica Jelavic poked home the rebound of
a saved Tom Huddlestone shot to put them
ahead but instinctive finish gave them the lead
shortly before half-time. Allan McGregors
goalkeeping bailed them out several times
and they were left incensed that the tying goal
came from a throw-in mistakenly awarded to
the opposition.
Leicester City: Back in the
top flight for the first time in
more than a decade, the Foxes
opened the campaign with a 2-2
draw against Everton before being beaten 2-0
at Chelsea. Club record signing Leonardo
Ulloa debuted with a goal against Everton,
and substitute Chris Wood scored with four
minutes remaining to tie up Everton.
Liverpool: Daniel Sturridge and Raheem

City Completes Signing Of

France Defender Mangala

United Bans Ipads, Tablet

Devices At Old Trafford

MAN UNITED is banning fans from bringing

iPads or other tablet devices into Old Trafford
this season, saying the club is following the
latest security intelligence.
United says the policy change will ensure the continued safety and security of all
Football fans are increasingly using iPads
and similar devices to take photographs and
videos in stadiums, increasing fears that
matches could be filmed and copyright laws
could be broken.

Glenn Hoddle Returns To

Coaching At QPR

FORMER England coach Glenn Hoddle return

ed to football after an eight-year absence
by joining the backroom staff of promoted
Premier League team Queens Park Rangers.
Hoddles last coaching job was at secondtier club Wolverhampton Wanderers, which
ended in 2006. He also managed Swindon,
Chelsea, Southampton and Tottenham in the
Premier League.
As a central midfielder, Hoddle had spells
with Tottenham, Monaco and Chelsea in his
playing career.

FRANCE defender Eliaquim Mangala became

Manchester Citys most expensive signing
of the off-season when he joined the English
champions from FC Porto last month for a
reported fee of 32m.
Strengthening Citys defense has been one
of the priorities of manager Manuel Pellegrini,
with the 23-year-old Mangala set to compete
with Argentina international Martin Demichelis
to partner Vincent Kompany at center back.

West Hams Morrison Freed

On Bail In Assault Case

WEST HAM midfielder Ravel Morrison has

been released on bail pending a hearing into
charges he assaulted two women.
The 21-year-old former Manchester United
player had been held in custody for four days.
He was arrested after allegedly punching
and slapping his former 19-year-old girlfriend
and her 39-year-old mother.
Morrison was released when a judge
granted bail following a private court hearing.
He is due to appear at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Gascoigne Released From

Hospital After Drinking Binge

FORMER England midfielder Paul Gascoigne

was treated in hospital last month as he faces
being made homeless following another

Voice Of BBC Classified Football Results James Alexander Gordon


78, one of the most recognisable voices in
British broadcasting, has died.
Once an institution in Britain was the
voice of Gordon. People would be glued
to their transistor radios on the way home
from games, or at home with their football
pools coupons in hand.
Gordon read the classified football
results on BBC radio for40 years before
stepping down in 2013.
He retired following throat surgery after
he was diagnosed with cancer.
Gordon was a BBC Radio 2 staff
announcer when he began reading the
football results in 1973
Nicknamed Jag because of his initials,
Gordon attracted an army of followers with
his distinctive Scottish accent and unique
style of delivery. He would alter his tone
of voice to indicate whether a result was a
home win, an away win, or a draw.
Richard Burgess, head of BBC Radio

Page 15

Sport, said: James was an iconic radio

voice, who turned the classified football
results on BBC radio into a national
He was also a true gentleman, who
was loved and admired by his colleagues.
He took enormous pride in his work
and I know he was greatly touched by all
the tributes he received upon his retirement
last year.
Former England captain Jimmy Armfield, a BBC Radio 5 live colleague of
Gordon, was among the many football
personalities to pay tribute.

