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Specifcation Section 15265

Procedure For Cleaning of Hot And Chilled water

Piping Systems
1. Connect radiators, reheat coils, fan coils, auto fow control
valves, etc., without control valves or strainers in place.
2. Flush system with clear water circulating with pumps in a
manner that prevents overloading pumps. (ie. by foors, coil, etc.
!ump fush water into an approved drain.
". Fill system with approved treatment chemicals, heat water to
1#$ degrees F., circulate each area being fushed a minimum of 2%
hrs manually operating hand valves as needed during this process
to insure complete cleaning.
%. &hroughouly fush the wash product out of system (verifying
safe disposal of wash chemicals and wash water. Clean pump
strainers and remove startup screens or soc's.
(. &rim out system (installing control valves, strainers, autofow
balancing, valves, etc. )e*ll system with approved treated water
+. &reat water with an approved chemical. ,ritfy with -./ 0hysical 0lant
1ydronics shop.

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