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Gary Luo Palmer Stowkowy Pine


Wed. Oct. 8 2014, written

On that day, the two Pine Beetle investigators were hiking in Norquay. On that trail, they were chocked with the conditions of the tall
pine trees. All of the branches of the trees had little tunnel like patterns. Because of their curiosities, they carefully took a sample of an
infected branch, and took it back to school, to observe of this great mystery. When they came back, they used a microscope to see each
detail of the markings. With the help of research, they discovered that Pine Beetles have eaten most of the Pine trees. Why not others
trees was their question. Finally, Gary and Palmer realized why the Pine Beetles only eats the pine trees. They eat the pine trees because

On this branch, you can see
how the Pine Beetles have
eaten little tunnels. Its kind
of like art. But unfortunately,
the Pine trees will die, for,
the surface to part of the tree is
the only way for the Pine tree to
pump the nutrition and water
to the top.
Norquay ski Lodge Canada- 11 years old Gary
Luo and 11 years old Palmer Stowkowy are
hiking in the mountains on a sunny day. The two
students schools are Calgary French &
International School (CFIS). Theyve been
learning at CFIS during preschool and were
always best friends. Now they are in grade 6 and
is together hiking in Norquay in the weekends.

Norquay ski lodge-
In 20 of September
2014 summer
Temperature close
to 20 degrees

they have the most sugar. They also learned the parts of a Pine Beetle and what they use it for.

Here, you can see an example
inside a tree.

The antenna, which is use for finding objects such as
Pine Trees
Their 6 legs are helpful from escaping from sap and
climbing tees.
Their hard outer wings (elytra,) used to protect their
Under wings, used to fly around.

They also have 3 parts. Their head, Thorax and Abdomen

So, how can we help, to solve this dreadful problem? Gary and Palmer noticed that controlled fire
should kill most of their population. Also, the investigators suggest people to use Pine Beetle
repellent. It will make this smell that Pine Beetles dont like. But the deadliest solution for Pine
Beetles is winter. When winter comes, the coldness will almost wipe out most of them. They are
vulnerable to coldness. Finally, Gary and Palmer last information is that Pine Beetles play an
important role for the life cycle. Without the Pine Beetles, other animals depending on them will
die. And it will later on infect us. So they are still very important.

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