5 Live and the football results have lost

a friend today,said Armfield.I can remember before I joined and he came to the
BBC that the style was more regimented.
He put a different slant on to it. He went
up with the voice and down with the voice.
He seemed to pitch it just right. He did
it all with perfect enunciation. That lovely
voice, with the little trace of Scots in it,
with the highs and lows. He knew when
to lift it and put it down.
Eric Morecambe, of comedy pair Morecambe and Wise, was among Gordons
fans on whose early-career radio show
Gordon had been an announcer.
In a 2012 interview, Gordon said that
Morecambe always greeted him with a
famous tongue-twister scoreline involving
Scottish sides East Fife and Forfar one
which never happened
Gordon, who lived in Berkshire, was
married to Julia, with a son, David, and two
grandchildren, Molly and Martha.

Sterling scored the goals as

Liverpool began the post-Luis
Suarez era by beating Southampton, 2-1. Dejan Lovren debuted
as a starter against the club
he left in a bitter 20m transfer and Rickie
Lambert came off the bench. New signing
Mario Balotelli attended but didnt play in a
3-1 loss at Manchester City in which only an
own goal saved the Reds from being blanked.
Sturridge took five of Liverpools 11 shots
without reward, and it was a scramble by
sub Lambert that ended up in the City net.
Manchester City: David Silva
scored late in the first half and
Sergio Aguero tacked on a second
goal in the final minutes as City
opened their title defense by winning, 2-0, at
Newcastle. Stevan Jovetic scored on either
side of halftime and Aguero hit what proved
to be the winner of a 3-1 defeat of Liverpool
that gave the defending champions maximum
points from the first two games.
Manchester United: Juan
Mata tapped home a deflected
cross from Antonio Valencia
to move United ahead, 1-0, at
Sunderland, but they struggled terribly in the
3-5-2 formation installed by manager Louis
Van Gaal and were fortunate to depart with
a 1-1 tie. Chris Smalling limped off before
halftime and was replaced by Michael Keane.
The season began with a dispiriting 2-1 home
loss to Swansea City; United rallied to equalize with a Wayne Rooney goal but the Van
Gaal era started with a home defeat.
Newcastle United: An opening-day crowd of 50,816 at St.
James Park saw impressive
debuts for newcomers Jack
Colback and Remy Cabella, and striker
Emmanuel Riviere provided a few exciting
moments, but the Magpies were unable to
break through against the defending champions and lost, 2-0.
Queens Park Rangers: A
return to the Premier League at
home didnt produce the desired
result, as Rangers fell to Hull City
in the opener, 1-0. Charlie Austin failed to
convert a penalty kick in the 84th minute
that could have earned a point. QPR trailed
at Tottenham 3-0 at halftime and seldom
threatened in the second half of a 4-0 defeat.
Southampton: Nathaniel Clynes equalizer
at Liverpool raised hopes of a result but the
drinking binge.
Paramedics and cops were called after the
football legend was seen slumped outside his
flat clutching a bottle of vodka.
The Daily Mirror quoted a friend of
Gascoignes saying: It is very sad. But the
reality is Paul has been drinking for the past
few weeks and once that happens things will
only end one way.
He was treated at Poole Hospital.
His most recent rehab stint was in January when he checked into a 6,000-a-month
clinic in Southampton.
This was at least his seventh attempt to
get professional help to quit alcohol with his
most stint in January when he checked into
a 6,000-a-month clinic in Southampton.

Malky Mackay: Ex-Cardiff Boss

Sorry For Two Disrespectful Texts

MALKY MACKAY has apologised for sending

two one-line text messages he admits were
disrespectful of other cultures.
The former Cardiff boss and his exBluebirds colleague Iain Moody are alleged
to have shared racist, sexist and homophobic
But Mackay, 42, says his texts were part
of friendly text message banter.
If Malky has caused any offence by these
two isolated matters he would wish to sincerely apologise, read a League Managers
Association statement.
Continued on page 14

