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A SLaLlsLlcs

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l wanL you Lo show me whaL you learned durlng our sLudy of /)01$'23'4) 03,3'03'10. uslng your personal
daLa from Lhe monLh of CcLober, you wlll creaLe a compleLe descrlpLlve analysls. lor each varlable, use
Lhe proper graphlcal and numerlc meLhods Lo descrlbe Lhe /'03$'5#3'".0 of each of your varlables.
Lxplore blvarlaLe relaLlonshlps wlLh conLlngency Lables, comparaLlve bar charLs, comparaLlve
hlsLograms, comparaLlve box ploLs, scaLLer ploLs, Llme serles or regresslon analysls.
?ou wlll presenL your research on a sLandard 22" by 28" posLer board.
Craphs may be hand drawn only lf execuLed ln a manner LhaL produces a slmllar quallLy Lo Lhose
produced by Lechnologlcal means.
1he pro[ecL ls worLh 100 polnLs and counLs as one LesL grade. lL ls due ln class on Monday, november
. LaLe pro[ecLs wlll noL be accepLed.

-(./(0#0' 1#234*#.#0'5 6#47"'
uaLa SeL Lxcel flled named wlLh Lhe formaL: ?ourLasLname_C2014.xlsx
1he flles should be posLed Lo Lhe SLaLlsLlcs folder l share wlLh you Lhrough
Coogle drlve
?ou musL aL a mlnlmum calculaLe one measure of cenLral Lendency, one
measure of varlablllLy and one graphlcal dlsplay of Lhe /'03$'5#3'". for each
varlable you measured (10 each). ?ou musL also explore aL leasL one
blvarlaLe relaLlonshlp graphlcally, and perform aL leasL one regresslon analysls
resenLaLlon 1he dlsplay musL be well-execuLed and pleaslng Lo my eye. 20

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