Saints couldnt hang on and were

beaten, 2-1. Manager Ronald
Koeman made his home debut
in a 0-0 tie with West Bromwich
Albion. Summer signing Graziano Pelle
occasionally livened up an attack severely
weakened by offseason departures but the
Saints werent all that dangerous.
Stoke City: The Potters lost
only three times at home all of last
season, but started off the 2014-15
campaign by losing, 1-0, to Aston
Villa. Ryan Shawcross forced a loose ball just
over the goal line during a scramble to earn
Stoke a 1-1 tie at Hull City. Thats all the Potters could take from the game despite playing
a man up after the 14th minute. American
defender Geoff Cameron didnt play in either
match and could be set for a change of clubs.
Sunderland: Lee Cattermole scored a superb goal in
the fifth minute and Sebastian
Larsson knocked in a late
equalizer in a 2-2 tie at West Bromwich
Albion. Jack Rodwell equalized on the half
hour with his first goal for the club but despite
numerous opportunities the Black Cats were
unable to gain the lead and ended up tied with
Manchester United, 1-1. Rodwell scored from
a corner off the foot of Larsson, who had a
chance on a free kick with 15 minutes but
badly missed the target.
Swansea City: Gylfi Sigurdsson, making his second debut
for the club, scored the winner
as the Swans opened the season
with one of its biggest Premier League wins:
2-1 at Old Trafford. Ki Sung-Yueng stunned
United with the opening goal and Swansea
kept pressing after being tied up. They got
their reward when Wayne Routledges misshot rolled kindly for Sigurdsson to bang into
the net. Nathan Dyers goal midway through
the first half was all the Swans needed to
beat a battling Burnley team, 1-0. Sigurdsson
delivered the cross that the defense failed
to deal with and Dyer dispatched in the net.
Tottenham: Eric Dier scored in
stoppage time in his debut as Spurs
opened the season by beating West
Ham, 1-0. Dier stepped in a right
back following a red card to Kyle
Naughton and after a stunning save by Hugo
Lloris kept the game goalless, he slipped
through the back line to score. Spurs ruined
the return to White Hart Lane of former manager Harry Redknapp by blasting his current
team, 4-0. Nacer Chadli scored twice and Eric
Dier and Emmanuel Adebayor also scored in
the rout of Queens Park Rangers.
West Bromwich Albion: New
boss Alan Irvine debuted at home
in a 2-2 tie with Sunderland. Saido
Berahino struck twice after the
Baggies fell behind but they squandered the
lead with five minutes remaining. The opening
game had already brought a point via a 0-0
tie at Southampton. Porto winger Silvestre
Varela has been signed on loan. He scored
for Portugal at the World Cup in a 2-2 tie with
the United States.
West Ham United: Manager
Sam Allardyce got an important
victory and summer signing
Mauro Zarate scored on his debut in a 3-1 victory at Crystal Palace. Stewart
Downing and Carlton Cole also scored and
James Tomkins headed against the crossbar.
Mark Noble failed to convert a penalty kick in
a 1-0 loss at Tottenham.

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Page 16
Ukraine and Russia led the medal table.

Britain Find The Gold In Zurich

Compiled by Larry Gardner

Scottish Games Acclaimed As A

Roaring Success

THE 11 DAYS of sporting competition during the Commonwealth Games at Glasgow,

concluded August 3, with a rousing closing
ceremony of music and colour. Scottish
comedian Des Clarke, pronounced it the
end of the biggest party in Scottish history.
Prince Imran of Malaysia, the President of
the Commonwealth Games Federation called
it the best games ever. Glasgow, he said.
You were Pure, Dead Brilliant. Lulu sang
her big hit Shout. Kylie Minogue did a seven
song set, and Deacon Blue and Pride were
amongst several musical contributors. Not
forgetting the 240 massed pipers and drummers of the Royal Edinburgh Tattoo. HRH
Prince Edward the Earl of Wessex, officially
pronounced the games closed.
Australia had topped the medal table for
the last six consecutive games, but not this
time. Englands athletes proved their talent
and skills procuring the most medals this
time. Englands count was; 58 gold, 59 silver
and 57 bronze for a grand total of 174 medals. Australia were second with 49 gold, 42
silver and 46 bronzes equaling 137 medals.
Scotland had its best medal count ever with
19 gold, 15 silver and 19 bronze. Wales
captured five gold, 11 silver and 20 bronze.
Northern Ireland came away with two gold,
three silver and seven bronze, that included
nine boxing medals. 37 countries of the 71
nations taking part took home medals
Olympic and world record holding sprint
champion Usain Bolt, anchored the Jamaicans for the gold medal in the 4 x100 relay.
40-year-old veteran long distance runner Jo
Pavey, broke the trio of Kenyans at the front
of the 5,000m to win the bronze. The pocket
rocket from Devon, 16-year-old Claudia
Fragapane at just 54, won a record breaking four gymnastic gold medals, while Max
ce syndicate
now offers
won three.
husband to
mple to understand
very reasonably
teams wereand
the gold too.priced.
Paul and
Rate Table -Medical
and Canada
in the
doubles table
w rates are effective through 6/30/10.
tennis, and Chris and Gabby Adcock scored
$1,000 Deductible $2,500 Deductible
the mixed
in Badminton.
$289 and
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Weir, took
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The $847
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a bunch
of British
$1,520 came
Steph Slater
with seven
$1,566 $1,713
$1,282 $1,398
gold medals,
Stephanie Millward,
and Susie
$1,965 $1,970
$1,653 $1,609
four gold
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medals $6,233
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third in$5,319
the medal
$10,111 $8,617
$7,983 $6,488
$6,925 $5,608
$10,547 $8.991
$8.330 $6,776
$7,226 $5,856





September 2014



The European Track and Athletic Championships at Zurich, August 12-17, saw
Britain produce a clutch of gold medals. 40
year old mother of two, Jo Pavey, won the
10,000m,becoming the oldest athlete to win
gold in the games history, while an attempt
in the 5,000m proved a little bit too much for
her. Mo Farah enhanced his reputation with
double gold in the 10,000m and the 5,000m.
James Dasaolu collected gold in the 100m,
Tiffany Porter took gold in the 100m hurdles,
while Martyn Rooney won the 400m. Adam
Gemili captured the 200m, Eilidh Child the
400m hurdles and Greg Rutherford the long
jump. The last day of competition saw three
of Britains relay squads score gold. The
womens 4x100m, the mens 4x100m and
the mens 4x400m squads. Britains twelve
gold medals put them top of the medal
table, which also included five silvers and
six bronzes for a total of 23 medals. France
was the runner up nation with 23 medals,
but not as many gold as Britain,

England Win 2014 Womens IRB World Cup

England Wins Test Series Against


England got themselves back in contention during their Test series with India,
winning the third Test at the Rose Bowl in
Southampton by 266 runs, thus leveling the
series 1-1. England 569 (Gary Balance 156,
Ian Bell 107)-7 dec and 205-4 dec. India
330 and 178. It was Englands first Test win
in ten matches. England continued their run
of good fortune at Old Trafford, and beat a
very passive Indian side by an innings and 54
runs. A torrential rain storm halted play on the
second day, but Englands bowlers were in
a devastating mood and claimed victory on
just the third day of play. India 152 and 161.
England 367-9 dec. The fifth and final Test at
the Oval, saw England tighten the screw as a
despondent India capitulated in three days, as
England won by an innings and 244 runs to
win the series 3-1. India 148 and 94. England
486 (Joe Root 149 not out).
India were fined for bowling at a slow overrate during their fifth and final test against
England at The Oval.
The ruling stated that Mahendra Singh
Dhonis lineup was three overs short of its
target at the end of the match.
Captain Dhoni was fined 60 percent of his
match fee, and faces a one-test ban if hes
found guilty of a similar breach in the next 12
months. The rest of Indias starting XI was
fined 30 percent of their match fees.
The England Lions played a triangular ODI
tournament, August 6-12, at Taunton, Bristol
and Worcester, against the New Zealand and
Sri Lanka A sides. They beat the Sri Lankans
Continued on page 14

See story on page 13

Late Transfers

Names In
The News


British transfer record in signing
Real Madrids Angel Di Maria for
59.7m. Everton signed Samuel
Etoo on a free transfer from
Chelsea. Liverpool signed Italy
striker Mario Balotelli from AC Milan for 16m last month, taking a
calculated gamble on a headlinegrabbing player known as much
for his controversies as his goals.



Mario Balotelli


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